move woc
authorkonrad <konrad@6e3c4bff-ac9f-4ac1-96c5-d2ea494d3e33>
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:56:44 +0000 (18:56 +0000)
committerkonrad <konrad@6e3c4bff-ac9f-4ac1-96c5-d2ea494d3e33>
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:56:44 +0000 (18:56 +0000)
git-svn-id: 6e3c4bff-ac9f-4ac1-96c5-d2ea494d3e33

www/inc/wbase/autoload.php [deleted file]
www/inc/wbase/exception.php [deleted file]
www/inc/wbase/object.php [deleted file]
www/inc/wbase/schema.php [deleted file]
www/inc/wbase/table.php [deleted file]
www/inc/wbase/transaction.php [deleted file]

diff --git a/www/inc/wbase/autoload.php b/www/inc/wbase/autoload.php
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-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | PHP Source                                                           
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Copyright (C) 2009 by Konrad Rosenbaum <>
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// |
-// | Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-function __autoload($cname)
-       global $AUTOCLASS;
-       if(isset($AUTOCLASS[$cname]))
-               require_once $AUTOCLASS[$cname];
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-// PHP Implementation: exception
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-class WobXmlException extends Exception {};
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-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | PHP Source                                                           
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Copyright (C) 2009 by Konrad Rosenbaum <>
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// |
-// | Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class WObject {
-       protected function __construct(){}
-       /**helper function that returns only the elements directly beneith the one given as $root*/
-       public static function elementsByTagName($root,$tag)
-       {
-               $list=array();
-               foreach($root->childNodes as $node){
-                       if($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
-                               if($node->tagName == $tag)
-                                       $list[]=$node;
-               }
-               return $list;
-       }
diff --git a/www/inc/wbase/schema.php b/www/inc/wbase/schema.php
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index fb368ba..0000000
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-/**This class parses the high-level description of the database structure generated by woc; access it via $dbScheme*/
-class WobSchemaBase {
-       protected static $scheme;
-       protected static $preset;
-       protected static $sversion;
-       protected static $backup;
-       function __construct()
-       {
-       }
-       /**return the version of this scheme*/
-       public function version(){return $this->sversion;}
-       /**return the tables to be created in order*/
-       public function tableNames()
-       {
-               return array_keys($this->scheme);
-       }
-       /**returns whether a table exists in the schema*/
-       public function hasTable($t)
-       {
-               return in_array($t,array_keys($this->scheme));
-       }
-       /**return the tables that are included in the backup*/
-       public function backupTables()
-       {
-               return $this->backup;
-       }
-       /**return the full definition of a table, or false if it does not exist*/
-       public function tableDefinition($tab)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab]))
-                       return false;
-               return $this->scheme[$tab];
-       }
-       /**return the names of all columns of a table, or false if the table does not exist*/
-       public function tableColumns($tab)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab]))
-                       return false;
-               $r=array();
-               foreach(array_keys($this->scheme[$tab]) as $c)
-                       if(substr($c,0,1)!=":")
-                               $r[]=$c;
-               return $r;
-       }
-       /**return whether the table has this column*/
-       public function tableHasColumn($tab,$col)
-       {
-               return isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]);
-       }
-       /**return default lines of the table for the initialization; returns empty array if there are none*/
-       public function tableDefaults($tab)
-       {
-               if(isset($this->preset[$tab]))return $this->preset[$tab];
-               else return array();
-       }
-       /**return the type of a column, or false if it does not exist*/
-       public function columnType($tab,$col)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]))
-                       return false;
-               return $this->scheme[$tab][$col][0];
-       }
-       /**return the flags of a column, empty array if no flags are set, or false if the column does not exist*/
-       public function columnFlags($tab,$col)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]))
-                       return false;
-               $tmp=$this->scheme[$tab][$col];
-               unset($tmp[0]);
-               return array_values($tmp);
-       }
-       /**returns true if the given column is of an integer type*/
-       public function isIntColumn($tab,$col)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]))
-                       return false;
-               $tpa=explode(":",$this->scheme[$tab][$col][0]);
-               switch($tpa[0]){
-                       case "int32":case "seq32":case "int64":case "seq64":case "enum":case "enum32":case "enum64":
-                               return true;
-                       default:
-                               return false;
-               }
-       }
-       /**returns the sequence column name if the table has a sequence, false otherwise*/
-       public function hasSequence($tab)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab]))
-                       return false;
-               foreach($this->scheme[$tab] as $cl => $def){
-                       if($def[0] == "seq32" || $def[0] == "seq64")
-                               return $cl;
-               }
-               return false;
-       }
-       /**returns true if the given column is of a string type*/
-       public function isStringColumn($tab,$col)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]))
-                       return false;
-               $tpa=explode(":",$this->scheme[$tab][$col][0]);
-               switch($tpa[0]){
-                       case "string":case "text":
-                               return true;
-                       default:
-                               return false;
-               }
-       }
-       /**returns true if the given column is of a blob type*/
-       public function isBlobColumn($tab,$col)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]))
-                       return false;
-               $tpa=explode(":",$this->scheme[$tab][$col][0]);
-               switch($tpa[0]){
-                       case "blob":
-                               return true;
-                       default:
-                               return false;
-               }
-       }
-       /**returns true if the given column is of a bool type*/
-       public function isBoolColumn($tab,$col)
-       {
-               if(!isset($this->scheme[$tab][$col]))
-                       return false;
-               $tpa=explode(":",$this->scheme[$tab][$col][0]);
-               switch($tpa[0]){
-                       case "bool":
-                       case "boolean":
-                               return true;
-                       default:
-                               return false;
-               }
-       }
-       /**returns the names of all primary key columns of the table*/
-       public function primaryKeyColumns($tab)
-       {
-               $r=array();
-               //search for direct mark
-               foreach($this->scheme[$tab] as $col=>$def)
-                       if(in_array("primarykey",$def))
-                               $r[]=$col;
-               //search for special mark
-               if(isset($this->scheme[$tab][":primarykey"]))
-                       foreach($this->scheme[$tab][":primarykey"] as $col)
-                               if(!in_array($col,$r))
-                                       $r[]=$col;
-               //return result
-               return $r;
-       }
\ No newline at end of file
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-// PHP Implementation: wob table base class
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-/**thrown by WobTable if a property change is out of range*/
-class ValueOutOfRange extends Exception
-       public function __construct($tab,$col,$val)
-       {
-               $this->message="Value of table '$tab' column '$col' is out of range. Value '$val' not allowed.";
-       }
-/**parent class of all tables*/
-abstract class WobTable
-       protected $data;
-       protected $cdata;
-       private $isfromdb;
-       private $table;
-       /**constructs a basic table*/
-       protected function __construct(array $data,$isfromdb,$table)
-       {
-               $this->data=array();
-               if($isfromdb)$this->data=$data;
-               else
-               foreach($data as $k=>$d){
-                       //silently ignore garbage
-                       if(!$this->hasProperty($k))continue;
-                       //verify non-garbage
-                       $vm="verifyValue".$k;
-                       if(method_exists($this,$vm))
-                       if(!$this->$vm($d))
-                               throw ValueOutOfRange($this->table,$k,$d);
-                       //set
-                       $this->data[$k]=$d;
-               }
-               $this->isfromdb=$isfromdb;
-               $this->table=$table;
-               $this->cdata=array();
-       }
-       /**set properties*/
-       public function __set($name,$value)
-       {
-               //check for property
-               if(!$this->hasProperty($name)){
-                       $trace=debug_backtrace();
-                       trigger_error("Trying to set undefined property ".$name." in ".$trace[0]['file']." on line ".$trace[0]['line'],E_USER_NOTICE);
-               }
-               //verify value (TODO: what about NULL?)
-               $vm="verifyValue".$name;
-               if(method_exists($this,$vm))
-                       if(!$this->$vm($value))
-                               throw ValueOutOfRange($this->table,$name,$value);
-               //set
-               $this->cdata[$name]=$value;
-       }
-       /**reverts changes to the property*/
-       public function revert($name)
-       {
-               if(!$this->hasProperty($name)){
-                       $trace=debug_backtrace();
-                       trigger_error("Trying to revert undefined property ".$name." in ".$trace[0]['file']." on line ".$trace[0]['line'],E_USER_NOTICE);
-               }
-               if(array_key_exists($name,$this->cdata))unset($this->cdata[$name]);
-       }
-       /**reverts all changes to properties*/
-       public function revertAll()
-       {
-               $this->cdata=array();
-       }
-       /**returns the name of the table*/
-       public function tableName(){return $this->table;}
-       /**returns whether the table contains a specific column*/
-       public function hasColumn($c)
-       {
-               global $dbScheme;
-               return $dbScheme->tableHasColumn($this->table,$name);
-       }
-       /**overridden by woc, returns true if the property exists*/
-       abstract public function hasProperty($c);
-       /**returns whether this is an auditable table*/
-       public function isAuditable(){return false;}
-       /**overridden by woc, if this an auditable table; used in insert and update*/
-       protected function createAudit(){}
-       /**returns the where clause to find this instance (via primary key columns)*/
-       public function where()
-       {
-               global $dbScheme,$db;
-               $r="";
-               $pk=$dbScheme->primaryKeyColumns($this->table);
-               foreach($pk as $c){
-                       if($r!="")$r.=" AND ";
-                       $r.=$c."=".$db->escapeColumn($this->table,$c,$this->data[$c]);
-               }
-               return $r;
-       }
-       /**returns the property/column*/
-       public function __get($name)
-       {
-               //verify name
-               if(!$this->hasProperty($name)){
-                       $trace=debug_backtrace();
-                       trigger_error("Accessing undefined property ".$name." in ".$trace[0]['file']." on line ".$trace[0]['line'],E_USER_NOTICE);
-               }
-               //return value or null
-               if(array_key_exists($name,$this->cdata))return $this->cdata[$name];
-               if(array_key_exists($name,$this->data))return $this->data[$name];
-               else return null;
-       }
-       /**checks whether a column exists*/
-       public function __isset($name)
-       {
-               global $db;
-               //verify name and return true on existence AND notnull
-               if(array_key_exists($name,$this->cdata))return isset($this->cdata[$name]);
-               if(array_key_exists($name,$this->data))return isset($this->data[$name]);
-               else return false;
-       }
-       /**unsets column-properties to NULL*/
-       public function __unset($name)
-       {
-               global $dbScheme;
-               //reset to null
-               if($this->hasProperty($name))$this->cdata[$name]=null;
-       }
-       /**returns whether any property has changed since the last DB sync*/
-       public function isChanged()
-       {
-               return count($this->cdata)>0;
-       }
-       /**returns whether a specific column has changed since the last DB sync*/
-       public function isColumnChanged($c)
-       {
-               return array_key_exists($c,$this->cdata);
-       }
-       /**insert the object under a new primary key value into the DB (implicitly calls newKey); returns true on success*/
-       public function insert()
-       {
-               global $dbScheme,$db;
-               $this->isfromdb=false;
-               //create new key
-               $this->newKey();
-               //now insert
-               $data=array();
-               foreach($this->data as $k=>$d)$data[$k]=$d;
-               foreach($this->cdata as $k=>$d)$data[$k]=$d;
-               $r=$db->insert($this->table,$data);
-               if($r===false)return false;
-               $this->isfromdb=true;
-               $this->data=$data;
-               $this->cdata=array();
-               $this->createAudit();
-               //assign primary key if sequence (otherwise newKey has done it)
-               $seq=$dbScheme->hasSequence($this->table);
-               if($seq!==false)
-                       $this->data[$seq]=$r;
-               //return success
-               return true;
-       }
-       /**generate a new primary key value for insert and marks the object as not yet in the DB; the default sets the primary key to NULL if it is a sequence; call the original first if you overwrite it*/
-       public function newKey()
-       {
-               global $dbScheme;
-               $this->isfromdb=false;
-               $pk=$dbScheme->hasSequence($this->table);
-               if($pk!==false){
-                       if(array_key_exists($pk,$this->data))unset($this->data[$pk]);
-                       if(array_key_exists($pk,$this->cdata))unset($this->cdata[$pk]);
-               }
-       }
-       /**updates the object in the database; returns true on success; fails if it did not come from the DB - use insertOrUpdate in this case; succeeds without asking the database if nothing has changed*/
-       public function update()
-       {
-               if(!$this->isfromdb)return false;
-               if(count($this->cdata)==0)return true;
-               global $db;
-               $succ=$db->update($this->table,$this->cdata,$this->where())!==false;
-               if($succ){
-                       foreach($this->cdata as $k=>$d)$this->data[$k]=$d;
-                       $this->cdata=array();
-                       $this->createAudit();
-               }
-               return $succ;
-       }
-       /**updates existing object in the database or inserts it if it does not exist in the DB yet*/
-       public function insertOrUpdate()
-       {
-               if($this->isfromdb)return $this->update();
-               else return $this->insert();
-       }
-       /**deletes this instance from the database; returns true if it actually executed*/
-       public function deleteFromDb()
-       {
-               if(!$this->isfromdb)return false;
-               global $db;
-               //obliterate audit data
-               if($this->isAuditable())
-                       $db->deleteRows($this->table."_audit",$this->where());
-               //delete data
-               $db->deleteRows($this->table,$this->where());
-               //mark as outsider
-               $this->isfromdb=false;
-               return true;
-       }
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-// PHP Implementation: transaction
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-/**Ancestor of all Transactions*/
-class WobTransactionBase {
-       protected $ainput;
-       protected $tinput;
-       protected $aoutput;
-       protected $toutput;
-       protected static $running="";
-       static public function getExecutingName(){return self::$running;}
-       /**called to determine the correct transaction, aborts the script if there is none.*/
-       static public function getTransactionName(){
-               global $_SERVER;
-               if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST"){
-                       header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-                       print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"non-post\">Request is not a POST Request, Aborting.</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-                       exit();
-               }
-               if(!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_WOBREQUEST"])){
-                       header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-                       print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"non-wob\">Request is not a Wob Request, Aborting.</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-                       exit();
-               }
-               self::$running=$_SERVER["HTTP_X_WOBREQUEST"];
-               return self::$running;
-       }
-       /**called to determine the session id*/
-       static public function getHeader($hd)
-       {
-               $hd="HTTP_X_".strtoupper(str_replace("-","_",$hd));
-               if(isset($_SERVER[$hd]))return $_SERVER[$hd];
-               else return "";
-       }
-       /**called if the transaction is not known. aborts the script.*/
-       static public function noSuchTransaction()
-       {
-               header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-               print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"non-wob\">Request is not known, Aborting.</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-               exit();
-       }
-       /**called if authentication fails*/
-       public function notAuthenticated(){
-               header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-               print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"auth\">User is not authenticated or does not have permission to execute this request, Aborting.</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-               exit();
-       }
-       /**called if XML parsing fails*/
-       public function xmlParserError(){
-               header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-               print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"xml\">Error while parsing request XML, Aborting.</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-               exit();
-       }
-       /**called for generic exception handling*/
-       public function handleException($ex){
-               header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-               print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"exception\">".xq($ex->getMessage())."</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-               exit();
-       }
-       /**called to abort a transactions flow
-       \param $type \b optional defines the source of the error (should be only one word, defaults to "server")
-       \param $text the human readable text returned to the client
-       */
-       public function abortWithError($text,$type="server"){
-               header("X-WobResponse-Status: Error");
-               print("<WobResponse status=\"error\"><Error type=\"".xq($type)."\">".xq($text)."</Error></WobResponse>\n");
-               exit();
-       }
-       /**called internally if a transaction is not implemented*/
-       protected function abortNotImplemented()
-       {
-               $this->abortWithError(tr("Transaction not implemented."));
-       }
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