release: 2.11.33 (2-major, 11-minor, 33- patch)
hint: "-" is ASCII code 0x2d, "." is 0x2e
- <CurrentVersion version="2.1" mrv="2.01.00"/>
+ <CurrentVersion version="2.1 beta1" mrv="2.01-b1"/>
<!-- in the build/meta file this is a template for config, it is copied to the installation -->
- <Settings baseurl="" indexfile="magicsmoke.xml" pollinterval="1800" fulltargetdir="dist-*"/>
+ <Settings baseurl="" indexfile="magicsmoke.xml" pollinterval="1800" fulltargetdir="dist-*"/>
<!-- this is the build file version: tell the system how to compile each distri
the name is changed to include the platform if you include a * at that position