/**this class represents a bunch of tickets in the shopping cart, it is created by Cart*/
class CartTicket
+ private $ctid;
private $cartid;
private $eventid;
private $amount;
/**used by Cart to create the tickets, never use this directly*/
- public function __construct($cid,$eid,$amt)
+ public function __construct($ctid,$cid,$eid,$amt)
+ $this->ctid=$ctid;
- /**use this to increase or decrease the amount of tickets*/
+ /**use this to increase or decrease the amount of tickets; if the amount is decreased to zero, the row in the DB is deleted and the ticket can only be re-added with Cart::addTicket */
public function changeAmount($amt)
global $db;
$db->deleteRows("cart_ticket","cartid=".$db->escapeString($this->cartid)." and eventid=".$this->eventid);
- $db->update("cart_ticket",array("amount"=>($amt+0)),"cartid=".$db->escapeString($this->cartid)." and eventid=".$this->eventid);
+ $db->update("cart_ticket",array("amount"=>($amt+0)),"ctid=".$db->escapeInt($this->ctid));
+/**this error is returned if there are no items in a cart and the user wants to order it*/
+/**this error is returned if the user tries to buy a ticket for a cancelled event*/
+/**this error is returned if the event does not have that many tickets left*/
+/**this error is returned if the user wants to buy tickets for an unknown event (internal error?)*/
+/**this error is returned if the event is already over or tickets cannot be purchased anymore*/
+/**instantiated by Cart::orderCheck to report errors*/
+class CartError
+ private $etype;
+ private $eventid;
+ /**instantiates an error object of the given type and optionally for the given event*/
+ public function __construct($errtype,$eid=false)
+ {
+ $this->etype=$errtype;
+ $this->eventid=$eid;
+ }
+ /**returns the error type (see CE_* constants)*/
+ public function errorType()
+ {
+ return $this->etype;
+ }
+ /**returns the event id associated with this error (false if none)*/
+ public function eventId()
+ {
+ return $this->eventid;
+ }
+ /**returns the Event object associated with this error (false if none)*/
+ public function eventObject()
+ {
+ if($this->eventid===false)return false;
+ return new Event($this->eventid);
+ }
/**this class represents a shopping cart*/
class Cart
foreach($res as $k=>$tc)
- $ret[]=new CartTicket($tc["cartid"],$tc["eventid"],$tc["amount"]);
+ $ret[]=new CartTicket($tc["ctid"],$tc["cartid"],$tc["eventid"],$tc["amount"]);
return $ret;
- /**use this to add tickets*/
+ /**use this to add tickets, returns new CartTicket object or false if the event does not exist or is cancelled*/
public function addTickets($eventid,$amount)
//sanity check
- if($amount<=0)return;
- //TODO: check that ticket can be sold
+ if($amount<=0)return false;
+ //check that ticket can be sold
+ $event=new Event($eventid);
+ if($event->isCancelled())return false;
//insert into cart
- $db->insert("cart_ticket",array());
+ $nid=$db->insert("cart_ticket",array("cartid"=>$this->cartid,"eventid"=$eventid,"amount"=>$amount));
+ if($nid===false)return false;
+ return new CartTicket($nid,$this->cartid,$eventid,$amount);
+ }
+ /**checks that the whole content of the cart can be ordered; returns an empty array on success or an array of CartError objects on failure*/
+ public function orderCheck()
+ {
+ //TODO: extend to differentiate online, shop and direct sale
+ $ret=array();
+ //go through events
+ global $db;
+ $res=$db->select("cart_ticket","*","where cartid=".$db->escapeString($this->cartid));
+ if(count($res)>0)
+ foreach($res as $k=>$tc)
+ $ret[]=new CartTicket($tc["ctid"],$tc["cartid"],$tc["eventid"],$tc["amount"]);
+ //vouchers are ok by default, just check amount
+ $itmcnt=count($res);
+ $res=$db->select("cart_voucher","cvid","where cartid=".$db->escapeString($this->cartid));
+ $itmcnt+=count($res);
+ //check that we have something to order
+ if($itmcnt<=0)
+ $ret[]=new CartError(CE_NOITEMS);
+ //return...
+ return $ret;
/**ticket has been cancelled*/
-/**an order has been placed*/
-/**the order has been sent out*/
-/**the order has been paid*/
-/**the order is to be reversed (it has been paid, but is to be cancelled)*/
-/**the order has been cancelled*/
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--- /dev/null
+// PHP Implementation: order
+// Description:
+// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <konrad@silmor.de>, (C) 2007
+// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
+/**an order has been placed, this flag is set when the order is filled and finalized*/
+/**the order has been sent out (it must be placed first; direct sales are automatically sent)*/
+/**the order has been cancelled by the user (this is only possible as long as no money has been paid and nothing has been sent yet)*/
+/**the order is closed (optional: this flag means no further payment/cancellation/etc. is possible)*/
+/**this class represents an order in the database*/
+class Order
+ private $orderid;
+ private $status;
+ /**instantiates an existing order with the given orderid or creates a new one if orderid===false*/
+ public function __construct($orderid=false)
+ {
+ global $db;
+ if($orderid===false){
+ //create a new one
+ $odr=array(
+ //set to default
+ "soldby"=>"_online",
+ "status" => 0,
+ "ordertime" => time()
+ );
+ $this->orderid=$db->insert("order",$odr);
+ }else{
+ //get it from DB
+ $res=$db->select("order","*","orderid=".$db->escapeInt($orderid));
+ if(count($res)==0){
+ $this->orderid=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->orderid=$res[0]["orderid"];
+ $this->status=$res[0]["status"];
+ }
+ }
+ /**returns whether the order can still be changed*/
+ public function canChange()
+ {
+ return $this->isValid() && $this->status == 0;
+ }
+ /**returns whether the order is a valid DB object*/
+ public function isValid()
+ {
+ return $this->orderid!==false;
+ }
+ /**removes all items from the given Cart and enters them into itself; returns false if some items cannot be ordered or the order is already closed*/
+ public function emptyCart($cart)
+ {
+ //check carts contents
+ if(count($cart->orderCheck())>0)return false;
+ //check myself
+ if(!$this->canChange())return false;
+ //get tickets
+ $db->beginTransaction();
+ $tick=$cart->getTickets();
+ if(count($tick)>0)
+ foreach($tick as $k=>$tc){
+ $this->addTickets($tc->getEventId(),$tc->getAmount());
+ $tc->changeAmount(0);
+ }
+ //TODO: get vouchers
+ //done
+ $db->commitTransaction();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**adds some tickets to the order, returns ticketid or false if change is not possible*/
+ public function addTickets($eventid,$amount)
+ {
+ if(!$this->canChange() || $amount <= 0)return false;
+ global $db;
+ //get event
+ $event=new Event($eventid);
+ //create ticket
+ $tc=array("eventid" => $eventid,
+ "price" => $event->getDefaultPrice(),
+ "status" => 0,
+ "oderid" => $this->orderid
+ );
+ $ret=array();
+ for($i=0;$i<$amount;$i++)$ret[]=$db->insert("ticket",$tc);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**places/finalizes the order; returns false on failure, true on success or if the order already was finalized()*/
+ public function placeOrder()
+ {
+ if(!$this->canChange())return;
+ global $db;
+ $db->beginTransaction();
+ //get orderstatus and correct it
+ $res=$db->select("order","status","orderid=".$db->escapeInt($this->orderid));
+ if(count($res)==0){
+ $this->orderid=false;
+ $db->rollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ $db->update("order",array("status"=>ORDER_PLACED),"orderid=".$db->escapeInt($this->orderid));
+ $this->status=ORDER_PLACED;
+ //end
+ $db->commitTransaction();
+ return true;
+ }
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