static TimeStamp fromDateTime(int year,quint8 month,quint8 day,quint8 hour,quint8 minute,quint8 second,bool isLocal=true)
{return fromDateTime(QDate(year,month,day),QTime(hour,minute,second),isLocal);}
+ /**returns the current date/time as localized time stamps
+ \param zone the name of the target time zone*/
+ static TimeStamp now(QString zone){return TimeStamp(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(),zone);}
+ /**returns the current date/time as time stamp
+ \param isLocal if true the timestamp will be in the default time zone, if false on UTC*/
+ static TimeStamp now(bool isLocal=true){return TimeStamp(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(),isLocal);}
/**sets the global search repository for time zones, this only affects time zones that have not been loaded yet*/
static void setSearchPath(const QStringList&);