--- /dev/null
+// PHP Implementation: dbupgrade
+// Description:
+// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <konrad@silmor.de>, (C) 2009
+// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
+/**performs an upgrade from a 1.x database to a current 2.x database*/
+class DBUpgrade
+ /**performs the upgrade*/
+ static public function upgrade()
+ {
+ global $olddb,$db;
+ $olddb->tryConnect();
+ echo "Start.<br/>Checking DB Version...\n";
+ if(!$olddb->hasTable("config"))
+ die("DB does not have MagicSmoke tables.");
+ if(substr($olddb->getConfig("MagicSmokeVersion"),0,3)!="00.")
+ die("This is not a MagicSmoke 1.x DB.");
+ self::cleanout();
+ self::copytable("config");
+ $db->update("config",array("cval"=>$db->needVersion()),"ckey='MagicSmokeVersion'");
+ self::copytable("template");
+ self::copytable("host");
+ self::copytable("user","users");
+ self::copytable("userhost","userhosts");
+ self::correctusers();
+ //customer/address/contact
+ self::copycustomer();
+ //room/event/
+ self::copytable("room");
+ self::copyevents();
+ //orders
+ self::copyorders();
+ //audit
+ self::copyaudit();
+ self::fprint("<br>Done.<p>\n");
+ }
+ /**helper: copies a table 1:1*/
+ static private function copytable($table,$otable="")
+ {
+ if($otable=="")$otable=$table;
+ self::fprint("<br/>Copying OLD:$otable to NEW:$table...\n");
+ global $dbScheme,$olddb,$db;
+ $res=$olddb->select($otable,"*");
+ foreach($res as $row){
+ self::insert($table,$row);
+ }
+ }
+ /**helper: inserts or updates data, depending on whether the target already exists*/
+ static private function insert($table,$row)
+ {
+ global $db,$dbScheme;
+ //does it exist?
+ $w="";
+ $pk=$dbScheme->primaryKeyColumns($table);
+ foreach($pk as $p){
+ if($w!="")$w.=" AND ";
+ $w.=$p."=".$db->escapeColumn($table,$p,$row[$p]);
+ }
+ $res=$db->select($table,"*",$w);
+ //no:insert, yes:update
+ if(count($res)<1)
+ return $db->insert($table,$row);
+ else
+ return $db->update($table,$row,$w);
+ }
+ /**helper: resets the target database to the state it was in when freshly installed*/
+ static private function cleanout()
+ {
+ global $db,$dbScheme;
+ self::fprint("<br>Deleting Target DB...\n");
+ foreach($dbScheme->tableNames() as $t)
+ $db->deleteRows($t,"1=1");
+ self::fprint("<br>Resetting presets...\n");
+ foreach($dbScheme->tableNames() as $t)
+ foreach($dbScheme->tableDefaults($t) as $row)
+ $db->insert($t,$row);
+ }
+ /**helper: works on the freshly copied target DB, corrects changes in user and host storage*/
+ static private function correctusers()
+ {
+ global $db,$olddb;
+ //delete obsolete pseudohosts
+ $db->deleteRows("userhost","host='_anon' OR host='_online'");
+ $db->deleteRows("host","hostname='_anon' OR hostname='_online'");
+ //hash user passwords
+ $res=$db->select("user","uname,passwd");
+ foreach($res as $row){
+ $db->update("user",array("passwd"=>self::hashPasswd($row["passwd"])),
+ "uname=".$db->escapeColumn("user","passwd",$row["uname"]));
+ }
+ //hash host passwords
+ $res=$db->select("host","hostname,hostkey");
+ foreach($res as $row){
+ if($db->isNull($row["hostkey"]))continue;
+ $db->update("host",array("hostkey"=>self::hashPasswd($row["hostkey"])),
+ "hostname=".$db->escapeColumn("host","hostname",$row["hostname"]));
+ }
+ //create admins
+ $res=$olddb->select("userrole","uname","role='_admin'");
+ foreach($res as $row)
+ $db->insert("userrole",array("uname"=>$row["uname"],"role"=>"_admin"));
+ }
+ /**helper: converts a plain text password into salted SHA1 form*/
+ static private function hashPasswd($p)
+ {
+ $s=getSalt();
+ return $s." ".sha1($s.$p);
+ }
+ /**helper: copies customer data and attempts to properly parse and convert it on the way*/
+ static private function copycustomer()
+ {
+ self::fprint("<br>Converting Customer Data...\n");
+ global $olddb,$db,$dbScheme;
+ $cust=$olddb->select("customer","*");
+ $webu=$olddb->select("webuser","*");
+ //create dummy contact type
+ $res=$db->select("contacttype","contacttypeid","contacttype='anything'");
+ if(count($res)>0)$dct=$res[0]["contacttypeid"];
+ else $dct=$db->insert("contacttype",array("contacttype"=>"anything"));
+ //copy base data
+ $titles=array("Mr.","Mr","Mister","Ms","Ms.","Miss","Mrs.","Mrs",
+ "Dame","Lady","Lord","Dr.","Dr","Sir","Professor","Prof.",
+ "Herr","Frau","Firma","Fa.","Familie","Fam.");
+ foreach($cust as $c){
+ $ci=array("customerid"=>$c["customerid"],"comments"=>$c["comments"],
+ "title"=>"","name"=>$c["name"],"firstname"=>"");
+ //parse name
+ $ns=explode(" ",$c["name"]);
+ while(in_array($ns[0],$titles))
+ $ci["title"].=array_shift($ns);
+ $nm=implode(" ",$ns);
+ $ns=explode(",",$nm);
+ if(count($ns)==2){
+ $ci["name"]=$ns[0];
+ $ci["firstname"]=$ns[1];
+ }else $ci["name"]=$nm;
+ self::insert("customer",$ci);
+ //copy/parse address
+ self::mkaddress($c["customerid"],$c["address"]);
+ //copy contact data (linewise)
+ $cds=explode("\n",$c["contact"]);
+ foreach($cds as $cd){
+ $cd=trim($cd);
+ if($cd=="")continue;
+ $db->insert("contact",array("customerid"=>$c["customerid"],"contacttypeid"=>$dct,"contact"=>$cd));
+ }
+ }
+ //merge in webuser data
+ foreach($webu as $wu){
+ $db->update("customer",array("email"=>$wu["email"],"passwd"=>$wu["passwd"]),
+ "customerid=".$wu["customerid"]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**helper for customer and order data: create an address, or return false if it was empty*/
+ static private function mkaddress($custid,$addr,$name="")
+ {
+ global $db,$olddb,$dbScheme;
+ if(trim($addr)!=""){
+ //get name
+ if($name==""){
+ $res=$olddb->select("customer","name","customerid=$custid");
+ $name=$res[0]["name"];
+ }
+ //parse address
+ $adr=explode("\n",$addr);
+ $ai=array("customerid"=>$custid,"name"=>$name,"addr1"=>"",
+ "city"=>"","zipcode"=>"","countryid"=>"de");
+ do{
+ if(count($adr)==0)break;
+ $l=trim(array_pop($adr));
+ //eliminate trailing empty lines
+ if($l=="")continue;
+ //zip code alone?
+ if(ereg("^[0-9]+$",$l)){
+ $ai["zipcode"]=$l;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //city plus zipcode? or only city?
+ $x=explode(" ",$l);
+ if(ereg("^[0-9]+$",$x[0])){
+ $ai["zipcode"]=$x[0];
+ $l=trim(substr($l,strlen($x[0])));
+ }
+ $ai["city"]=$l;
+ break;
+ }while(true);
+ if(count($adr)>0)$ai["addr1"]=array_pop($adr);
+ if(count($adr)>0)$ai["addr2"]=implode("; ",$adr);
+ return $db->insert("address",$ai);
+ }else return false;
+ }
+ /**helper for copyevents: create or retrieve artist*/
+ static private function mkartist($a)
+ {
+ global $db;
+ $res=$db->select("artist","artistid","artistname=".$db->escapeColumn("artist","artistname",$a));
+ if(count($res)>0)return $res[0]["artistid"];
+ return $db->insert("artist",array("artistname"=>$a,"description"=>"","comment"=>""));
+ }
+ /**helper: copies and converts event data, creates artists on the fly*/
+ static private function copyevents()
+ {
+ self::fprint("<br>Converting Event data...\n");
+ global $db,$olddb,$dbScheme;
+ //get default price category
+ $res=$db->select("pricecategory","*","name='normal'");
+ if(count($res)<0)
+ die("internal error: price category 'normal' does not exist, something is wrong with the configuration");
+ $prc=$res[0]["pricecategoryid"];
+ //copy actual events
+ $evts=$olddb->select("event","*");
+ foreach($evts as $evt){
+ //create artist
+ $evt["artistid"]=self::mkartist($evt["artist"]);
+ unset($evt["artist"]);
+ //create price
+ $db->insert("eventprice",array("eventid"=>$evt["eventid"],"pricecategoryid"=>$prc,
+ "maxavailable"=>$evt["capacity"],"price"=>$evt["defaultprice"],
+ "flags"=>""));
+ unset($evt["defaultprice"]);
+ //convert and copy data
+ $evt["comment"]=$evt["description"];
+ $evt["flags"]="";$evt["tax"]=0;
+ $evt["iscancelled"]=($evt["cancelreason"]!="");
+ self::insert("event",$evt);
+ }
+ }
+ /**helper: copies tickets, vouchers, orders*/
+ static private function copyorders()
+ {
+ global $db,$olddb,$dbScheme;
+ //get default price category
+ $res=$db->select("pricecategory","*","name='normal'");
+ if(count($res)<0)
+ die("internal error: price category 'normal' does not exist, something is wrong with the configuration");
+ $prc=$res[0]["pricecategoryid"];
+ //shipping
+ self::fprint("<br>Converting Shipping setup...\n");
+ //make sure anyshipping flag exists
+ $res=$db->select("config","*","ckey='Flag anyshipping'");
+ if(count($res)<1){
+ $db->insert("config",array("ckey"=>"Flag anyshipping","cval"=>"user can use any shipping type"));
+ }
+ //copy
+ $ships=$olddb->select("shipping","*");
+ foreach($ships as $ship){
+ $flag="";
+ if(!$ship["canuseweb"])$flag="-web";
+ if(!$ship["canallusers"])$flag.=" +anyshipping";
+ unset($ship["canuseweb"]);unset($ship["canallusers"]);
+ $ship["flags"]=trim($flag);
+ self::insert("shipping",$ship);
+ }
+ //orders
+ self::fprint("<br>Converting Order data...\n");
+ $orders=$olddb->select("order","*");
+ foreach($orders as $ord){
+ //process invoiceaddr
+ $res=$db->select("address","addressid","customerid=".$ord["customerid"]);
+ if(count($res)>0)$ord["invoiceaddress"]=$res[0]["addressid"];
+ //process deliveryaddr
+ if(!$db->isNull($ord["deliveryaddress"])){
+ $a=self::mkaddress($ord["customerid"],$ord["deliveryaddress"]);
+ if($a===false)unset($ord["deliveryaddress"]);
+ else $ord["deliveryaddress"]=$a;
+ }else
+ unset($ord["deliveryaddress"]);
+ //create
+ self::insert("order",$ord);
+ }
+ //tickets
+ self::fprint("<br>Converting Ticket data...\n");
+ $ticks=$olddb->select("ticket","*");
+ foreach($ticks as $tick){
+ //insert new stuff
+ $tick["pricecategoryid"]=$prc;
+ //correct status constants that have changed
+ if($tick["status"]==0x301)$tick["status"]=0x311;
+ if($tick["status"]==0x302)$tick["status"]=0x312;
+ //delete obsolete stuff
+ unset($tick["reservedby"]);
+ unset($tick["reservetimeout"]);
+ //finally insert
+ self::insert("ticket",$tick);
+ }
+ //vouchers
+ self::copytable("voucher");
+ }
+ private static function copyaudit()
+ {
+ global $db,$olddb,$dbScheme;
+ //audit data...
+ self::fprint("<br>Converting audit log data...\n");
+ $logs=$olddb->select("moneylog","*","","logid");
+ foreach($logs as $log){
+ //order
+ if(!$db->isNull($log["orderid"])){
+ $res=$db->select("order","*","orderid=".$log["orderid"]);
+ if(count($res)<1)continue;
+ $ao=array(
+ "orderid"=>$log["orderid"],
+ "customerid"=>$res[0]["customerid"],
+ "soldby"=>$res[0]["soldby"],
+ "invoiceaddress"=>$res[0]["invoiceaddress"],
+ "deliveryaddress"=>$res[0]["deliveryaddress"],
+ "status"=>$res[0]["status"],
+ "ordertime"=>$res[0]["ordertime"],
+ "senttime"=>$res[0]["senttime"],
+ "comments"=>$res[0]["comments"],
+ "amountpaid"=>$log["orderpaid"],
+ "shippingcosts"=>$res[0]["shippingcosts"],
+ "shippingtype"=>$res[0]["shippingtype"],
+ "audittime"=>$log["logtime"],
+ "audituname"=>$log["uname"],
+ "audittransaction"=>"1:".$log["log"],
+ "paytype"=>"cash",
+ "paydata"=>"move: ".$log["moved"]."; due: ".$log["orderdue"]
+ );
+ $db->insert("order_audit",$ao);
+ }
+ //voucher
+ if(!$db->isNull($log["voucherid"])){
+ $res=$db->select("voucher","*","voucherid=".$db->escapeString($log["voucherid"]));
+ if(count($res)<1)continue;
+ $av=array(
+ "voucherid"=>$res[0]["voucherid"],
+ "price"=>$res[0]["price"],
+ "orderid"=>$res[0]["orderid"],
+ "isused"=>$res[0]["isused"],
+ "value"=>$log["vouchervalue"],
+ "audittime"=>$log["logtime"],
+ "audituname"=>$log["uname"],
+ "audittransaction"=>"1:".$log["log"]
+ );
+ $db->insert("voucher_audit",$av);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**prints string and flushes the buffer, so that the browser sees where we are*/
+ static public function fprint($s)
+ {
+ echo $s;
+ ob_flush();flush();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file