From 979d6ec51b8d53feab7fdca9f250a87b06b27af4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Derick Rethans Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 11:43:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] - Added broken down original code. --- twig.c | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) diff --git a/twig.c b/twig.c index ee1a21d..838cf4f 100644 --- a/twig.c +++ b/twig.c @@ -116,4 +116,96 @@ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(twig) PHP_FUNCTION(twig_template_get_attributes) { +/* + // array + if (Twig_TemplateInterface::METHOD_CALL !== $type) { + if ((is_array($object) || is_object($object) && $object instanceof ArrayAccess) && isset($object[$item])) { + return $object[$item]; + } +*/ +/* + if (Twig_TemplateInterface::ARRAY_CALL === $type) { + if (!$this->env->isStrictVariables() || $noStrictCheck) { + return null; + } + + if (is_object($object)) { + throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Key "%s" in object (with ArrayAccess) of type "%s" does not exist', $item, get_class($object)), $line, $this->getTemplateName()); + // array + } else { + throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Key "%s" for array with keys "%s" does not exist', $item, implode(', ', array_keys($object))), $line, $this->getTemplateName()); + } + } + } +*/ +/* + if (!is_object($object)) { + if (!$this->env->isStrictVariables() || $noStrictCheck) { + return null; + } + throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Item "%s" for "%s" does not exist', $item, $object), $line, $this->getTemplateName()); + } +*/ +/* + // get some information about the object + $class = get_class($object); + if (!isset(self::$cache[$class])) { + $r = new ReflectionClass($class); + self::$cache[$class] = array('methods' => array(), 'properties' => array()); + foreach ($r->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) { + self::$cache[$class]['methods'][strtolower($method->getName())] = true; + } + + foreach ($r->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) { + self::$cache[$class]['properties'][$property->getName()] = true; + } + } +*/ +/* + // object property + if (Twig_TemplateInterface::METHOD_CALL !== $type) { + if (isset(self::$cache[$class]['properties'][$item]) || isset($object->$item)) { + if ($this->env->hasExtension('sandbox')) { + $this->env->getExtension('sandbox')->checkPropertyAllowed($object, $item); + } + + return $object->$item; + } + } +*/ +/* + // object method + $lcItem = strtolower($item); + if (isset(self::$cache[$class]['methods'][$lcItem])) { + $method = $item; + } elseif (isset(self::$cache[$class]['methods']['get'.$lcItem])) { + $method = 'get'.$item; + } elseif (isset(self::$cache[$class]['methods']['is'.$lcItem])) { + $method = 'is'.$item; + } elseif (isset(self::$cache[$class]['methods']['__call'])) { + $method = $item; + } else { + if (!$this->env->isStrictVariables() || $noStrictCheck) { + return null; + } + + throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Method "%s" for object "%s" does not exist', $item, get_class($object)), $line, $this->getTemplateName()); + } +*/ +/* + if ($this->env->hasExtension('sandbox')) { + $this->env->getExtension('sandbox')->checkMethodAllowed($object, $method); + } +*/ +/* + $ret = call_user_func_array(array($object, $method), $arguments); +*/ +/* + if ($object instanceof Twig_TemplateInterface) { + return new Twig_Markup($ret); + } +*/ +/* + return $ret; +*/ } --