930330f Allow defined test and default filter on methods
Allow defined test and default filter on methods
Patch for #487.
by fabpot at 2011/10/30 03:45:49 -0700
Problem is when some of the arguments reference variables that do not exist (``). That's why I've added the check on arguments.
by nikic at 2011/10/30 03:58:58 -0700
@fabpot I'm not exactly sure what is the expected behavior in that case. When writing `foo.defined(undefined)|default()` I think an exception is the expected behavior (because there is an undefined variable without default, even if it is in the method arguments). With `foo.undefined(undefined)|default()` on the other hand I'm not sure. One could argue that as the method does not exist the arguments never need to be evaluated.
by fabpot at 2011/10/30 05:49:46 -0700
The same code is used for the `defined` test: what would be the expected behavior for `foo.defined(underfined) is defined`?