return tmp;
+zval *TWIG_HAS_PROPERTY(zval *object, zval *propname)
+ char *prot_name;
+ int prot_name_length;
+ zval *tmp = 1;
+ if (Z_OBJ_HT_P(object)->has_property) {
+ return Z_OBJ_HT_P(object)->has_property(object, propname, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+ }
+ return 0;
zval *TWIG_PROPERTY_CHAR(zval *object, char *propname)
zval *tmp_name_zval, *tmp;
tmp_properties = TWIG_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT(tmp_class, "properties", strlen("properties"));
tmp_item = TWIG_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT_ZVAL(tmp_properties, item);
- tmp_object_item = TWIG_PROPERTY(object, item);
- if (tmp_item || tmp_object_item || TWIG_ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS(object, item) // FIXME: Array key? is that array access here?
+ if (tmp_item || TWIG_HAS_PROPERTY(object, item) || TWIG_ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS(object, item) // FIXME: Array key? is that array access here?
) {
if (isDefinedTest) {