#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QListView>
+#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QSignalMapper>
vl->addWidget(tab=new QTabWidget);
tab->addTab(w=new QWidget,tr("Customer"));
+ QMenu*menu=new QMenu(this);
+ menu->addAction(tr("Change Mail Address"),this,SLOT(changeMail()));
+ menu->addAction(tr("Reset Password"),this,SLOT(resetLogin()));
w->setLayout(gl=new QGridLayout);
int lc=0;
gl->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Name:")),lc,0);
gl->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Web-Login/eMail:")),++lc,0);
gl->addWidget(m_mail=new QLabel(m_cust.email()),lc,1);
gl->addWidget(p=new QPushButton(tr("Edit Login")),++lc,1);
- p->setEnabled(false);//TODO: implement edit customer login
+ p->setMenu(menu);
gl->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Comment:")),++lc,0,1,2);
gl->addWidget(m_comm=new QTextEdit,++lc,0,1,2);
+void MCustomerDialog::changeMail()
+ QString mail=QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Change Mail Address"), tr("Please enter the mail address for this customer to log into the web portal:"),QLineEdit::Normal, m_mail->text());
+ if(mail!=""){
+ m_mail->setText(mail);
+ m_cust.setemail(mail);
+ }
+void MCustomerDialog::resetLogin()
+ MTResetCustomerPassword rcp=req->queryResetCustomerPassword(m_cust.customerid());
+ if(rcp.hasError())
+ QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Warning"),tr("Error while resetting password: %1").arg(rcp.errorString()));
+ else
+ QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Password Reset"),tr("A password reset mail has been sent to the customer."));
void addContact();
/**internal: remove contact*/
void removeContact();
+ ///internal: change mail address
+ void changeMail();
+ ///internal: send a reset mail
+ void resetLogin();
MOCustomer m_cust;
<!--online login data-->
<Column name="email" type="string" null="yes"/>
<Column name="passwd" type="string:64" null="yes"/> <!-- salted SHA-1 hash of passwd -->
+ <!-- password reset -->
+ <Column name="rstcode" type="string" null="yes"/>
+ <Column name="rsttill" type="int64" null="yes"/>
+ <!-- customer flags, like newsletter, etc. -->
+ <Column name="cflags" type="string" null="yes"/>
<Table name="address" backup="yes">
<Column name="addressid" type="seq64" primarykey="yes"/>
<Var name="country" type="Country"/>
+ <Transaction name="ResetCustomerPassword">
+ <Input>
+ <Var name="customerid" type="int"/>
+ </Input>
+ <Call lang="php" method="WOCustomer::resetPassword($this);"/>
+ </Transaction>
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// (c) Konrad Rosenbaum, 2011
+// protected under the GNU AGPL version 3 or at your option any newer
+/** \page templates Templates
+\section tpl_base Base Variables
+There are some variables available for all templates.<p>
+\param script.* variables contain URLs for different modes of the web site:<br>
+<table frame="1" border="1">
+<tr><td><tt>script.root</tt></td><td>root URL for the index.php script</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.this</tt></td><td>the URL of the currently called script mode</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.index</tt></td><td>URL of the list index</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.eventDetails</tt></td><td>URL for event detail pages, append the event ID to it to complete it</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.eventOrder</tt></td><td>URL for ordering tickets for a specific event, arguments are expected as POST or GET parameters</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.vouchers</tt></td><td>URL for listing vouchers</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.voucherOrder</tt></td><td>URL for ordering vouchers, arguments are expected as POST or GET parameters</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.removeItem</tt></td><td>URL for removing tickets/vouchers/items from the cart, arguments are expected as POST or GET parameters</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.shop</tt></td><td>URL for listing shop items</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.cart</tt></td><td>URL of the cart, the cart must exist when calling it, otherwise a cookie error will be displayed</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.mycart</tt></td><td>URL of the cart that transparently creates the cart if it does not exist yet</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.checkout</tt></td><td>URL to check out the cart</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>script.setlanguage</tt></td><td>URL for setting the language cookie, add the language code to it to complete it</td></tr>
+\param inputnames.* variables contain names for specific form input elements:<br>
+<table frame="1" border="1">
+<tr><td><tt>inputnames.amountTickets</tt></td><td>amount of tickets to be ordered</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>inputnames.event</tt></td><td>contains the event ID</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>inputnames.mode</tt></td><td>contains the display mode</td></tr>
+<tr><td><tt>inputnames.cartid</tt></td><td>ID of the cart of the current customer, usually the cart cookie is used instead</td></tr>
+\param cartcookie variable contains the name of the cookie that contains the cart ID.<p>
+\param lang variable is an object of type LanguageManager - it represents translations done for the language the user has chosen.<p>
+\section tpl_error error.html
+This template is used whenever an error occurs during processing.
+\param ErrorText the text to be shown for an error
+\param ErrorTrace a full ASCII version of an exception trace. This is only filled if the <tt>$WebShowErrors</tt> option is set to <tt>true</tt> in the config.php file.
+class BaseVars{
+///if Twig is not yet initialized: initialize it, sets the $twig variable to the interpreter
+static public function initTwig(){
+ global $twig;
+ if(!isset($twig))self::initTwigPriv();
+/// \internal actually initializes Twig
+static private function initTwigPriv()
+ Twig_Autoloader::register();
+ global $loader,$twig,$twigoptions,$twigextensions;
+ $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(LanguageManager::singleton()->templateFolders());
+ $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, $twigoptions );
+ foreach($twigextensions as $te){
+ $t='Twig_Extension_'.$te;
+ $twig->addExtension(new $t());
+ }
+ $twig->addExtension(new LangFilterExtension);
+ $twig->addExtension(new SmokeFilterExtension);
+/// initializes the $basevars array
+public static function init(){
+ global $basevars;
+ if(!isset($basevars))self::initPriv();
+/// \internal actually initializes $basevars
+public static function initPriv(){
+ global $basevars,$_SERVER,$BaseUrl;
+ self::initBaseUrlPriv();
+ //basic variables shared by all templates
+ // script URLs
+ $basevars['script']['root']=$BaseUrl;
+ $basevars['script']['this']=$BaseUrl;
+ if(isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']!="")
+ $basevars['script']['this'].="?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
+ $basevars['script']['index']=$BaseUrl."?mode=index";
+ $basevars['script']['eventDetails']=$BaseUrl."?mode=eventDetails&event=";
+ $basevars['script']['eventOrder']=$BaseUrl."?mode=eventOrder";
+ $basevars['script']['vouchers']=$BaseUrl."?mode=vouchers";
+ $basevars['script']['voucherOrder']=$BaseUrl."?mode=voucherOrder";
+ $basevars['script']['shop']=$BaseUrl."?mode=shop";
+ $basevars['script']['cart']=$BaseUrl."?mode=cart";
+ $basevars['script']['mycart']=$BaseUrl."?mode=mycart";
+ $basevars['script']['checkout']=$BaseUrl."?mode=checkout";
+ $basevars['script']['removeItem']=$BaseUrl."?mode=removeItem";
+ $basevars['script']['orderLogin']=$BaseUrl."?mode=orderLogin";
+ $basevars['script']['customerLogin']=$BaseUrl."?mode=customerLogin";
+ $basevars['script']['customerRegistration']=$BaseUrl."?mode=customerRegistration";
+ $basevars['script']['customerResetLogin']=$BaseUrl."?mode=customerResetLogin";
+ //$basevars['script']['orderOverview']=$BaseUrl."?mode=orderOverview";
+ //$basevars['script']['editShippingAddress']=$BaseUrl."?mode=editShippingAddress";
+ //$basevars['script']['editOrderComments']=$BaseUrl."?mode=editOrderComments";
+ $basevars['script']['setlanguage']=$BaseUrl."?mode=setlanguage&lang=";
+ // form elements
+ $basevars['inputnames']['amountTickets']="amountTickets";
+ $basevars['inputnames']['event']="event";
+ $basevars['inputnames']['ticket']="event";
+ $basevars['inputnames']['voucher']="voucher";
+ $basevars['inputnames']['mode']="mode";
+ $basevars['inputnames']['login']['name']='customer_mail';
+ $basevars['inputnames']['login']['passwd']='customer_passwd';
+ $basevars['inputnames']['login']['passwdrepeat']='customer_passwd2';
+ $basevars['inputnames']['login']['name']='customer_name';
+ $basevars['inputnames']['login']['firstname']='customer_firstname';
+ $basevars['inputnames']['login']['title']='customer_title';
+ //end of basevars
+private static function initBaseUrlPriv(){
+ global $BaseUrl,$_SERVER;
+ //check whether it is already set
+ if(!isset($BaseUrl))$BaseUrl="";
+ if($BaseUrl!="")return;
+ //reconstruct
+ $BaseUrl="http";
+ // HTTPS?
+ if(isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])){
+ if($_SERVER["HTTPS"]!="" && $_SERVER["HTTPS"]!="off")
+ $BaseUrl.="s";
+ }
+ $BaseUrl.="://";
+ // host name
+ if(isset($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]))$BaseUrl.=$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
+ else if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]))$BaseUrl.=$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
+ else $BaseUrl="";//darn! no host found
+ // add path, correct machine.php to index.php
+ $pl=explode("/",$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
+ $path="";
+ $last=array_pop($pl);
+ foreach($pl as $p){
+ if($p=="")continue;
+ $path.="/".$p;
+ }
+ $pl=explode(".",$last);
+ if(count($pl)!=2)$path.="/".$last;
+ else $path.="/index.".$pl[1];
+ $BaseUrl.=$path;
+//end of class
\ No newline at end of file
return empty($var);
-/** checks if given value is a valid email address */
+/** checks if given value is a valid email address
+\returns true if the value has e-mail syntax */
function isEmail($value)
- return ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+$", $value);
+ return preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+$/", $value) != false;
/**redirects the browser to index.php*/
+///redirects back to the referer page
+function redirectBack()
+ global $_SERVER;
+ if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){
+ Header("Location: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
+ exit();
+ }else{
+ redirectHome();
+ }
die("Database is not correctly configured. Giving up.");
//TODO: convert random into class and move to framework
+//load external Twig library
+require_once 'inc/Twig/Autoloader.php';
+//load web-UI specific class-files
+//load globals
\ No newline at end of file
-/** helper class wrapping Web Cart handling */
+/** helper class wrapping Web Cart handling logic,
+the class wrapping the tables is WOWebCart in wext/webcart.php */
class WebCart{
static private $cartid=false;
static public function orderLoginPage()
- global $twig,$basevars;
+ global $twig,$basevars,$HTTPARGS;
//get cart id and check it
+ $list["customer_name"]="";
+ if(isset($HTTPARGS["customer_name"]))
+ $list["customer_name"]=$HTTPARGS["customer_name"];
+ else{
+ $cust=$cart->getcustomer();
+ if(is_a($cust,"WOCustomer"))
+ $list["customer_name"]=$cust->getemail();
+ }
return $p->render($list);
+/** \page templates Templates
+\section tpl_logerr Login Error
+The loginerror.html template is used to render customer login and registering errors.
+\param errorType the type of error: "login" - the login failed (wrong mail or password), "exist" - an account with the same mail already exists, "mismatch" - the new passwords do no match
+\param backUrl the URL to call back to the login page
+///renders a login error page, see \ref tpl_logerr Login Error Template
+static private function loginError($errorType)
+ global $basevars,$HTTPARGS,$SERVER,$twig;
+ //find some basics
+ $vars=$basevars;
+ $vars["errorType"]=$errorType;
+ //construct URL back to login page
+ if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])){
+ $vars["backUrl"]=$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
+ }else{
+ $vars["backUrl"]=$basevars['script']['orderLogin'];
+ }
+ if(strstr($vars["backUrl"],"?")===false)
+ $vars["backUrl"].="?";
+ else
+ $vars["backUrl"].="&";
+ $idx=$basevars['inputnames']['login']['name'];
+ $vars["backUrl"].=$idx."=";
+ if(isset($HTTPARGS[$idx]))$vars["backUrl"].=$HTTPARGS[$idx];
+ //render page
+ $p=$twig->loadTemplate("loginerror.html");
+ return $p->render($vars);
+///check the login of the customer, either forwards to the checkout page or shows the loginerror page
+static public function checkOrderLogin()
+ global $HTTPARGS,$db,$basevars;
+ //find customer
+ $nameidx=$basevars['inputnames']['login']['name'];
+ $passidx=$basevars['inputnames']['login']['passwd'];
+ if(!isset($HTTPARGS[$nameidx]) || !isset($HTTPARGS[$passidx])){
+ return self::loginError("param");
+ }
+ $ct=WTcustomer::selectFromDB("email=".$db->escapeString($HTTPARGS[$nameidx]));
+ if(count($ct)<1){
+ return self::loginError("login");
+ }
+ //check password
+ $cust=WOCustomer::fromTablecustomer($ct[0]);
+ if(!$cust->checkPassword($HTTPARGS[$passidx])){
+ return self::loginError("login");
+ }
+static public function registerCustomer()
+ global $HTTPARGS;
//end of WebCart
//create customer
+ $ct->revert("passwd");
+ $ct->revert("rstcode");
+ $ct->revert("rsttill");
//sync addresses
foreach($cc->getaddresses() as $addr){
+ ///the ResetCustomerPassword transaction
+ public static function resetPassword($trans)
+ {
+ //check for customer
+ $ct=WTcustomer::getFromDB($trans->getcustomerid());
+ if(!is_a($ct,"WTcustomer")){
+ $trans->abortWithError(tr("Not a valid customer."));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!isEmail($ct->email)){
+ $trans->abortWithError(tr("Customer has no email address."));
+ return;
+ }
+ //set reset parameters
+ global $CustomerResetTime,$MailFrom;
+ $ct->rstcode=getRandom(160);
+ $ct->rsttill=time()+$CustomerResetTime;
+ $ct->update();
+ //init twig
+ BaseVars::initTwig();
+ BaseVars::init();
+ //gather basics and render mail
+ global $twig,$basevars;
+ $p=$twig->loadTemplate("resetlogin.txt");
+ $list['customer']=WOCustomer::fromTablecustomer($ct);
+ $list['resetUrl']=$basevars['script']['customerResetLogin']
+ ."&customer=".urlencode($ct->email)
+ ."&passcode=".$ct->rstcode;
+ $list['passcode']=$ct->rstcode;
+ $page=explode("\n",trim($p->render($list)));
+ //parse mail
+ if(count($page)<2)return;
+ $subject=array_shift($page);
+ $mode=0;
+ $mailtext="";$mailheader="";
+ foreach($page as $line){
+ if($mode==0){
+ if(trim($line)=="")$mode=1;
+ else $mailheader.=$line."\n";
+ }else{
+ $mailtext.=$line."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //send mail
+ mb_send_mail($ct->email,$subject,$mailtext,$mailheader);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
// protected under the GNU AGPL version 3 or at your option any newer
+///this is the class wrapping the cart tables,
+///the business logic class is WebCart in rendering/cart_listing.php
class WOWebCart extends WOWebCartAbstract
/**returns is empty attribute for twig*/
-//load web-UI specific class-files
-//load external Twig library
-require_once 'inc/Twig/Autoloader.php';
-//load globals
//unify arguments
//initialize TWIG
-$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(LanguageManager::singleton()->templateFolders());
-$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, $twigoptions );
-foreach($twigextensions as $te){
- $t='Twig_Extension_'.$te;
- $twig->addExtension(new $t());
-$twig->addExtension(new LangFilterExtension);
-$twig->addExtension(new SmokeFilterExtension);
-/** \page templates Templates
-\section tpl_base Base Variables
-There are some variables available for all templates.<p>
-\param script.* variables contain URLs for different modes of the web site:<br>
-<table frame="1" border="1">
-<tr><td><tt>script.root</tt></td><td>root URL for the index.php script</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.this</tt></td><td>the URL of the currently called script mode</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.index</tt></td><td>URL of the list index</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.eventDetails</tt></td><td>URL for event detail pages, append the event ID to it to complete it</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.eventOrder</tt></td><td>URL for ordering tickets for a specific event, arguments are expected as POST or GET parameters</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.vouchers</tt></td><td>URL for listing vouchers</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.voucherOrder</tt></td><td>URL for ordering vouchers, arguments are expected as POST or GET parameters</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.removeItem</tt></td><td>URL for removing tickets/vouchers/items from the cart, arguments are expected as POST or GET parameters</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.shop</tt></td><td>URL for listing shop items</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.cart</tt></td><td>URL of the cart, the cart must exist when calling it, otherwise a cookie error will be displayed</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.mycart</tt></td><td>URL of the cart that transparently creates the cart if it does not exist yet</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.checkout</tt></td><td>URL to check out the cart</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>script.setlanguage</tt></td><td>URL for setting the language cookie, add the language code to it to complete it</td></tr>
-\param inputnames.* variables contain names for specific form input elements:<br>
-<table frame="1" border="1">
-<tr><td><tt>inputnames.amountTickets</tt></td><td>amount of tickets to be ordered</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>inputnames.event</tt></td><td>contains the event ID</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>inputnames.mode</tt></td><td>contains the display mode</td></tr>
-<tr><td><tt>inputnames.cartid</tt></td><td>ID of the cart of the current customer, usually the cart cookie is used instead</td></tr>
-\param cartcookie variable contains the name of the cookie that contains the cart ID.<p>
-\param lang variable is an object of type LanguageManager - it represents translations done for the language the user has chosen.<p>
-\section tpl_error error.html
-This template is used whenever an error occurs during processing.
-\param ErrorText the text to be shown for an error
-\param ErrorTrace a full ASCII version of an exception trace. This is only filled if the <tt>$WebShowErrors</tt> option is set to <tt>true</tt> in the config.php file.
-//basic variables shared by all templates
-// script URLs
-// form elements
+//initialize basevars
// other info
case "shop":
- //TODO: implement
case "checkout":
case "customerLogin":
- WebCart::checkOrderLogin();
+ $page=WebCart::checkOrderLogin();
case "customerRegistration":
- WebCart::registerUser();
+ $page=WebCart::registerCustomer();
/* case "orderOverview":
{% for ticket in cart.tickets %}
{% set pricesum=ticket.price * ticket.amount %}
- <td>Ticket: {{ticket.event.title}}</td>
+ <td>Ticket: {{ticket.event.title}} ({{ticket.eventprice.pricecategory.name}})</td>
<td align="right">{{ticket.price|asMoney}}</td>
<td align="right">{{ticket.amount}}</td>
<td align="right">{{pricesum|asMoney}}</td>
{# actions the user may want to take #}
- <p><a href="{{script.checkout}}">Checkout</a></p>
+ <p><a href="{{script.orderLogin}}">Checkout</a></p>
{# end of the non-empty cart... #}
{% endif %}
--- /dev/null
+<title>Login Error</title>
+<h1>Login Error</h1>
+Error Type: {{errorType}}<p/>
+<a href="{{backUrl|raw}}">Try Again</a><p>
+<a href="{{script.root}}">Back to Index</a>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+{# Example Template for MagicSmoke
+ ================================
+ this one is called to show the login page for a customer
+{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% block title %}Login{% endblock %}
+{% block page %}
+<input type="radio" name="loginselect" value="use" onClick="toggledisplay()" id="loginselect" checked="1"/>I already have an account:<p/>
+{# the login dialog #}
+<div id="usediv">
+ <form action="{{script.customerLogin}}&next=checkout" method="POST">
+ <table>
+ <tr><td>E-mail address:</td><td><input type="text" name="{{inputnames.login.name}}" value="{{customer_name}}" /></td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="{{inputnames.login.passwd}}"/></td></tr>
+ </table><p/>
+ <input type="submit" value="Login"/>
+ </form><p/>
+<input type="radio" name="loginselect" value="create" onClick="toggledisplay()"/>I do not have have an account yet: <p/>
+{# the create account dialog #}
+<div id="creatediv">
+ <form action="{{script.customerRegistration}}&next=checkout" method="POST">
+ <table>
+ <tr><td>E-mail address:</td><td><input type="text" name="{{inputnames.login.name}}" value="{{customer_name}}" /></td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Select a Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="{{inputnames.login.passwd}}"/></td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Repeat Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="{{inputnames.login.passwdrepeat}}"/></td></tr>
+ </table><p/>
+ <table>
+ <tr><td>Title:</td><td>
+ <input type="text" name="{{inputnames.login.title}}" id="titleinput" width="6" />
+ <img src="images/arrowdown.png" onclick="showTitles()"/>
+ <div id="titlediv" class="titlediv">
+ <a href="javascript:void selectTitle('Mr.')">Mr.</a><br/>
+ <a href="javascript:void selectTitle('Mrs.')">Mrs.</a><br/>
+ <a href="javascript:void selectTitle('Herr')">Herr</a><br/>
+ <a href="javascript:void selectTitle('Frau')">Frau</a>
+ </div>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="{{inputnames.login.name}}"/></td></tr>
+ <tr><td>First Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="{{inputnames.login.firstname}}"/></td></tr>
+ </table><p/>
+ <input type="submit" value="Create Account"/>
+ </form>
+{# in any case: allow the user to shop some more... #}
+<p><a href="{{script.root}}">Abort and Continue Shopping</a></p>
+{# helper JavaScript: makes one or the other dialog visible #}
+<script type="text/javascript">
+<!-- // Hide script from old browsers
+//makes the two main divs visible or invisible, used by toggledisplay
+function showDiv(use,creat)
+ document.getElementById("usediv").style.display = use;
+ document.getElementById("creatediv").style.display = creat;
+//called when one of the outer radio buttons is clicked:
+//finds out which div should be visible
+function toggledisplay()
+ var sel=document.getElementById("loginselect");
+ if(sel.checked)
+ showDiv("block","none");
+ else
+ showDiv("none","block");
+//initial view
+function showTitles()
+ document.getElementById("titlediv").style.display="block";
+function selectTitle(title)
+ document.getElementById("titlediv").style.display="none";
+ document.getElementById("titleinput").value=title;
+//end of hiding -->
+{% endblock page %}
--- /dev/null
+This template contains the mail sent to a customer
+when he/she requests a password reset.
+The first non-empty line contains the subject,
+subsequent lines contain the headers, then an empty line
+and after that the body of the mail.
+Password Reset at MagicSmoke.silmor.de
+From: no-reply@localdomain.com
+Hello {{customer.title}} {{customer.name}}!
+You or someone else requested to change your password.
+If you do intend to change your password please click the
+link below within the next 24 hours and enter a new password
+on the page you will see.
+If you do not intend to change your password please ignore
+this mail.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+{# Example Template for MagicSmoke
+ ================================
+ this one is called to create the voucher order page
+{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% block title %}Order Vouchers{% endblock %}
+{% block page %}
+<form action="{{script.voucherOrder}}" method="POST">
+ Please select a voucher price:
+ <select name="{{inputnames.voucher}}">
+ {% for i in voucherprices %}
+ <option value="{{i}}">{{i|asMoney}}</option>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </select>
+ {# end of the form... just add a button... #}
+ <input type="submit" value="add to cart" />
+{# in any case: allow the user to shop some more... #}
+<p><a href="{{script.root}}">Continue Shopping</a></p>
+{% endblock page %}