<Table name="documentlog" backup="yes">
- <Column name="docid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="logtime" type="int64" notnull="yes"/>
- <Column name="uname" type="string:64" foreignkey="user:uname" null="yes"/>
- <Column name="orderid" type="int32" foreignkey="order:orderid" null="yes"/>
- <Column name="doctype" type="string:32" notnull="yes"/>
- <Column name="docbody" type="blob" notnull="yes"/>
+ <Doc>Storage space for printed documents. To be filled by the client whenever something is printed, to be emptied by auditors.</Doc>
+ <Column name="docid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes">automatic key for this table</Column>
+ <Column name="logtime" type="int64" notnull="yes">time at which the data was logged</Column>
+ <Column name="uname" type="string:64" foreignkey="user:uname" null="yes">user who printed the document</Column>
+ <Column name="orderid" type="int32" foreignkey="order:orderid" null="yes">the order it refers to</Column>
+ <Column name="doctype" type="string:32" notnull="yes">type of document (bill, eventoverview, etc.)</Column>
+ <Column name="docbody" type="blob" notnull="yes">the document</Column>
\ No newline at end of file
<Table name="config" backup="yes">
- <Column name="ckey" type="string:32" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="cval" type="string"/>
+ <Doc>Configuration store. Configuration consists of key-value-pairs.</Doc>
+ <Column name="ckey" type="string" primarykey="yes">the configuration key</Column>
+ <Column name="cval" type="string">the configuration value</Column>
<Preset><V col="ckey" val="MagicSmokeVersion"/><V col="cval" code="$this->version()"/></Preset>
<Preset><V col="ckey" val="ValidVouchers"/><V col="cval" val="1000 2000 2500 5000"/></Preset>
<Table name="cart" backup="no">
+ <Doc>web interface: stores a customers cart object</Doc>
<Column name="cartid" type="string:32" primarykey="yes">
the cookie for this cart
<Call lang="php" method="WebCart::getNewCartId()"/>
<Table name="cartticket" backup="no">
- <Column name="cartid" type="string:32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="cart:cartid" primarykey="yes"/>
+ <Doc>web interface: stores the tickets in the cart</Doc>
+ <Column name="cartid" type="string:32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="cart:cartid" primarykey="yes">the cart the ticket is in</Column>
<!--tickets in the cart-->
- <Column name="eventid" type="int32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="event:eventid" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="pricecategoryid" type="int32" foreignkey="pricecategory:pricecategoryid" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="amount" type="int32" notnull="yes"/>
+ <Column name="eventid" type="int32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="event:eventid" primarykey="yes">the event the ticket is for</Column>
+ <Column name="pricecategoryid" type="int32" foreignkey="pricecategory:pricecategoryid" primarykey="yes">the price category of the ticket</Column>
+ <Column name="amount" type="int32" notnull="yes">amount of tickets of this type in the cart</Column>
<!-- Column name="seating" type="string:32" null="yes"/ -->
<Table name="cartvoucher" backup="no">
- <Column name="cvid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="cartid" type="string:32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="cart:cartid"/>
+ <Doc>web interface: stores vouchers in the cart</Doc>
+ <Column name="cvid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes">simple counter for primary key</Column>
+ <Column name="cartid" type="string:32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="cart:cartid">the cart this voucher is in</Column>
<Column name="value" type="int32" notnull="yes">voucher value in cents</Column>
<Table name="cartitem" backup="no">
- <Column name="ciid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="cartid" type="string:32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="cart:cartid"/>
- <Column name="productid" type="int32" foreignkey="product:productid" notnull="yes"/>
- <Column name="amount" type="int32" notnull="yes"/>
+ <Doc>web interface: shop items in the cart</Doc>
+ <Column name="ciid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes">simple counter for a primary key</Column>
+ <Column name="cartid" type="string:32" notnull="yes" foreignkey="cart:cartid">the cart it is in</Column>
+ <Column name="productid" type="int32" foreignkey="product:productid" notnull="yes">the product being purchased</Column>
+ <Column name="amount" type="int32" notnull="yes">amount of items of this type</Column>
<Table name="websession" backup="no">
+ <Doc>web interface: customer session - this persists beyond carts, so the customer can retrieve other info</Doc>
<Column name="sessionid" type="string:64" primarykey="yes">
+ ID of this session, automatically generated and then stored in a cookie
<Call lang="php" method="WOWebSession::getNewSessionId()"/>
- <Column name="customerid" type="int32" null="yes" foreignkey="customer:customerid"/>
+ <Column name="customerid" type="int32" null="yes" foreignkey="customer:customerid">if logged in - the customer</Column>
<!--unix timestamp at which to delete this session-->
- <Column name="timeout" type="int64" notnull="yes"/>
+ <Column name="timeout" type="int64" notnull="yes">the time when the session will be deleted, updated whenever the session is used</Column>
\ No newline at end of file
<Table name="country">
- <Column name="countryid" type="string:3" primarykey="yes"/>
- <Column name="countryname" type="string:64" notnull="yes"/>
+ <Doc>countries for addresses</Doc>
+ <Column name="countryid" type="string:3" primarykey="yes">abbreviated form of the country name (eg. "de", "us")</Column>
+ <Column name="countryname" type="string:64" notnull="yes">long form of the country name (e.g. "Germany", "United States of America")</Column>
<!-- TODO: add shipping info -->
<Preset><V col="countryid" val="de"/><V col="countryname" val="Germany"/></Preset>
<Preset><V col="countryid" val="at"/><V col="countryname" val="Austria"/></Preset>
<Preset><V col="countryid" val="ch"/><V col="countryname" val="Switzerland"/></Preset>
<Table name="customer" backup="yes">
- <Column name="customerid" type="seq32" primarykey="yes"/>
+ <Doc>customer data, base table</Doc>
+ <Column name="customerid" type="seq32" primarykey="yes">ID for the customer</Column>
<!--main data-->
- <Column name="title" type="string" notnull="yes"/>
- <Column name="firstname" type="string" notnull="yes"/>
- <Column name="name" type="string" notnull="yes"/>
- <Column name="comments" type="text"/>
+ <Column name="title" type="string" notnull="yes">part of the name: titles, like "Mr.", "Prof.", etc.</Column>
+ <Column name="firstname" type="string" notnull="yes">first name(s) of the customer</Column>
+ <Column name="name" type="string" notnull="yes">(second/family) name of the customer</Column>
+ <Column name="comments" type="text">comments about the customer</Column>
<!--online login data-->
- <Column name="email" type="string" null="yes"/>
- <Column name="passwd" type="string:64" null="yes"/> <!-- salted SHA-1 hash of passwd -->
+ <Column name="email" type="string" null="yes">mail address, used as contact by automatic mails and as login name</Column>
+ <Column name="passwd" type="string:64" null="yes">salted SHA-1 hash of customers login password</Column>
<!-- password reset -->
- <Column name="rstcode" type="string" null="yes"/>
- <Column name="rsttill" type="int64" null="yes"/>
+ <Column name="rstcode" type="string" null="yes">reset code, used when the customer forgot the password</Column>
+ <Column name="rsttill" type="int64" null="yes">timer until which the reset code is valid</Column>
<!-- customer flags, like newsletter, etc. -->
- <Column name="cflags" type="string" null="yes"/>
+ <Column name="cflags" type="string" null="yes">flags of the customer, these are not to be confused with user flags, instead they can be set by the customer eg. to get a newsletter</Column>
<Table name="address" backup="yes">
+ <Doc>customer data: addresses</Doc>
<Column name="addressid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes"/>
<Column name="customerid" type="int32" foreignkey="customer:customerid" notnull="yes"/>
<Column name="lastused" type="int64" null="yes"/>