#include <QStringList>
/**overwrites QFile to only generate a file if its new version differs from an existing one, it creates a temporary file with ",new" added to the file name; additionally it records all file names that it touches;
-this is not a complete implementation - just enough for woc*/
+this is not a complete implementation - just enough for woc; it assumes that files are opened to be (re)created*/
class MFile:public QFile
+ /**creates a new file (tentatively) with the given name (temporarily with ",new" appended)*/
MFile(QString name,QObject*parent=0);
+ /**creates a file object*/
MFile(QObject *parent=0);
+ /**implicitly closes the file*/
+ /**compares the old (if it exists) and new version of the file and overwrites the old one if there are differences*/
virtual void close();
+ /**opens the file, WriteOnly is assumed as mode*/
virtual bool open(QIODevice::OpenMode m);
+ /**returns the name of the file (without ",new")*/
QString fileName()const{return name;}
+ /**sets the file name for the file to be written; must be called before it is opened*/
void setFileName(QString n);
+ /**returns true if that file name has been touched yet*/
static bool touchedFile(QString);
//flag to show whether file is open
QStringList sl=trn.outputNames();
QString code="\t/*start of output encoding*/\n";
- code+="\ttry{\n\t\t$xml=$this->xmlCreate(\"WobResponse-"+trn.name()+"\");\n";
- code+="\t\t$root=$xml['root'];\n";
+ code+="\ttry{\n\t\t$xmla=$this->xmlCreate(\"WobResponse-"+trn.name()+"\");\n";
+ code+="\t\t$xml=$xmla['doc'];\n\t\t$root=$xmla['root'];\n";
for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
QString t=trn.outputType(sl[i]);
code+="\t\theader(\"X-WobResponse-Status: Ok\");\n";
- code+="\t\tprint($this->xmlToString($xml));\n";
+ code+="\t\tprint($this->xmlToString($xmla));\n";
code+="\t}catch(Exception $e){$this->handleException($e);}\n";
code+="\t/*end of output*/\n";
return code;
#include "phpout.h"
#include "qtout.h"
#include "htmlout.h"
+#include "schemaout.h"
#include "domquery.h"
new WocHtmlOut(el);
if(m_error)return false;
+ if(tn=="SchemaOutput"){
+ new WocSchemaOut(el.attribute("filename"));
+ if(m_error)return false;
+ }else
AuthMode authMode()const{return m_mode;}
/**returns true if the type given is a list*/
- bool isListType(QString t)const{return t.startsWith("List:");}
+ static bool isListType(QString t){return t.startsWith("List:");}
/**returns the type without list or xml qualifiers*/
- QString plainType(QString t)const{
+ static QString plainType(QString t){
QStringList l=t.split("/",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if(l.size()>0)t=l[0];else t="unknown";
else return "";
/**returns true if the type is integer*/
- bool isIntType(QString t)const{QString pt=plainType(t);return pt=="int" || pt=="int32" || pt=="int64";}
+ static bool isIntType(QString t){QString pt=plainType(t);return pt=="int" || pt=="int32" || pt=="int64";}
/**returns true if the type is boolean*/
- bool isBoolType(QString t)const{return plainType(t)=="bool";}
+ static bool isBoolType(QString t){return plainType(t)=="bool";}
/**returns true if the type is a string*/
- bool isStringType(QString t)const{QString p=plainType(t);return p=="astring"||p=="string";}
+ static bool isStringType(QString t){QString p=plainType(t);return p=="astring"||p=="string";}
/**returns true if the type is a blob*/
- bool isBlobType(QString t)const{QString p=plainType(t);return p=="blob";}
+ static bool isBlobType(QString t){QString p=plainType(t);return p=="blob";}
/**returns true if the type is to be encoded as attribute*/
- bool isAttributeType(QString t)const{return t=="astring"||t=="int"||t=="int32"||t=="int64"||t=="bool";}
+ static bool isAttributeType(QString t){return t=="astring"||t=="int"||t=="int32"||t=="int64"||t=="bool";}
/**returns true if the type is to be encoded as element*/
- bool isElementType(QString t)const{return !isAttributeType(t);}
+ static bool isElementType(QString t){return !isAttributeType(t);}
/**return true if the type is an object type*/
- bool isObjectType(QString t)const{QString p=plainType(t);return p!="astring"&&p!="string"&&p!="int"&&p!="int32"&&p!="int64"&&p!="bool"&&p!="blob";}
+ static bool isObjectType(QString t){QString p=plainType(t);return p!="astring"&&p!="string"&&p!="int"&&p!="int32"&&p!="int64"&&p!="bool"&&p!="blob";}
/**return the documentation of the transaction*/
QStringList docStrings()const{return m_docstrings;}
--- /dev/null
+// C++ Interface: schemaout
+// Description: XML Schema file generator
+// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <konrad@silmor.de>, (C) 2009
+// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
+#include "schemaout.h"
+#include "mfile.h"
+#include <QDebug>
+WocSchemaOut::WocSchemaOut(QString fname): WocOutput()
+ m_name=fname;
+ WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
+ m_doc.appendChild(m_doc.createComment("Automatically generated Schema file for project "+woc->projectName()));
+ m_root=m_doc.createElementNS(woc->xmlSchemaNamespace(),"xs:schema");
+ m_root.setAttribute("targetNamespace",woc->xmlProjectNamespace());
+ m_root.setAttribute("xmlns",woc->xmlProjectNamespace());
+void WocSchemaOut::finalize()
+ //finish off
+ m_doc.appendChild(m_root);
+ //write
+ MFile fd(WocProcessor::instance()->baseDir()+"/"+m_name);
+ fd.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ fd.write(m_doc.toByteArray());
+void WocSchemaOut::newClass(const WocClass& cls)
+ m_root.appendChild(m_doc.createComment("Class "+cls.name()));
+ //create type
+ QDomElement cel=m_doc.createElement("xs:complexType");
+ cel.setAttribute("name","class-"+cls.name());
+ //get properties
+ //create elements
+ //create attributes
+ //add to root
+ m_root.appendChild(cel);
+void WocSchemaOut::newTransaction(const WocTransaction& trn)
+ m_root.appendChild(m_doc.createComment("Transaction "+trn.name()));
+ //create elements
+ QDomElement tel=m_doc.createElement("xs:element");
+ tel.setAttribute("name",trn.name()+"-Request");
+ tel.setAttribute("type",trn.name()+"-Request");
+ m_root.appendChild(tel);
+ tel=m_doc.createElement("xs:element");
+ tel.setAttribute("name",trn.name()+"-Response");
+ tel.setAttribute("type",trn.name()+"-Response");
+ m_root.appendChild(tel);
+ //create type: req
+ tel=m_doc.createElement("xs:complexType");
+ tel.setAttribute("name",trn.name()+"-Request");
+ QDomElement wel=m_doc.createElement("xs:sequence");
+ QStringList vars=trn.inputNames();
+ for(int i=0;i<vars.size();i++){
+ QString tp=trn.inputType(vars[i]);
+ if(trn.isAttributeType(tp)){
+ QDomElement at=m_doc.createElement("xs:attribute");
+ at.setAttribute("name",vars[i]);
+ at.setAttribute("type",schemaType(tp));
+ at.setAttribute("use","optional");
+ tel.appendChild(at);
+ }else{
+ QDomElement el=m_doc.createElement("xs:element");
+ el.setAttribute("name",vars[i]);
+ el.setAttribute("type",schemaType(tp));
+ el.setAttribute("minOccurs","0");
+ if(trn.isListType(tp))
+ el.setAttribute("maxOccurs","unbounded");
+ wel.appendChild(el);
+ }
+ }
+ tel.appendChild(wel);
+ m_root.appendChild(tel);
+ //create type: rsp
+ tel=m_doc.createElement("xs:complexType");
+ tel.setAttribute("name",trn.name()+"-Response");
+ wel=m_doc.createElement("xs:sequence");
+ vars=trn.outputNames();
+ for(int i=0;i<vars.size();i++){
+ QString tp=trn.outputType(vars[i]);
+ if(trn.isAttributeType(tp)){
+ QDomElement at=m_doc.createElement("xs:attribute");
+ at.setAttribute("name",vars[i]);
+ at.setAttribute("type",schemaType(tp));
+ at.setAttribute("use","optional");
+ tel.appendChild(at);
+ }else{
+ QDomElement el=m_doc.createElement("xs:element");
+ el.setAttribute("name",vars[i]);
+ el.setAttribute("type",schemaType(tp));
+ el.setAttribute("minOccurs","0");
+ if(trn.isListType(tp))
+ el.setAttribute("maxOccurs","unbounded");
+ wel.appendChild(el);
+ }
+ }
+ tel.appendChild(wel);
+ m_root.appendChild(tel);
+void WocSchemaOut::newTable(const WocTable& )
+QString WocSchemaOut::schemaType(QString tp)
+ tp=WocTransaction::plainType(tp);
+ if(WocTransaction::isObjectType(tp))return "class-"+tp;
+ if(WocTransaction::isStringType(tp))return "xs:string";
+ if(WocTransaction::isBlobType(tp))return "xs:base64binary";
+ if(WocTransaction::isBoolType(tp))return "xs:boolean";
+ if(WocTransaction::isIntType(tp))return "xs:integer";
+ //fallback, not pretty
+ qDebug()<<"Warning: schema generator found unknown type"<<tp;
+ return "xs:anysimpleType";
--- /dev/null
+// C++ Interface: schemaout
+// Description: XML Schema file generator
+// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <konrad@silmor.de>, (C) 2009
+// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
+#include "processor.h"
+#include <QDomDocument>
+#include <QDomElement>
+/**generates output for a schema file*/
+class WocSchemaOut:public WocOutput
+ public:
+ /**initializes the output object with the given file name that will receive the schema for this project*/
+ WocSchemaOut(QString);
+ protected:
+ /**writes any last words after parsing finished*/
+ virtual void finalize();
+ /**creates a class*/
+ virtual void newClass(const WocClass&);
+ /**creates a table*/
+ virtual void newTable(const WocTable&);
+ /**creates a transaction*/
+ virtual void newTransaction(const WocTransaction&);
+ private:
+ QString m_name;
+ QDomDocument m_doc;
+ QDomElement m_root;
+ /**helper: returns the corresponding schema type for a WOB type*/
+ QString schemaType(QString);
-RESOURCES += soap/schemafiles.qrc
\ No newline at end of file
+RESOURCES += soap/schemafiles.qrc
+ soap/schemaout.cpp
+ soap/schemaout.h
\ No newline at end of file
elementFormDefault="qualified" >
<xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
- schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/>
+ schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <!-- schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/> -->
<!-- Envelope, header and body -->
<xs:element name="Envelope" type="tns:Envelope" />