* 1.14.0 (2013-XX-XX)
+ * added a way to add custom escaping strategies
* fixed the C extension compilation on Windows
* fixed the batch filter when using a fill argument with an exact match of elements to batch
* fixed the filesystem loader cache when a template name exists in several namespaces
The ``css``, ``url``, and ``html_attr`` strategies were added in Twig
+.. versionadded:: 1.14.0
+ The ability to define custom escapers was added in Twig 1.14.0.
The ``escape`` filter escapes a string for safe insertion into the final
output. It supports different escaping strategies depending on the template
{{ var|escape(strategy)|raw }} {# won't be double-escaped #}
{% endautoescape %}
+Custom Escapers
+You can define custom escapers by calling the ``setEscaper()`` method on the
+``core`` extension instance. The first argument is the escaper name (to be
+used in the ``escape`` call) and the second one must be a valid PHP callable:
+.. code-block:: php
+ $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
+ $twig->getExtension('core')->setEscaper('csv', 'csv_escaper'));
+When called by Twig, the callable receives the Twig environment instance, the
+string to escape, and the charset.
+.. note::
+ Built-in escapers cannot be overridden mainly they should be considered as
+ the final implementation and also for better performance.
protected $dateFormats = array('F j, Y H:i', '%d days');
protected $numberFormat = array(0, '.', ',');
protected $timezone = null;
+ protected $escapers = array();
+ /**
+ * Defines a new escaper to be used via the escape filter.
+ *
+ * @param string $strategy The strategy name that should be used as a strategy in the escape call
+ * @param callable $callable A valid PHP callable
+ */
+ public function setEscaper($strategy, $callable)
+ {
+ $this->escapers[$strategy] = $callable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets all defined escapers.
+ *
+ * @return array An array of escapers
+ */
+ public function getEscapers()
+ {
+ return $this->escapers;
+ }
* Sets the default format to be used by the date filter.
return rawurlencode($string);
- throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Invalid escaping strategy "%s" (valid ones: html, js, url, css, and html_attr).', $strategy));
+ static $escapers;
+ if (null === $escapers) {
+ $escapers = $env->getExtension('core')->getEscapers();
+ }
+ if (isset($escapers[$strategy])) {
+ return call_user_func($escapers[$strategy], $env, $string, $charset);
+ }
+ $validStrategies = implode(', ', array_merge(array('html', 'js', 'url', 'css', 'html_attr'), array_keys($escapers)));
+ throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Invalid escaping strategy "%s" (valid ones: %s).', $strategy, $validStrategies));
$this->assertEquals($output, 'éÄ');
+ public function testCustomEscaper()
+ {
+ $twig = new Twig_Environment();
+ $twig->getExtension('core')->setEscaper('foo', 'foo_escaper_for_test');
+ $this->assertEquals('fooUTF-8', twig_escape_filter($twig, 'foo', 'foo'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @expectedException Twig_Error_Runtime
+ */
+ public function testUnknownCustomEscaper()
+ {
+ twig_escape_filter(new Twig_Environment(), 'foo', 'bar');
+ }
+function foo_escaper_for_test(Twig_Environment $env, $string, $charset)
+ return $string.$charset;