<Column name="abbreviation" type="string:10" notnull="yes"/>
<Column name="formula" type="string"/>
<Column name="flags" type="string">filter flags: defines who can use the category to define a new event (ignored once it is attached to an event)</Column>
+ <Column name="tags" type="string">internal tags: can be used by ticket printing templates or macros to execute certain actions</Column>
<V col="pricecategoryid" val="1"/>
<V col="abbreviation" val="norm"/>
<V col="formula" val=""/>
<V col="flags" val=""/>
+ <V col="tags" val=""/>
<Column name="description" type="text"/>
<Column name="comment" type="text"/>
<Column name="flags" type="string">filter flags: defines who can create events with this artist (ignored once it is attached to an event)</Column>
+ <Column name="tags" type="string">internal tags: can be used by macros and printer routines to change behavior or output</Column>
<Table name="event" backup="yes">
<!-- flags -->
<Column name="iscancelled" type="bool" default="0"/>
<Column name="flags" type="string">filter: who can sell tickets for this event</Column>
- <Column name="tax" type="int32"/>
+ <Column name="tax" type="int32">taxes on this event in hundredth of a percent, this value is actually never used internall, but may be used by printing routines for calculations</Column>
+ <Column name="tags" type="string">internal tags: can be used by macros and printer routines to change behavior or output</Column>
<!-- reason the event has been cancelled-->
<Column name="cancelreason" type="string"/>
<Column name="maxavailable" type="int32" notnull="yes"/>
<Column name="price" type="int32" notnull="yes"/>
<Column name="flags" type="string">filter: who can sell tickets in this category for this event</Column>
+ <Column name="tags" type="string">internal tags: can be used by macros and printer routines to change behavior or output</Column>
<Class name="Artist">
<Property name="comment" type="string"/>
<Property name="flags" type="astring"/>
<Property name="canuse" type="bool"/>
+ <Property name="tags" type="astring"/>
<Mapping table="artist">
<Map column="artistid" property="id"/>
<Map column="description"/>
<Map column="comment"/>
<Map column="flags"/>
+ <Map column="tags"/>
<Map property="canuse">
<Call lang="php" method="$GLOBALS['session']->checkFlags($data->getflags())"/>
<Property name="abbreviation" type="astring"/>
<Property name="formula" type="string"/>
<Property name="flags" type="string"/>
+ <Property name="tags" type="string"/>
<Property name="canuse" type="bool"/>
<Mapping table="pricecategory">
<Map column="pricecategoryid"/>
<Map column="abbreviation"/>
<Map column="formula"/>
<Map column="flags"/>
+ <Map column="tags"/>
<Map property="canuse">
<Call lang="php" method="$GLOBALS['session']->checkFlags($data->getflags())"/>
<Property name="maxavailable" type="int32"/>
<Property name="price" type="int32"/>
<Property name="flags" type="string"/>
+ <Property name="tags" type="string"/>
<Property name="canuse" type="bool"/>
<Property name="amounttickets" type="int">calculated property: contains the amount of tickets currently contained in this price, ignored if sent from client</Property>
<Map column="maxavailable"/>
<Map column="price"/>
<Map column="flags"/>
+ <Map column="tags"/>
<Map property="pricecategory">
<Call lang="php" method="WOPriceCategory::fromTablepricecategory(WTpricecategory::getFromDB($table->pricecategoryid))"/>
<Property name="comment" type="string"/>
<Property name="tax" type="int"/>
<Property name="flags" type="string"/>
+ <Property name="tags" type="string"/>
<Property name="canuse" type="bool"/>
<Mapping table="event">
<Map column="capacity"/>
<Map column="iscancelled"/>
<Map column="flags"/>
+ <Map column="tags"/>
<Map column="tax"/>
<Map column="cancelreason"/>
<Map property="price">