When template code is providing by a third-party (through a web interface for
instance), it might be interesting to validate the template syntax before
saving it. If the template code is stored in a `$template` variable, here is
-how you can do it:
+how you can do it::
-try {
- $twig->parse($twig->tokenize($template));
+ try {
+ $twig->parse($twig->tokenize($template));
+ // the $template is valid
+ } catch (Twig_Error_Syntax $e) {
+ // $template contains one or more syntax errors
+ }
+Refreshing modified templates when APC is switched on with apc.stat = 0
+When using APC to cache, apc.stat is 0 and PHP caching of templates is enabled
+the result won't show until cache is cleared. To get around this one can extend
+Twig_Environment and force update cache when Twig rewrites the cache::
+ /**
+ * Modified Twig Environment for APC bytecode cache support
+ */
+ class Twig_Environment_APC extends Twig_Environment
+ {
+ protected function writeCacheFile($file, $content) {
+ parent::writeCacheFile($file, $content);
- // the $template is valid
-} catch (Twig_Error_Syntax $e) {
- // $template contains one or more syntax errors
+ // Compile cached file into bytecode cache
+ apc_compile_file($file);
+ }
+ }
.. _callback: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.is-callable.php