move woc
authorkonrad <konrad@6e3c4bff-ac9f-4ac1-96c5-d2ea494d3e33>
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:56:08 +0000 (18:56 +0000)
committerkonrad <konrad@6e3c4bff-ac9f-4ac1-96c5-d2ea494d3e33>
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:56:08 +0000 (18:56 +0000)
git-svn-id: 6e3c4bff-ac9f-4ac1-96c5-d2ea494d3e33

12 files changed:
woc/htmlout.cpp [deleted file]
woc/htmlout.h [deleted file]
woc/mfile.cpp [deleted file]
woc/mfile.h [deleted file]
woc/phpout.cpp [deleted file]
woc/phpout.h [deleted file]
woc/processor.cpp [deleted file]
woc/processor.h [deleted file]
woc/qtout.cpp [deleted file]
woc/qtout.h [deleted file]
woc/woc.cpp [deleted file]
woc/ [deleted file]

diff --git a/woc/htmlout.cpp b/woc/htmlout.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3ef5503..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: qtout
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include "htmlout.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QDomElement>
-       qDebug("Info: creating Html Output Generator.");
-       WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       m_basedir=woc->baseDir()+"/"+el.attribute("sourceDir",".");
-       m_subdir=el.attribute("subDir","htmlwob");
-       bool clean=str2bool(el.attribute("clean","0"));
-       //cleanup directory (remove normal files, assume remainder is harmless)
-       QDir d(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       if(d.exists() && clean){
-               QStringList ent=d.entryList(QDir::Files);
-               for(int i=0;i<ent.size();i++)
-                       d.remove(ent[i]);
-       }
-       //get/create directory
-       if(!d.exists())QDir(".").mkpath(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       //create index file
-       m_index.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/index.html");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create HTML index file %s.",m_index.fileName().toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("<html>\n<head>\n"));
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("<title>Project Index</title>\n"));
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("</head><body>\n"));
-       //write project info
-       QString inf="<h1>Project "+woc->projectName()+"</h1>\n";
-       inf+="Human Readable Version: "+woc->verHR()+"<br/>";
-       inf+="Communication Layer Version: "+woc->verComm()+"<br/>";
-       inf+="Minimum Compatible Version: "+woc->verNeedComm()+"<p/>";
-       inf+="SVN Repository URL: "+woc->svnRepositoryUrl()+"<br/>";
-       inf+="SVN Repository Root: "+woc->svnRepositoryRoot()+"<br/>";
-       inf+="SVN Revision: "+woc->svnRevision()+"<p/>";
-       inf+="Database Instance Object: "+woc->dbInst()+"<br/>";
-       inf+="Database Schema Object: "+woc->dbSchema()+"<br/>";
-       inf+="Database Schema Version: "+woc->dbVersion()+"<p/>";
-       m_index.write(inf.toAscii());
-       //write global docu
-       QStringList dcs=woc->docStrings();
-       for(int i=0;i<dcs.size();i++){
-               inf="<p>"+dcs[i]+"</p>\n";
-               m_index.write(inf.toAscii());
-       }
-void WocHtmlOut::finalize()
-       //TODO: write index table content
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("<h1>Index</h1>\n"));
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("<table><tr><td><h2>Classes</h2></td><td><h2>Transactions</td><td><h2>Tables</h2></td></tr>\n"));
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("<tr><td valign=\"top\"><ul>\n"));
-       QStringList sl=WocProcessor::instance()->classNames();
-       QString s;
-       qSort(sl);
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++)
-               s+="<li><a href=\"class-"+sl[i]+".html\">"+sl[i]+"</a></li>\n";
-       m_index.write(s.toAscii());
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("</ul></td><td valign=\"top\"><ul>"));
-       sl=WocProcessor::instance()->transactionNames();
-       s="";
-       qSort(sl);
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++)
-               s+="<li><a href=\"trn-"+sl[i]+".html\">"+sl[i]+"</a></li>\n";
-       m_index.write(s.toAscii());
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("</ul></td><td valign=\"top\"><ul>"));
-       sl=WocProcessor::instance()->tableNames();
-       s="";
-       qSort(sl);
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++)
-               s+="<li><a href=\"table-"+sl[i]+".html\">"+sl[i]+"</a></li>\n";
-       m_index.write(s.toAscii());
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("</ul></td></tr></table>\n"));
-       m_index.write(QByteArray("\n</body></html>\n"));
-       m_index.close();
-void WocHtmlOut::newTable(const WocTable&tbl)
-       QString;
-       QFile htm(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/table-"+cn+".html");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create html file for table %s.",cn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       //lead in
-       htm.write(QString("<html><title>Table "+cn+"</title><body>\n").toAscii());
-       QString hcd;
-       //table declaration
-       hcd+="<h1>Table "+cn+"</h1>\n";
-       if(tbl.isAuditable()){
-               hcd+="<p>This table is audited, see <a href=\"table-""_audit.html\">"
-             "_audit</a> for details.</p>\n";
-       }
-       QStringList td=tbl.docStrings();
-       for(int i=0;i<td.size();i++)
-               hcd+="<p>"+td[i]+"</p>\n";
-       hcd+="<table frame=\"1\" border=\"1\"><tr><td><b>Column Name</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Properties</b></td><td><b>Docu</b></td></tr>\n";
-       QStringList cl=tbl.columns();
-       for(int i=0;i<cl.size();i++){
-               hcd+="<tr><td>"+cl[i]+"</td><td>"+tbl.columnType(cl[i])+"</td><td>";
-               if(tbl.columnIsPrimary(cl[i]))
-                       hcd+="Primary-Key ";
-               if(tbl.columnIsNull(cl[i]))
-                       hcd+="NULL-able ";
-               if(tbl.columnHasDefault(cl[i]))
-                       hcd+="default=\""+tbl.columnDefault(cl[i])+"\" ";
-               if(tbl.columnIsForeign(cl[i])){
-                       QStringList cf=tbl.columnForeign(cl[i]).split(":");
-                       hcd+="Foreign-Key=<a href=\"table-"+cf[0]+".html\">"+cf[0]+"("+cf[1]+")</a> ";
-               }
-               if(tbl.columnIsIndexed(cl[i]))
-                       hcd+="Indexed ";
-               if(tbl.columnIsUnique(cl[i]))
-                       hcd+="Unique";
-               hcd+="</td><td>"+tbl.columnDoc(cl[i])+"</td></tr>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="</table>\n";
-       //enums
-       for(int i=0;i<cl.size();i++){
-               QList<WocEnum >lst=tbl.columnEnums(cl[i]);
-               if(lst.size()>0){
-                       hcd+="<h2>Enum for column "+cl[i]+"</h2>\n<ul>\n";
-                       for(int j=0;j<lst.size();j++){
-                               hcd+="<li>"+lst[j].name+"="+QString::number(lst[j].val);
-                               if(lst[j].doc!="")hcd+="<br/>"+lst[j].doc;
-                               hcd+="</li>\n";
-                       }
-                       hcd+="</ul>\n";
-               }
-       }
-       //foreign getters
-       cl=tbl.foreigns();
-       if(cl.size()>0){
-               hcd+="<h2>Foreign Getters</h2>\n<ul>";
-               for(int i=0;i<cl.size();i++){
-                       hcd+="<li>"+cl[i];
-                       QString s=tbl.foreignDoc(cl[i]);
-                       if(s!="")hcd+="<br/>"+s;
-                       hcd+="</li>\n";
-               }
-       }
-       //presets
-       QList<QMap<QString,QString> >pre=tbl.presets();
-       if(pre.size()>0){
-               hcd+="<h2>Presets</h2>\n<table frame=\"1\" border=\"1\">\n<tr>";
-               cl=tbl.columns();
-               for(int i=0;i<cl.size();i++)
-                       hcd+="<td><b>"+cl[i]+"</b></td>";
-               hcd+="</tr>\n";
-               for(int i=0;i<pre.size();i++){
-                       hcd+="<tr>";
-                       for(int j=0;j<cl.size();j++){
-                               hcd+="<td>";
-                               if(pre[i].contains(cl[j]))
-                                       hcd+=pre[i][cl[j]];
-                               hcd+="</td>";
-                       }
-                       hcd+="</tr>\n";
-               }
-               hcd+="</table>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="</body></html>\n";
-       htm.write(hcd.toAscii());
-void WocHtmlOut::newClass(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString;
-       QFile htm(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/class-"+cn+".html");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create html file for class %s.",cn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       //lead in
-       htm.write(QString("<html><title>Class "+cn+"</title><body>\n").toAscii());
-       QString hcd;
-       //class declaration
-       hcd+="<h1>";
-       if(cls.isAbstract(""))hcd+="Abstract ";
-       hcd+="Class "+cn+"</h1>\n";
-       //conditional abstract
-       QStringList ab=cls.abstractLangs();
-       if(ab.size()>0){
-               hcd+="<p>The class is conditionally abstract in: ";
-               for(int i=0;i<ab.size();i++){
-                       if(i)hcd+=", ";
-                       hcd+=ab[i];
-               }
-               hcd+="</p>\n";
-       }
-       //docu
-       QStringList doc=cls.docStrings();
-       for(int i=0;i<doc.size();i++)
-               hcd+="<p>"+doc[i]+"</p>\n";
-       htm.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       //enums
-       classEnums(cls,htm);
-       //properties
-       classProperties(cls,htm);
-       //mappings
-       classMappings(cls,htm);
-       //lead out
-       htm.write(QByteArray("</body></html>\n"));
-void WocHtmlOut::classEnums(const WocClass&cls,QFile&hdr)
-       QStringList k=cls.enumTypes();
-       if(k.size()==0)return;
-       QString hcd="<h2>Enums</h2>\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               //type
-               hcd+="<h3>enum "+k[i]+"</h3>\n";
-               hcd+="<table frame=\"1\" border=\"1\">";
-               hcd+="<tr><td><b>Symbol</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td><td><b>Docu</b></td></tr>\n";
-               QList<WocEnum>ev=cls.enumValues(k[i]);
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       hcd+="<tr><td>"+ev[j].name+"</td><td>"+QString::number(ev[j].val)
-                          +"</td><td>"+ev[j].doc+"</td></tr>\n";
-               }
-               hcd+="</table>\n";
-       }
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-void WocHtmlOut::classProperties(const WocClass&cls,QFile&hdr)
-       QStringList k=cls.propertyNames();
-       if(k.size()==0)return;
-       QString hcd;
-       //declare members
-       hcd="<h2>Properties</h2>\n<ul>\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               hcd+="<li>"+k[i]+" (";
-               if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i]))
-                       hcd+="<a href=\"class-"+cls.propertyPlainType(k[i])+".html\">";
-               hcd+=cls.propertyType(k[i]);
-               if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i]))
-                       hcd+="</a>";
-               hcd+=")";
-               QString d=cls.propDoc(k[i]);
-               if(d!="")hcd+="<br/>"+d;
-               hcd+="</li>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="</ul>\n";
-       //write
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-void WocHtmlOut::classMappings(const WocClass&cls,QFile&hdr)
-       QStringList k=cls.mappingTables();
-       if(k.size()==0)return;
-       QString hcd;
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               hcd+="<h2>Mapping for Table <a href=\"table-"+k[i]+".html\">"+k[i]+"</a></h2>\n";
-               hcd+="<table frame=\"1\" border=\"1\">\n";
-               hcd+="<tr><td><b>Property</b></td><td><b>Column</b></td></tr>\n";
-               QMap<QString,QString> map=cls.mapping(k[i]);
-               QStringList k2=map.keys();
-               for(int j=0;j<k2.size();j++){
-                       hcd+="<tr><td>"+k2[j]+"</td><td>"+map[k2[j]]+"</td></tr>\n";
-               }
-               hcd+="</table>\n";
-       }
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-void WocHtmlOut::newTransaction(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QString;
-       QFile htm(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/trn-"+cn+".html");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create HTML file for transaction %s.",cn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       //basics
-       QStringList in=trn.inputNames();
-       QStringList out=trn.outputNames();
-       QStringList doc=trn.docStrings();
-       //lead in
-       QString hcd;
-       hcd="<html><title>Transaction "+cn+"</title><body>\n<h1>Transaction "+cn+"</h1>\n";
-       //auth mode
-       hcd+="<p>Authentication mode: ";
-       switch(trn.authMode()){
-               case WocTransaction::Checked:hcd+="Checked (known user, must have the privilege)";break;
-               case WocTransaction::Auth:hcd+="Authenticated (known user, any/no privileges)";break;
-               case WocTransaction::Open:hcd+="Open (unauthenticated, any user)";break;
-               default:hcd+="Ooops. Unknown Mode.";break;
-       }
-       hcd+="</p>\n";
-       //docu
-       for(int i=0;i<doc.size();i++)
-               hcd+="<p>"+doc[i]+"</p>\n";
-       //in/out
-       hcd+="<h2>Inputs:</h2>\n<ul>\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               hcd+="<li>"+in[i]+": ";
-               QString t=trn.inputType(in[i]);
-               if(trn.isObjectType(t))
-                       hcd+="<a href=\"class-"+trn.plainType(t)+".html\">";
-               hcd+=t;
-               if(trn.isObjectType(t))
-                       hcd+="</a>";
-               //add docu
-               t=trn.inputDoc(in[i]);
-               if(t!="")hcd+="<br/>"+t;
-               hcd+="</li>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="</ul>\n<h2>Outputs:</h2>\n<ul>\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<out.size();i++){
-               hcd+="<li>"+out[i]+": ";
-               QString t=trn.outputType(out[i]);
-               if(trn.isObjectType(t))
-                       hcd+="<a href=\"class-"+trn.plainType(t)+".html\">";
-               hcd+=t;
-               if(trn.isObjectType(t))
-                       hcd+="</a>";
-               //add docu
-               t=trn.outputDoc(out[i]);
-               if(t!="")hcd+="<br/>"+t;
-               hcd+="</li>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="</ul>\n";
-       //privileges
-       QStringList pri=trn.privileges();
-       if(pri.size()){
-               hcd+="<h2>Privileges</h2>\n<ul>\n";
-               for(int i=0;i<pri.size();i++){
-                       hcd+="<li>"+pri[i];
-                       QString d=trn.privilegeDoc(pri[i]);
-                       if(d!="")
-                               hcd+="<br/>"+d;
-                       hcd+="</li>\n";
-               }
-               hcd+="</ul>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="</body></html>\n";
-       htm.write(hcd.toAscii());
diff --git a/woc/htmlout.h b/woc/htmlout.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c3650d9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: qtout
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#ifndef WOC_HTMLOUT_H
-#define WOC_HTMLOUT_H
-#include "processor.h"
-#include <QFile>
-class QDomElement;
-class WocHtmlOut:public WocOutput
-       public:
-               WocHtmlOut(QDomElement&);
-               ~WocHtmlOut();
-       protected:
-               virtual void finalize();
-               virtual void newClass(const WocClass&);
-               virtual void newTable(const WocTable&);
-               virtual void newTransaction(const WocTransaction&);
-       private:
-               QString m_basedir,m_subdir;
-               QFile m_index;
-               /**helper: generate enums for classes*/
-               void classEnums(const WocClass&,QFile&);
-               /**helper: generate properties*/
-               void classProperties(const WocClass&,QFile&);
-               /**helper: generate mappings*/
-               void classMappings(const WocClass&,QFile&);
diff --git a/woc/mfile.cpp b/woc/mfile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e6c0c9a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: mfile
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include "mfile.h"
-#include <QFileInfo>
-QMap<QString,QStringList> MFile::touched;
-MFile::MFile(QString n,QObject*parent):QFile(n+",new",parent),name(n){isopen=false;}
-MFile::MFile(QObject *parent):QFile(parent){isopen=false;}
-       if(isopen)close();
-void MFile::close()
-//     qDebug("Info: closing %s",name.toAscii().data());
-       //compare
-       bool ident=false;
-       if(isopen){
-               QFile::close();
-               QFile::open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-               QByteArray here=readAll();
-               QFile there(name);
-               if({
-                       ident=(here == there.readAll());
-                       there.close();
-               }
-       }
-       //actual close
-       QFile::close();
-       //move
-       if(isopen){
-               isopen=false;
-               if(ident){
-                       //if identical: remove new version to preserve file time
-                       remove();
-               }else{
-                       //if not identical: use new version, remove old one
-                       QFile(name).remove();
-                       QFile(name+",new").rename(name);
-               }
-       }
-void MFile::setFileName(QString n)
-       name=n;
-       QFile::setFileName(n+",new");
-bool MFile::open(QIODevice::OpenMode m)
-       isopen=QFile::open(m);
-       if(isopen){
-               //remember it
-               QFileInfo fi(name);
-               QString p=fi.absolutePath();
-               QString f=fi.fileName();
-               if(!touched.contains(p))touched.insert(p,QStringList());
-               if(!touched[p].contains(f))touched[p]<<f;
-       }
-       return isopen;
-bool MFile::touchedFile(QString name)
-       QFileInfo fi(name);
-       QString p=fi.absolutePath();
-       QString f=fi.fileName();
-       if(!touched.contains(p))return false;
-       return touched[p].contains(f);
diff --git a/woc/mfile.h b/woc/mfile.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 44a3d38..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: mfile
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#ifndef WOC_MFILE_H
-#define WOC_MFILE_H
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QStringList>
-/**overwrites QFile to only generate a file if its new version differs from an existing one, it creates a temporary file with ",new" added to the file name; additionally it records all file names that it touches;
-this is not a complete implementation - just enough for woc*/
-class MFile:public QFile
-       public:
-               MFile(QString name,QObject*parent=0);
-               MFile(QObject *parent=0);
-               ~MFile();
-               virtual void close();
-               virtual bool open(QIODevice::OpenMode m);
-               QString fileName()const{return name;}
-               void setFileName(QString n);
-               static bool touchedFile(QString);
-       private:
-               //flag to show whether file is open
-               bool isopen;
-               //original name of the file
-               QString name;
-               //stores touched files
-               static QMap<QString,QStringList> touched;
diff --git a/woc/phpout.cpp b/woc/phpout.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5ccb84b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1103 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: phpout
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include "phpout.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QDomElement>
-static const QByteArray PHPEND("\n//END OF AUTOGENERATED FILE\n?>");
-static const QByteArray SCHEMASTART("class WobSchema extends WobSchemaBase\n{\nfunction __construct(){\n");
-static const QByteArray SCHEMAEND("}};\n");
-static const QByteArray TRANSACTCLASS("class WobTransaction extends WobTransactionBase\n{\n");
-static const QByteArray TRANSACTSTART("  static public function handle(){switch(WobTransactionBase::getTransactionName()){\n");
-static const QByteArray TRANSACTEND("\tdefault:WobTransactionBase::noSuchTransaction();break;\n  }}\n");
-WocPHPServerOut::WocPHPServerOut(const QDomElement&el)
-       qDebug("Info: creating PHP Server Output Generator.");
-       m_basedir=WocProcessor::instance()->baseDir()+"/"+el.attribute("sourceDir",".");
-       m_subdir=el.attribute("subDir","phpwob");
-       m_fileext=el.attribute("extension",".inc");
-       QList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(el,"Authenticator");
-       if(nl.size()){
-               QDomElement;
-               m_isauth=el2.attribute("isAuthenticated","false");
-               m_hasrole=el2.attribute("hasRole","false");
-               m_username=el2.attribute("userName","\"\"");
-               m_authinit=el2.attribute("init","");
-       }else{
-               m_isauth="false";
-               m_hasrole="false";
-               m_username="\"\"";
-       }
-       //cleanup directory (remove normal files, assume remainder is harmless)
-       QDir d(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       if(d.exists() && str2bool(el.attribute("clean","0"))){
-               QStringList ent=d.entryList(QDir::Files);
-               for(int i=0;i<ent.size();i++)
-                       d.remove(ent[i]);
-       }
-       //get/create directory
-       if(!d.exists())QDir(".").mkpath(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       //create loader
-       m_loader.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/autoload"+m_fileext);
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: PHP Server Generator - cannot create loader file, deactivating output.");
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_loader.write(PHPSTART);
-       //create schema file
-       m_schema.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/schema"+m_fileext);
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: PHP Server Generator - cannot create DB schema file.");
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_schema.write(PHPSTART);
-       m_schema.write(SCHEMASTART);
-       m_schema.write(("\t$this->sversion=\""+WocProcessor::instance()->dbVersion()+"\";\n").toAscii());
-       addLoad("WobSchema","schema");
-       //create Transaction file
-       m_transact.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/transaction"+m_fileext);
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: PHP Server Generator - cannot create transaction processor file.");
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_transact.write(PHPSTART);
-       m_transact.write(TRANSACTCLASS);
-       transInfo();
-       m_transact.write(TRANSACTSTART);
-       addLoad("WobTransaction","transaction");
-void WocPHPServerOut::transInfo()
-       WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       m_transact.write(QString("  static public function commVersion(){return \""+woc->verComm()+"\";}\n").toAscii());
-       m_transact.write(QString("  static public function needCommVersion(){return \""+woc->verNeedComm()+"\";}\n").toAscii());
-       m_transact.write(QString("  static public function version(){return \""+woc->verHR()+"\";}\n").toAscii());
-       m_transact.write(QString("  static public function svnVersion(){return \""+woc->svnRevision()+"\";}\n\n").toAscii());
-       m_transact.write(QString("  static public function svnRepositoryRoot(){return \""+woc->svnRepositoryRoot()+"\";}\n\n").toAscii());
-       m_transact.write(QString("  static public function svnRepositoryUrl(){return \""+woc->svnRepositoryUrl()+"\";}\n\n").toAscii());
-void WocPHPServerOut::transInfo2()
-       WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       //transaction names
-       QString code="  static public function transactionNames(){\n\treturn array(";
-       QStringList tns=woc->transactionNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<tns.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="\n\t\ttranslate(\"_TransactionNames\",\""+tns[i]+"\")";
-       }
-       code+=");\n  }\n";
-       //privilege names
-       code+="static public function privilegeNames(){\n\treturn array(";
-       QStringList priv=woc->privilegeNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<priv.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",\n\t\t";else code+="\n\t\t";
-               code+="translate(\"_PrivilegeNames\",\""+priv[i]+"\")";
-       }
-       code+="\n\t);\n}\n";
-       m_transact.write(code.toAscii());
-void WocPHPServerOut::finalize()
-       if(m_loader.isOpen()){
-               m_loader.write(PHPEND);
-               m_loader.close();
-       }
-       if(m_schema.isOpen()){
-               m_schema.write(SCHEMAEND);
-               m_schema.write(PHPEND);
-               m_schema.close();
-       }
-       if(m_transact.isOpen()){
-               m_transact.write(TRANSACTEND);
-               transInfo2();
-               m_transact.write("};\n");
-               m_transact.write(PHPEND);
-               m_transact.close();
-       }
-void WocPHPServerOut::newTable(const WocTable&tbl)
-       if(!m_loader.isOpen())return;
-       WocProcessor *woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       //create table file
-       QString fn=m_subdir+"/wt_";
-       QFile tf(m_basedir+"/"+fn);
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create PHP table file %s.",fn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       tf.write(PHPSTART);
-       QString code="/* TRANSLATOR WT"" */\nclass WT"" extends "+tbl.baseClass()+"\n{\n";
-       //initializer
-       code+="protected function __construct(array $data,$isfromdb){parent::__construct($data,$isfromdb,\"""\");}\n\n";
-       //static new instance for insert only
-       code+="public static function newRow(array $data=array()){return new WT""($data,false);}\n\n";
-       //static get instance
-       QStringList cols=tbl.columns();
-       QStringList pcols=tbl.primaryColumns();
-        //header
-       code+="public static function getFromDB(";
-       for(int i=0;i<pcols.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="$"+pcols[i];
-       }
-       QString dbi="$"+woc->dbInst();
-        //DB query
-       code+="){\n\tglobal "+dbi+";\n\t$res="+dbi+"->select(\"""\",\"*\",\"";
-       for(int i=0;i<pcols.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=" AND ";
-               code+=pcols[i]+"=\"."+dbi+"->escapeColumn(\"""\",\""+pcols[i]+"\",$"+pcols[i]+").\"";
-       }
-       code+="\");\n";
-        //check result
-       code+="\tif($res===false)return false;\n\tif(count($res)<1)return false;\n\telse return new WT""($res[0],true);\n}\n\n";
-       //static get selection
-       code+="public static function selectFromDB($where=\"\",$orderby=\"\"){\n\tglobal "+dbi+";\n\t$res="+dbi+"->select(\"""\",\"*\",$where,$orderby);\n\tif($res===false || count($res)<1)return array();\n\t";
-       code+="$r=array();\n\tforeach($res as $row)\n\t\t$r[]=new WT""($row,true);\n\treturn $r;\n}\n\n";
-       //go through columns, generate specific code
-       for(int i=0;i<cols.size();i++){
-               //automatic resolution of internal foreign keys
-               if(tbl.columnIsForeign(cols[i])){
-                       code+="public function getObjectFor"+cols[i]+"(){\n\tglobal "+dbi+";\n\treturn WT";
-                       QStringList foreign=tbl.columnForeign(cols[i]).split(":");
-                       code+=foreign[0]+"::selectFromDB(\""+foreign[1]+"=\"."+dbi+"->escapeColumn(\""+foreign[0]+"\",\""+foreign[1]+"\",$this->"+cols[i]+"));\n}\n\n";
-               }
-               //implement enum check for set method of enum columns
-               if(tbl.columnType(cols[i]).startsWith("enum")){
-                       code+="protected function verifyValue"+cols[i]+"($v){if(false";
-                       QList<WocEnum>ens=tbl.columnEnums(cols[i]);
-                       QList<int>envs;
-                       for(int j=0;j<ens.size();j++){
-                               int v=ens[j].val;
-                               if(envs.contains(v))continue;
-                               envs.append(v);
-                               code+="||$v=="+QString::number(v);
-                       }
-                       code+=")return true;else return false;}\n\n";
-               }
-       }
-       //reverse resolution of configured foreign keys
-       QStringList fs=tbl.foreigns();
-       for(int i=0;i<fs.size();i++){
-               QString via=tbl.foreignQuery(fs[i]);
-               //parse via
-               QStringList v1=via.split("=");
-               if(v1.size()!=2){
-                       qDebug("Warning: Foreign clause %s of table %s has illegal syntax. Should be foreigntable:column=localcolumn.",fs[i].toAscii().data(),;
-                       continue;
-               }
-               QString local=v1[1].trimmed();
-               QStringList foreign=v1[0].split(":");
-               if(foreign.size()!=2){
-                       qDebug("Warning: Foreign clause %s of table %s has illegal syntax. Should be foreigntable:column=localcolumn.",fs[i].toAscii().data(),;
-                       continue;
-               }
-               code+="public function "+fs[i]+"(){\n\tglobal "+dbi+";\n\treturn WT"+foreign[0]+"::selectFromDB(\""+foreign[1]+"=\"."+dbi+"->escapeColumn(\"";
-               code+=foreign[0]+"\",\""+foreign[1]+"\",$this->"+local+"));\n}\n\n";
-       }
-       //create enum constants
-       QList<WocEnum>ens=tbl.getEnums();
-       for(int i=0;i<ens.size();i++){
-               code+="const "+ens[i].name+"="+QString::number(ens[i].val)+";\n";
-       }
-       //hasproperty function
-       code+="public function hasProperty($p){switch($p){\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<cols.size();i++)
-               code+="\tcase \""+cols[i]+"\":\n";
-       QStringList aps=tbl.auditColumns();
-       for(int i=0;i<aps.size();i++)
-               code+="\tcase \""+aps[i]+"\":\n";
-       code+="\t\treturn true;\n\tdefault:return false;}}\n";
-       //create audit stuff
-       if(tbl.isAuditable()){
-               code+="public function isAuditable(){return true;}\n";
-               code+="protected function createAudit(){$ad=WT""_audit::newRow($this->data);\n";
-               code+="\treturn $ad->insert();\n}\n";
-       }
-       //create newKey function
-       code+="public function newKey(){\n\tparent::newKey();\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<cols.size();i++){
-               QString c=tbl.columnCall(cols[i],"php");
-               if(c=="")continue;
-               code+="\t$this->cdata[\""+cols[i]+"\"]="+c+";\n";
-       }
-       code+="}\n";
-       //write table class
-       code+="};\n";
-       tf.write(code.toAscii());
-       tf.write(PHPEND);
-       tf.close();
-       //extend schema file
-       //column definitions
-       code="\t$this->scheme[\"""\"]=array(";
-       for(int i=0;i<cols.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="\n\t\t\""+cols[i]+"\"=>array(\"";
-               code+=tbl.columnType(cols[i])+"\"";
-               if(!tbl.columnIsNull(cols[i]))code+=",\"notnull\"";
-               if(tbl.columnIsForeign(cols[i]))code+=",\"foreignkey:"+tbl.columnForeign(cols[i])+"\"";
-               if(pcols.size()<2 && tbl.columnIsPrimary(cols[i]))code+=",\"primarykey\"";
-               if(tbl.columnHasDefault(cols[i]))code+=",\"default:"+tbl.columnDefault(cols[i])+"\"";
-               if(tbl.columnIsIndexed(cols[i]))code+=",\"index\"";
-               if(tbl.columnIsUnique(cols[i]))code+=",\"unique\"";
-               code+=")";
-       }
-       if(pcols.size()>=2){
-               code+=",\n\t\t\":primarykey\"=>array(";
-               for(int i=0;i<pcols.size();i++){
-                       if(i)code+=",";
-                       code+="\""+pcols[i]+"\"";
-               }
-               code+=")";
-       }
-       code+="\n\t);\n";
-       if(tbl.inBackup())code+="\t$this->backup[]=\"""\";\n";
-       //write presets
-       QList<QMap<QString,QString> >presets=tbl.presets();
-       if(presets.size()>0){
-               code+="\t$this->preset[\"""\"]=array(";
-               for(int i=0;i<presets.size();i++){
-                       if(i)code+=",";
-                       code+="\n\t\tarray(";
-                       QStringList k=presets[i].keys();
-                       for(int j=0;j<k.size();j++){
-                               if(j)code+=",";
-                               code+="\""+k[j]+"\"=>"+presets[i][k[j]];
-                       }
-                       code+=")";
-               }
-               code+="\n\t);\n";
-       }
-       //write
-       m_schema.write(code.toAscii());
-       //create autoloading
-       addLoad("WT","wt_";
-void WocPHPServerOut::addLoad(QString cn,QString fn)
-       QString ld="$AUTOCLASS[\""+cn+"\"]=\""+m_subdir+"/"+fn+m_fileext+"\";\n";
-       m_loader.write(ld.toAscii());
-void WocPHPServerOut::newClass(const WocClass&cls)
-       //cover basics
-       QString cn=className(cls);
-       QString cna=abstractClassName(cls);
-       QString fn="wo_";
-       addLoad(cna,fn);
-       fn=m_subdir+"/"+fn+m_fileext;
-       QFile tf(m_basedir+"/"+fn);
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create PHP object file %s.",fn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       tf.write(PHPSTART);
-       ////
-       //generate code
-       QString code="/* TRANSLATOR "+cna+" */\nclass "+cna+" extends "+cls.serverBaseClass()+"{\n\n";
-       tf.write(code.toAscii());
-       //property declaration and constructor
-       tf.write(classConstruct(cls).toAscii());
-       //enums
-       tf.write(classEnums(cls).toAscii());
-       //properties
-       tf.write(classProperties(cls).toAscii());
-       //mappings
-       tf.write(classMappings(cls).toAscii());
-       //serializers
-       tf.write(classSerializers(cls).toAscii());
-       //de-serializer
-       tf.write(classDeserializers(cls).toAscii());
-       //end of class
-       code="\n//end of class\n};\n";
-       tf.write(code.toAscii());
-       tf.write(PHPEND);
-       tf.close();
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classConstruct(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString code;
-       QStringList k=cls.propertyNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               code+="protected $prop_"+k[i];
-               if(!cls.propertyIsList(k[i]))code+="=null";
-               code+=";\n";
-       }
-       code+="public function __construct()\n{\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++)
-               if(cls.propertyIsList(k[i]))
-                       code+="\t$this->prop_"+k[i]+"=array();";
-       code+="}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classEnums(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString code;
-       QStringList k=cls.enumTypes();
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               code+="//enum "+k[i]+"\n";
-               QList<WocEnum>ev=cls.enumValues(k[i]);
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++)
-                       code+="const "+ev[j].name+"="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-       }
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classProperties(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString code;
-       QStringList k=cls.propertyNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               code+="\n";
-               //generate validator
-               code+=classPropertyValidator(cls,k[i]);
-               //generic getter
-               code+="public function get"+k[i]+"(){return $this->prop_"+k[i]+";}\n";
-               //is it a list?
-               if(cls.propertyIsList(k[i])){
-                       //lists...
-                       //getters
-                       code+=classPropertyListGetters(cls,k[i]);
-                       //setters
-                       code+=classPropertyListSetters(cls,k[i]);
-               }else{
-                       //non-lists...
-                       //getters
-                       code+=classPropertyScalarGetters(cls,k[i]);
-                       //setter
-                       code+=classPropertyScalarSetters(cls,k[i]);
-               }
-       }
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classPropertyValidator(const WocClass&cls,QString prop)
-       QString code;
-       code+="static public function validate"+prop+"($value){\n";
-       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(prop)){
-               QList<WocEnum>ev=cls.enumValues(cls.propertyPlainType(prop));
-               code+="\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n\t\t$value=$value+0;\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\tif($value=="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+")return true;\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\treturn false;\n\t}else{\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\tif($value==\""+ev[j].name+"\")return true;\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsInt(prop))
-               code+="\treturn is_numeric($value);\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsString(prop)||cls.propertyIsBlob(prop))
-               code+="\treturn true;\n";//TODO: special handling for astring
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop))
-               code+="\treturn is_bool($value);\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop))
-               code+="\treturn is_a($value,\"WO"+cls.propertyPlainType(prop)+"\");\n";
-       else{
-               qDebug("Warning: unable to generate validator for class %s property %s: unknown type.",,prop.toAscii().data());
-               code+="\treturn false;\n";
-       }
-       code+="}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classPropertyListGetters(const WocClass&cls,QString prop)
-       QString code;
-       if(cls.propertyIsString(prop))
-               code+="public function getstrlist_"+prop+"(){return $this->prop_"+prop+";}\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBlob(prop)){
-               code+="public function getstrlist_"+prop+"(){\n\t$ret=array();\n";
-               code+="\tforeach($this->prop_"+prop+" as $p)$ret[]=base64_encode($this->prop_"+prop+");";
-               code+="\treturn $ret;\n}\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsInt(prop)){
-               code+="public function getstrlist_"+prop+"(){\n";
-               code+="\t$ret=array();\n\tforeach($this->prop_"+prop+" as $p)$ret[]=\"\".$p;\n";
-               code+="\treturn $ret;\n}\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop)){
-               code+="public function getstrlist_"+prop+"(){\n";
-               code+="\t$ret=array();\n\tforeach($this->prop_"+prop+" as $p)$ret[]=$p?\"yes\":\"no\";\n";
-               code+="\treturn $ret;\n}\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(prop)){
-               code+="public function getstrlist_"+prop+"(){\n";
-               code+="\t$ret=array();\n";
-               code+="\tforeach($this->prop_"+prop+" as $p)switch($p){\n";
-               QList<WocEnum> ev=cls.enumValues(cls.propertyPlainType(prop));
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\tcase "+QString::number(ev[j].val)+":$ret[]=\""+ev[j].name+"\";break;\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\tdefault:$ret[]=null;break;\n\t}\n\treturn $ret;\n}\n";
-       }
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classPropertyListSetters(const WocClass&cls,QString prop)
-       QString code;
-       code+="public function clear_"+prop+"(){$this->prop_"+prop+"=array();}\n";
-       QString acode;//body of add_ function, see below
-       code+="public function set"+prop+"(array $values){\n";
-       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(prop)){
-               QList<WocEnum>ev=cls.enumValues(cls.propertyPlainType(prop));
-               code+="\t$prop=array();\n";
-               code+="\tforeach($values as $value){\n";
-               code+="\t\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n\t\t\t$value=$value+0;\n";
-               acode+="\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n\t\t$value=$value+0;\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\t\tif($value=="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+"){\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\t\t$prop[]="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\t}else\n";
-                       acode+="\t\tif($value=="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+"){\n";
-                       acode+="\t\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"[]="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-                       acode+="\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}else{\n";
-               acode+="\t\treturn false;\n\t}else{\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\t\tif($value==\""+ev[j].name+"\"){\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\t\t$prop[]="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-                       code+="\n\t\t\t}else\n";
-                       acode+="\t\tif($value==\""+ev[j].name+"\"){\n";
-                       acode+="\t\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"[]="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-                       acode+="\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n";
-               code+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$prop;\n";
-               code+="\treturn true;\n";
-               acode+="\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsInt(prop)){
-               code+="\t$prop=array();\n\tforeach($values as $value)\n";
-               code+="\t\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n\t\t\t$prop[]=0+$value;\n\t\t}else return false;\n";
-               code+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$prop;\n\treturn true;\n";
-               acode+="\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n";
-               acode+="\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=0+$value;\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}else return false;\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop)){
-               code+="\t$prop=array();\n\tforeach($values as $value)\n";
-               code+="\t\tif(is_bool($value))$prop[]=$value!=false;else\n";
-               code+="\t\tif($value==\"yes\")$prop[]=true;else\n";
-               code+="\t\tif($value==\"no\")$prop[]=false;else return false;\n";
-               code+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$prop;\n\treturn true;\n";
-               acode+="\tif(is_bool($value)){\n";
-               acode+="\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$value!=false;\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}else return false;\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsString(prop)||cls.propertyIsBlob(prop)){
-               code+="\t$prop=array();\n\tforeach($values as $value)$prop[]=\"\".$value;\n";
-               code+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$prop;\n\treturn true;\n";
-               //TODO: special handling for astring
-               acode+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"[]=\"\".$value;\n\treturn true;\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop)){
-               code+="\t$prop=array();\n\tforeach($values as $value)\n";
-               code+="\t\tif(is_a($value,\"WO"+cls.propertyPlainType(prop)+"\"))\n";
-               code+="\t\t\t$prop[]=$value;\n";
-               code+="\t\telse return false;\n";
-               code+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$prop;\n";
-               code+="\treturn true;\n";
-               acode+="\tif(is_a($value,\"WO"+cls.propertyPlainType(prop)+"\")){\n";
-               acode+="\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"[]=$value;\n";
-               acode+="\t\treturn true;\n";
-               acode+="\t}else return false;\n";
-       }else{
-               qDebug("Warning: unable to generate setter for class %s property %s: unknown type.",,prop.toAscii().data());
-               code+="\treturn false;\n";
-       }
-       code+="}\n";
-       code+="public function add_"+prop+"($value){\n"+acode+"}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classPropertyScalarGetters(const WocClass&cls,QString prop)
-       QString code;
-       if(cls.propertyIsString(prop))
-               code+="public function getstr_"+prop+"(){return $this->prop_"+prop+";}\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBlob(prop))
-               code+="public function getstr_"+prop+"(){return base64_encode($this->prop_"+prop+");}\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsInt(prop))
-               code+="public function getstr_"+prop+"(){return \"\".$this->prop_"+prop+";}\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop))
-               code+="public function getstr_"+prop+"(){return $this->prop_"+prop+"?\"yes\":\"no\";}\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(prop)){
-               code+="public function getstr_"+prop+"(){\n\tswitch($this->prop_"+prop+"){\n";
-               QList<WocEnum> ev=cls.enumValues(cls.propertyPlainType(prop));
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\tcase "+QString::number(ev[j].val)+":return translate(\""+abstractClassName(cls)+"\",\""+ev[j].name+"\");\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\tdefault:return null;\n\t}\n}\n";
-       }
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classPropertyScalarSetters(const WocClass&cls,QString prop)
-       QString code;
-       code+="public function set"+prop+"($value){\n";
-       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(prop)){
-               QList<WocEnum>ev=cls.enumValues(cls.propertyPlainType(prop));
-               code+="\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n\t\t$value=$value+0;\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\tif($value=="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+"){\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\treturn false;\n\t}else{\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       code+="\t\tif($value==\""+ev[j].name+"\"){\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"="+QString::number(ev[j].val)+";\n";
-                       code+="\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n";
-               }
-               code+="\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsInt(prop))
-               code+="\tif(is_numeric($value)){\n\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=0+$value;\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}else return false;\n";
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop)){
-               code+="\tif(is_bool($value))$this->prop_"+prop+"=$value!=false;else\n";
-               code+="\tif($value==\"yes\")$this->prop_"+prop+"=true;else\n";
-               code+="\tif($value==\"no\")$this->prop_"+prop+"=false;\n\telse return false;\n";
-               code+="\treturn true;\n";
-       }else
-       if(cls.propertyIsString(prop)||cls.propertyIsBlob(prop))
-               code+="\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=\"\".$value;\n\treturn true;\n";
-               //TODO: special handling for astring
-               //TODO: do something about Blob
-       else
-       if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop)){
-               code+="\tif(is_a($value,\"WO"+cls.propertyPlainType(prop)+"\")){\n";
-               code+="\t\t$this->prop_"+prop+"=$value;\n";
-               code+="\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n";
-       }else{
-               qDebug("Warning: unable to generate setter for class %s property %s: unknown type.",,prop.toAscii().data());
-               code+="\treturn false;\n";
-       }
-       code+="}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classSerializers(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString code;
-       //toString function (wraps toXml)
-       code+="\npublic function toString(){\n\t$xml=new DomDocument;\n";
-       code+="\t$xml->appendChild($this->toXml($xml));\n\treturn $xml->saveXml();\n}\n";
-       //toXml function:
-       code+="public function toXml($xml,$elementname=\"""\"){\n";
-       code+="\t$root=$xml->createElement($elementname);\n";
-       //add properties
-       QStringList p=cls.propertyNames();
-       for(int j=0;j<p.size();j++)
-               code+=propertyToXml(cls,p[j]);
-       //return result
-       code+="\treturn $root;\n}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classDeserializers(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString code;
-       QStringList k;
-       code+="\nstatic public function fromString($txt){\n\t$xml=new DomDocument;\n";
-       code+="\tif(!$xml->loadXml(trim($txt)))";
-       code+="\n\t\tthrow WobXmlException(translate(\""+abstractClassName(cls)+"\",\"Unable to deserialize object of type "+className(cls)+": invalid XML.\"));";
-       code+="\n\treturn self::fromXml($xml,$xml->documentElement);\n}\n";
-       code+="static public function fromXml($xml,$elem){\n\t$data=new "+className(cls)+"();\n";
-       k=cls.propertyNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               //scan properties
-               if(cls.propertyIsList(k[i])){
-                       code+="\t$data->clear_"+k[i]+"();\n";
-                       code+="\tforeach(WObject::elementsByTagName($elem,\""+k[i]+"\") as $el){\n";
-                       if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i])){
-                               code+="\t\t$data->add_"+k[i]+"(WO"+cls.propertyPlainType(k[i])+"::fromXml($xml,$el));\n";
-                       }else if(cls.propertyIsBlob(k[i])){
-                               code+="\t\t$data->add_"+k[i]+"(base64_decode($el->textContent));\n";
-                       }else{
-                               code+="\t\t$data->add_"+k[i]+"($el->textContent);\n";
-                       }
-                       code+="\t}\n";
-               }else{
-                       if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i])){
-                               code+="\tforeach(WObject::elementsByTagName($elem,\""+k[i]+"\") as $el){\n";
-                               code+="\t\t$data->set"+k[i]+"(WO"+cls.propertyPlainType(k[i])+"::fromXml($xml,$el));\n";
-                               code+="\t}\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsAttribute(k[i])){
-                               code+="\tif($elem->hasAttribute(\""+k[i]+"\"))\n";
-                               code+="\t\t$data->set"+k[i]+"($elem->getAttribute(\""+k[i]+"\"));\n";
-                       }else{
-                               code+="\tforeach(WObject::elementsByTagName($elem,\""+k[i]+"\") as $el){\n";
-                               if(cls.propertyIsBlob(k[i]))
-                                       code+="\t\t$data->set"+k[i]+"(base64_decode($el->textContent));\n";
-                               else
-                                       code+="\t\t$data->set"+k[i]+"($el->textContent);\n";
-                               code+="\t}\n";
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       code+="\treturn $data;\n}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::classMappings(const WocClass&cls)
-       //implement mappings
-       QString code;
-       QStringList k=cls.mappingTables();
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               WocTable tab=WocProcessor::instance()->table(k[i]);
-               //single object mapping
-               code+="\nstatic public function fromTable"+k[i]+"($table){\n";
-               code+="\tif($table === false)return false;\n";
-               code+="\t$data=new WO""();\n";
-               QMap<QString,QString>map=cls.mapping(k[i]);
-               QStringList mapk=cls.mappingProperties(k[i]);
-               for(int j=0;j<mapk.size();j++){
-                       QString meth=cls.mapMethod(k[i],mapk[j],"php");
-                       if(meth!="")code+="\t$data->prop_"+mapk[j]+"="+meth+";\n";
-                       else code+="\t$data->prop_"+mapk[j]+"=$table->"+map[mapk[j]]+";\n";
-               }
-               code+="\treturn $data;\n}\n";
-               //wrapper for multi-object mapping
-               code+="static public function fromTableArray"+k[i]+"(array $table){\n\t$ret=array();\n";
-               code+="\tfor($i=0;$i<count($table);$i++)$ret[]=self::fromTable"+k[i]+"($table[$i]);\n";
-               code+="\treturn $ret;\n}\n";
-               //reverse mapping
-               code+="public function toTable"+k[i]+"(&$table){\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<mapk.size();j++){
-                       //do not reverse translate method conversions
-                       QString meth=cls.mapMethod(k[i],mapk[j],"php").trimmed();
-                       if(meth!="")continue;
-                       //check that column exists
-                       if(tab.hasColumn(map[mapk[j]])){
-                               code+="\tif($this->prop_"+mapk[j]+"!==null && $table->"+map[mapk[j]]+"!=$this->prop_"+mapk[j]+")\n";
-                               code+="\t\t$table->"+map[mapk[j]]+"=$this->prop_"+mapk[j]+";\n";
-                       }
-               }
-               code+="\treturn $table;\n}\n";
-       }
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::propertyToXml(const WocClass&cls,QString sl)
-       QString prop=sl.trimmed();
-       //is it a list?
-       if(cls.propertyIsList(prop)){
-               //is it a class?
-               if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop)){
-                       QString code="\tforeach($this->get"+prop+"() as $o)\n\t\t";
-                       code+="$root->appendChild($o->toXml($xml,\""+prop+"\"));\n";
-                       return code;
-               }else{
-                       //there is no way to create lists of attributes, hence we always create elements
-                       QString code="\tforeach($this->getstrlist_"+prop+"() as $e)\n\t\t";
-                       code+="$root->appendChild($xml->createElement(\""+prop+"\",xq($e)));\n";
-                       return code;
-               }
-       }
-       //non lists:
-       QString code="\t$p=$this->get"+prop+"();\n\tif($p!==null)";
-       //is it an attribute?
-       if(cls.propertyIsAttribute(prop))
-               return code+"\t$root->setAttribute(\""+prop+"\",$this->getstr_"+prop+"());\n";
-       //is it an element?
-       if(cls.propertyIsElement(prop))
-               return code+"\t$root->appendChild($xml->createElement(\""+prop+"\",xq($this->getstr_"+prop+"())));\n";
-       //is it a class?
-       if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop))
-               return code+"$root->appendChild($p->toXml($xml,\""+prop+"\"));\n";
-       //anything else?
-       qDebug("Warning: end of WocPHPServerOut::propertyToXml - this code should not be reachable.");
-       return "//internal generator error!\n";
-void WocPHPServerOut::newTransaction(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       //create file
-       QString cn=trnClassName(trn);
-       QString fn="wtr_";
-       addLoad(cn,fn);
-       fn=m_subdir+"/"+fn+m_fileext;
-       QFile tf(m_basedir+"/"+fn);
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create PHP object file %s.",fn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       tf.write(PHPSTART);
-       ////
-       //generate code
-       QString code="/* TRANSLATOR "+cn+" */\nclass "+cn+" extends WobTransaction{\n";
-       //constructor
-       code+=trnConstruct(trn);
-       tf.write(code.toAscii());
-       //request handler:
-       code="public function handleRequest(){\n";
-       //security handling
-       switch(trn.authMode()){
-               case WocTransaction::Checked:
-                       code+="\t/*security check: authenticated and authorized*/\n";
-                       code+="\t"+m_authinit+";\n";
-                       code+="\tif(!"+m_isauth+"||!"+QString(m_hasrole).replace("%","\"""\"")+")$this->notAuthenticated();\n";
-                       break;
-               case WocTransaction::Auth:
-                       code+="\t/*security check: authenticated*/\n";
-                       code+="\t"+m_authinit+";\n";
-                       code+="\tif(!"+m_isauth+")$this->notAuthenticated();\n";
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       code+="\t/*no security check, open function*/\n";
-                       break;//none
-       }
-       //parse low level XML
-       code+="\t/*low level XML parsing*/\n";
-       code+="\tglobal $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;\n\tif(isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA))$txt=$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;else $txt=\"\";\n";
-       code+="\t$xml=new DOMDocument;\n\tif(!$xml->loadXML($txt))$this->xmlParserError();\n";
-       code+="\t$root=$xml->documentElement;\n";
-       //parse inputs
-       code+=trnInput(trn);
-       //call
-       if(trn.hasCall("php")){
-               code+="\t/*call actual functionality:*/\n";
-               code+="\ttry{"+trn.callFunction("php")+"}catch(Exception $e){$this->handleException($e);}\n";
-       }else{
-               code+="\t/*normally here would be the PHP call, but it is missing from the config*/\n";
-               code+="\t$this->abortNotImplemented();\nreturn;\n";
-               qDebug("Warning: transaction %s does not have a PHP call!",;
-       }
-       //encode outputs/handle errors
-       code+=trnOutput(trn);
-       code+="}\n";
-       tf.write(code.toAscii());
-       //getters/setters
-       tf.write(trnGetSet(trn).toAscii());
-       //direct execution
-       tf.write(trnExecute(trn).toAscii());
-       //privileges
-       tf.write(trnPrivileges(trn).toAscii());
-       //end
-       code="\n//end of class\n}\n";
-       tf.write(code.toAscii());
-       tf.write(PHPEND);
-       tf.close();
-       ////
-       //generate loader code
-       code="\tcase \"""\":$trn=new "+cn+";$trn->handleRequest();break;\n";
-       m_transact.write(code.toAscii());
-QString WocPHPServerOut::trnConstruct(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QString code="public function __construct(){\n\t$this->ainput=array(";
-       QStringList sl=trn.inputNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="\""+sl[i]+"\"=>";
-               if(trn.isListType(trn.inputType(sl[i])))code+="array()";
-               else code+="false";
-       }
-       code+=");\n";
-       code+="\t$this->tinput=array(";
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="\""+sl[i]+"\"=>\"";
-               code+=trn.inputType(sl[i]);
-               code+="\"";
-       }
-       code+=");\n";
-       code+="\t$this->aoutput=array(";
-       sl=trn.outputNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="\""+sl[i]+"\"=>";
-               if(trn.isListType(trn.outputType(sl[i])))code+="array()";
-               else code+="false";
-       }
-       code+=");\n";
-       code+="\t$this->toutput=array(";
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="\""+sl[i]+"\"=>\"";
-               code+=trn.outputType(sl[i]);
-               code+="\"";
-       }
-       code+=");\n}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::trnInput(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QString code="\t/*start of input parsing*/\n";
-       code+="\ttry{\n";
-       QStringList sl=trn.inputNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               QString t=trn.inputType(sl[i]);
-               if(trn.isAttributeType(t)){
-                       code+="\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=$root->getAttribute(\""+sl[i]+"\")";
-                       if(trn.isIntType(t))code+="+0";
-                       if(trn.isBoolType(t))code+="==\"yes\"";
-                       code+=";\n";
-               }else{
-                       if(trn.isListType(t)){
-                               QString pt=trn.plainType(t);
-                               code+="\t\tforeach(WObject::elementsByTagName($root,\""+sl[i]+"\") as $el){\n";
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=WO"+pt+"::fromXml($xml,$el);\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBlobType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=base64_decode($el->textContent);\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$el->textContent";
-                                       if(trn.isIntType(t))code+="+0";
-                                       if(trn.isBoolType(t))code+="==\"yes\"";
-                                       code+=";\n";
-                               }
-                               code+="\t\t}\n";
-                       }else{
-                               code+="\t\tforeach(WObject::elementsByTagName($root,\""+sl[i]+"\") as $el){\n";
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=WO"+t+"::fromXml($xml,$el);\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBlobType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=base64_decode($el->textContent);\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=$el->textContent";
-                                       if(trn.isIntType(t))code+="+0";
-                                       code+=";\n";
-                               }
-                               code+="\t\t}\n";
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       code+="\t}catch(Exception $e){$this->handleException($e);}\n";
-       code+="\t/*end of input parsing*/\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::trnOutput(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QStringList sl=trn.outputNames();
-       QString code="\t/*start of output encoding*/\n";
-       code+="\ttry{\n\t\t$xml=new DOMDocument;\n";
-       code+="\t\t$root=$xml->createElement(\"WobResponse\");\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               QString t=trn.outputType(sl[i]);
-               if(trn.isAttributeType(t)){
-                       code+="\t\t$root->setAttribute(\""+sl[i]+"\",$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]);\n";
-               }else{
-                       if(trn.isListType(t)){
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\tforeach($this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"] as $o)\n";
-                                       code+="\t\t\tif(is_a($o,\"WO"+trn.plainType(t)+"\"))\n";
-                                       code+="\t\t\t\t$root->appendChild($o->toXml"+trn.typeSerializer(t)+"($xml,\""+sl[i]+"\"));\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBlobType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\tforeach($this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"] as $v)\n";
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$root->appendChild($xml->createElement(\""+sl[i]+"\",base64_encode($v)));\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       code+="\t\tforeach($this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"] as $v)\n";
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$root->appendChild($xml->createElement(\""+sl[i]+"\",xq($v)));\n";
-                               }
-                       }else{
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\t$o=$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"];\n";
-                                       code+="\t\tif(is_a($o,\"WO"+trn.plainType(t)+"\"))\n";
-                                       code+="\t\t\t$root->appendChild($o->toXml"+trn.typeSerializer(t)+"($xml,\""+sl[i]+"\"));\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBlobType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\t$root->appendChild($xml->createElement(\""+sl[i]+"\",base64_encode($this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"])));\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       code+="\t\t$root->appendChild($xml->createElement(\""+sl[i]+"\",xq($this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"])));\n";
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       code+="\t\t$xml->appendChild($root);\n";
-       code+="\t\theader(\"X-WobResponse-Status: Ok\");\n";
-       code+="\t\tprint($xml->saveXml());\n";
-       code+="\t}catch(Exception $e){$this->handleException($e);}\n";
-       code+="\t/*end of output*/\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::trnGetSet(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QString code;
-       //getters
-       QStringList sl=trn.inputNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               code+="public function get"+sl[i]+"(){return $this->ainput[\""+sl[i]+"\"];}\n";
-       }
-       //setters
-       sl=trn.outputNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               QString add;
-               QString t=trn.outputType(sl[i]);
-               code+="public function set"+sl[i]+"($v){\n";
-               if(trn.isListType(t)){
-                       add="public function add"+sl[i]+"($vv){\n";
-                       code+="\t$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=array();\n";
-                       code+="\tforeach($v as $vv){\n";
-                       if(trn.isIntType(t)){
-                               code+="\t\tif(is_numeric($vv))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$vv+0;\n";
-                               add+="\tif(is_numeric($vv))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$vv+0;\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(trn.isBoolType(t)){
-                               code+="\t\tif(is_bool($vv))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$vv!=false;\n";
-                               add+="\tif(is_bool($vv))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$vv!=false;\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                               code+="\t\tif(is_a($vv,\"WO"+trn.plainType(t)+"\"))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$vv;\n";
-                               add+="\tif(is_a($vv,\"WO"+trn.plainType(t)+"\"))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=$vv;\n";
-                       }else{
-                               code+="\t\t$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=\"\".$vv;\n";
-                               add+="\t$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"][]=\"\".$vv;\n";
-                       }
-                       code+="\t}\n";
-                       add+="}\n";
-               }else{
-                       if(trn.isIntType(t)){
-                               code+="\tif(is_numeric($v))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=$v+0;\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(trn.isBoolType(t)){
-                               code+="\tif(is_bool($v))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=$v!=false;\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                               code+="\tif(is_a($v,\"WO"+trn.plainType(t)+"\"))$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=$v;\n";
-                       }else{
-                               code+="\t$this->aoutput[\""+sl[i]+"\"]=\"\".$v;\n";
-                       }
-               }
-               code+="}\n"+add;
-       }
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::trnExecute(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QStringList in=trn.inputNames();
-       QString code="static public function execute(";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",";
-               code+="$"+in[i];
-       }
-       code+=")\n{\n\t$inst=new "+trnClassName(trn)+";\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++)
-               code+="\t$this->ainput[\""+in[i]+"\"]=$"+in[i]+";\n";
-       code+="\tself::$running=\"""\";\n";
-       code+="\t$inst->do_execute();\n";
-       code+="\tself::$running=\"\";\n";
-       code+="\treturn $inst;\n}\n";
-       code+="private function do_execute(){"+trn.callFunction("php")+"}\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocPHPServerOut::trnPrivileges(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       //privilege inventory
-       QString code;
-       code+="static public function privileges(){\n\treturn array(";
-       QString cn=trnClassName(trn);
-       QStringList priv=trn.privileges();
-       for(int i=0;i<priv.size();i++){
-               if(i)code+=",\n\t\t";else code+="\n\t\t";
-               code+="\""+priv[i]+"\"";
-       }
-       code+="\n\t);\n}\n";
-       //constants for use by custom code
-       for(int i=0;i<priv.size();i++)
-               code+="const Priv_"+priv[i]+"=\""+priv[i]+"\";\n";
-       //check method
-       code+="public function havePrivilege($priv){\n";
-       code+="\tif(!in_array($priv,self::privileges()))return false;\n";
-       code+="\treturn "+QString(m_hasrole).replace("%","(\""":\".$priv)")+";\n}\n";
-       return code;
diff --git a/woc/phpout.h b/woc/phpout.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 186039e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: phpout
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#ifndef WOC_PHPOUT_H
-#define WOC_PHPOUT_H
-#include <QFile>
-#include "processor.h"
-class QDomElement;
-/**generates output for a PHP server side*/
-class WocPHPServerOut:public WocOutput
-       public:
-               /**initializes the output object*/
-               WocPHPServerOut(const QDomElement&);
-       protected:
-               /**writes any last words after parsing finished*/
-               virtual void finalize();
-               /**creates a class*/
-               virtual void newClass(const WocClass&);
-               /**creates a table*/
-               virtual void newTable(const WocTable&);
-               /**creates a transaction*/
-               virtual void newTransaction(const WocTransaction&);
-       private:
-               QString m_basedir,m_subdir,m_fileext;
-               QString m_isauth,m_hasrole,m_username,m_authinit;
-               QFile m_loader,m_schema,m_transact;
-               /**helper: adds a loader line for a class to autoload.php*/
-               void addLoad(QString classname,QString filename);
-               /**helper: generates PHP code to transform a class property to XML*/
-               QString propertyToXml(const WocClass&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate class constructor*/
-               QString classConstruct(const WocClass&);
-               /**helper: generate class internal enums*/
-               QString classEnums(const WocClass&);
-               /**helper: generate class internal props*/
-               QString classProperties(const WocClass&);
-               /**helper: generate class internal serializers*/
-               QString classSerializers(const WocClass&);
-               /**helper: generate class internal deserializers*/
-               QString classDeserializers(const WocClass&);
-               /**helper: generate class internal mappers*/
-               QString classMappings(const WocClass&);
-               /**helper: generate property validator*/
-               QString classPropertyValidator(const WocClass&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate getters for list properties*/
-               QString classPropertyListGetters(const WocClass&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate setters for list properties*/
-               QString classPropertyListSetters(const WocClass&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate getters for scalar properties*/
-               QString classPropertyScalarGetters(const WocClass&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate setters for sclar properties*/
-               QString classPropertyScalarSetters(const WocClass&,QString);
-               /**helper: create info functions (mainly version info) at the start*/
-               void transInfo();
-               /**helper: create info functions (mainly version info) at the end*/
-               void transInfo2();
-               /**helper: create transaction constructor*/
-               QString trnConstruct(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper: create transaction input parser*/
-               QString trnInput(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper: create transaction output serializer*/
-               QString trnOutput(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper: create getters and setters*/
-               QString trnGetSet(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper: create direct execution code for web interface*/
-               QString trnExecute(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper: create privilege check code for web interface*/
-               QString trnPrivileges(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper: return the PHP-class-name of a WocClass*/
-               QString className(const WocClass&c){return "WO";}
-               /**helper: return the PHP-class-name of a WocClass plus Abstract if it is abstract*/
-               QString abstractClassName(const WocClass&c){return "WO""php")?"Abstract":"");}
-               /**helper: returns the PHP-class-name for a WocTransaction*/
-               QString trnClassName(const WocTransaction&t){return "WTr";}
diff --git a/woc/processor.cpp b/woc/processor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8da690c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1223 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: processor
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include "processor.h"
-#include "phpout.h"
-#include "qtout.h"
-#include "htmlout.h"
-#include "domquery.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QDomDocument>
-#include <QDomElement>
-#include <QProcess>
-QList<QDomElement>elementsByTagName(const QDomElement&root,QString tag)
-       QDomNodeList cn=root.childNodes();
-       QList<QDomElement>ret;
-       for(int i=0;i<cn.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(e.isNull())continue;
-               if(e.tagName()!=tag)continue;
-               ret<<e;
-       }
-       return ret;
-WocProcessor* WocProcessor::inst=0;
-       m_baseDir=QDir(".").absolutePath();
-       m_wobDir=".";
-       m_verComm="0";
-       m_verNeedComm="0";
-       m_verHR="0.0";
-       m_svnTarget=".";
-       m_svnRev="unknown uncertain";
-       m_svnExe="svn";
-       m_dbInst="dbInst";
-       m_dbSchema="dbSchema";
-       m_error=false;
-       m_projname="WobProject";
-       inst=this;
-bool WocProcessor::processFile(QString fn)
-       //open file
-       QFile fd(fn);
-       if(!{
-               qDebug("Error: cannot read file %s",fn.toLocal8Bit().data());
-               return false;
-       }
-       //get XML content
-       QDomDocument doc;
-       QString err;int eln,ecl;
-       if(!doc.setContent(&fd,&err,&eln,&ecl)){
-               qDebug("Error: XML parser error in file %s line %i column %i: %s",fn.toLocal8Bit().data(),eln,ecl,err.toLocal8Bit().data());
-               fd.close();
-               return false;
-       }
-       fd.close();
-       QDomElement root=doc.documentElement();
-       if(root.isNull() || root.tagName()!="Wolf"){
-               qDebug("Error: XML File %s is not a Wolf.",fn.toLocal8Bit().data());
-               return false;
-       }
-       //go on, process file
-       qDebug("Info: processing file %s...",fn.toLocal8Bit().data());
-       m_error=false;
-       QDomNodeList nl=root.childNodes();
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               if(!;
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QString tn=el.tagName();
-               if(tn=="Class"){
-                       WocClass cls(el);
-                       if(cls.isValid()){
-                               m_classes.append(cls);
-                               emit newClass(cls);
-                               if(m_error)return false;
-                       }else
-                               return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="Table"){
-                       WocTable tbl(el);
-                       if(tbl.isValid()){
-                               m_tables.append(tbl);
-                               emit newTable(tbl);
-                               if(m_error)return false;
-                               if(tbl.isAuditable()){
-                                       WocTable atbl=tbl.auditTable();
-                                       m_tables.append(atbl);
-                                       emit newTable(atbl);
-                                       if(m_error)return false;
-                               }
-                       }else
-                               return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="Transaction"){
-                       WocTransaction trn(el);
-                       if(trn.isValid()){
-                               m_transactions.append(trn);
-                               emit newTransaction(trn);
-                               if(m_error)return false;
-                       }else
-                               return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="Project"){
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("baseDir"))
-                               m_baseDir=el.attribute("baseDir");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("wobDir"))
-                               m_wobDir=el.attribute("wobDir");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("name"))
-                               m_projname=el.attribute("name");
-               }else
-               if(tn=="Include"){
-                       if(!processFile(m_baseDir+"/"+m_wobDir+"/"+el.attribute("file")))
-                               return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="DataBase"){
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("instance"))
-                               m_dbInst=el.attribute("instance","dbInst");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("schema"))
-                               m_dbSchema=el.attribute("schema","dbSchema");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("version"))
-                               m_dbVer=el.attribute("version");
-                       QList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(el,"AuditTables");
-                       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++)
-                               WocTable::parseAuditStatic(;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="QtClientOutput"){
-                       new WocQtClientOut(el);
-                       if(m_error)return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="PHPServerOutput"){
-                       new WocPHPServerOut(el);
-                       if(m_error)return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="HtmlOutput"){
-                       new WocHtmlOut(el);
-                       if(m_error)return false;
-               }else
-               if(tn=="Version"){
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("comm"))
-                               m_verComm=el.attribute("comm");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("needcomm"))
-                               m_verNeedComm=el.attribute("needcomm");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("humanReadable"))
-                               m_verHR=el.attribute("humanReadable");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("svnTarget"))
-                               m_svnTarget=el.attribute("target");
-                       if(el.hasAttribute("svnExe"))
-                               m_svnExe=el.attribute("exe");
-                       callSvn();
-               }else
-               if(tn=="Doc"){
-                       QString s=el.text().trimmed();
-                       if(s!="")m_docstrings<<s;
-               }
-               else{
-                       qDebug("Warning: file %s has unknown element '%s' at line %i column %i", fn.toLocal8Bit().data(), tn.toLocal8Bit().data(), el.lineNumber(), el.columnNumber());
-               }
-       }
-       //TODO: verify classes
-       //TODO: verify transactions
-       //return success
-       return true;
-void WocProcessor::callSvn()
-       //svn info
-       QString svntgt=m_baseDir+"/"+m_svnTarget;
-       QProcess svn;
-       svn.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
-       svn.setWorkingDirectory(svntgt);
-       svn.start(m_svnExe,QStringList()<<"info"<<"-R"<<"--xml"<<"--non-interactive"<<".");
-       svn.waitForFinished();
-       if(svn.exitCode()!=0){
-               qDebug("Warning: error while calling svn info.");
-               return;
-       }else{
-               QDomDocument doc;
-               if(!doc.setContent(svn.readAllStandardOutput())){
-                       qDebug("Warning: unable to parse output of svn info.");
-                       return;
-               }
-               //parse it:revisions
-               QStringList rl=MDomQuery(doc,"/*/entry/@revision");
-               if(rl.size()==0){
-                       m_svnRev="unknown";
-               }else{
-                       int minv,maxv;
-                       minv=maxv=rl[0].toInt();
-                       for(int i=1;i<rl.size();i++){
-                               int cv=rl[i].toInt();
-                               if(cv<minv)minv=cv;
-                               if(cv>maxv)maxv=cv;
-                       }
-                       if(minv==maxv)
-                               m_svnRev=QString::number(maxv);
-                       else
-                               m_svnRev=QString::number(minv)+"-"+QString::number(maxv);
-               }
-               //parse for repository path
-               MDomNodeList nl=MDomQuery(doc,"/*/entry");
-               for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-                       QDomElement;
-                       if(el.isNull())continue;
-                       if(el.attribute("path")=="."){
-                               rl=MDomQuery(el,"url");
-                               if(rl.size()>0)m_svnUrl=rl[0];
-                               rl=MDomQuery(el,"repository/root");
-                               if(rl.size()>0)m_svnRoot=rl[0];
-                               break;//we can stop now
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       //svn status
-       svn.start(m_svnExe,QStringList()<<"status"<<"--xml"<<"--non-interactive"<<".");
-       svn.waitForFinished();
-       if(svn.exitCode()!=0){
-               qDebug("Warning: error while calling svn status.");
-               m_svnRev+=" uncertain";
-               return;
-       }else{
-               QDomDocument doc;
-               if(!doc.setContent(svn.readAllStandardOutput())){
-                       qDebug("Warning: unable to parse output of svn status.");
-                       m_svnRev+=" uncertain";
-                       return;
-               }
-               QStringList rl=MDomQuery(doc,"/status/target/entry/wc-status/@item");
-               bool ismod=false;
-               for(int i=0;i<rl.size();i++){
-                       if(rl[i]=="unversioned" || rl[i]=="normal")continue;
-                       ismod=true;
-                       break;
-               }
-               if(ismod)m_svnRev+=" modified";
-               else m_svnRev+=" vanilla";
-       }
-       qDebug("Info: SVN version info: \"%s\".",m_svnRev.toAscii().data());
-void WocProcessor::finalize()
-       emit sfinalize();
-bool WocProcessor::hasTable(QString n)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_tables.size();i++)
-               if(m_tables[i].name()==n)return true;
-       return false;
-WocTable WocProcessor::table(QString n)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_tables.size();i++)
-               if(m_tables[i].name()==n)return m_tables[i];
-       return WocTable();
-bool WocProcessor::hasClass(QString n)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_classes.size();i++)
-               if(m_classes[i].name()==n)return true;
-       return false;
-void WocProcessor::errorFound()
-       m_error=true;
-QStringList WocProcessor::transactionNames()const
-       QStringList l;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_transactions.size();i++)
-               l<<m_transactions[i].name();
-       return l;
-QStringList WocProcessor::classNames()const
-       QStringList l;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_classes.size();i++)
-               l<<m_classes[i].name();
-       return l;
-QStringList WocProcessor::tableNames()const
-       QStringList l;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_tables.size();i++)
-               l<<m_tables[i].name();
-       return l;
-QStringList WocProcessor::privilegeNames()const
-       QStringList l;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_transactions.size();i++){
-               QString cn=m_transactions[i].name();
-               QStringList priv=m_transactions[i].privileges();
-               for(int j=0;j<priv.size();j++)
-                       l<<(cn+":"+priv[j]);
-       }
-       return l;
- * WocOutput
- ******************************************************************************/
-       connect(WocProcessor::instance(),SIGNAL(sfinalize()),this,SLOT(finalize()));
-       connect(WocProcessor::instance(),SIGNAL(newClass(const WocClass&)),this,SLOT(newClass(const WocClass&)));
-       connect(WocProcessor::instance(),SIGNAL(newTable(const WocTable&)),this,SLOT(newTable(const WocTable&)));
-       connect(WocProcessor::instance(),SIGNAL(newTransaction(const WocTransaction&)),this,SLOT(newTransaction(const WocTransaction&)));
-       connect(this,SIGNAL(errorFound()),WocProcessor::instance(),SLOT(errorFound()));
- * WocClass
- ******************************************************************************/
-WocClass::WocClass(const QDomElement&cls)
-       //scan basics
-       m_valid=true;
-       m_abstract=str2bool(cls.attribute("abstract","0"));
-       WocProcessor *woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       QRegExp symok("[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-       m_name=cls.attribute("name");
-       if(m_name==""){
-               qDebug("Error: unnamed class at line %i column %i.",cls.lineNumber(),cls.columnNumber());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       if(woc->hasClass(m_name)){
-               qDebug("Error: double definition of class %s at line %i column %i.",m_name.toAscii().data(),cls.lineNumber(),cls.columnNumber());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       if(!symok.exactMatch(m_name)){
-               qDebug("Error: Illegal class name %s.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       qDebug("Info: parsing class %s",m_name.toAscii().data());
-       m_sbase=cls.attribute("serverbase","WObject");
-       m_cbase=cls.attribute("clientbase","WObject");
-       //scan properties
-       QList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(cls,"Property");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               s_prop p;
-     "name");
-               if(!symok.exactMatch({
-                       qDebug("Error: Illegal property %s in class %s.",,m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               if(hasProperty({
-                       qDebug("Error: Double definition of property %s in class %s.",,m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               p.type=el.attribute("type");
-               p.isid=str2bool(el.attribute("id","0"));
-               p.isabstract=str2bool(el.attribute("abstract","0"));
-               m_props.append(p);
-               //docu
-               QString s=el.text().trimmed();
-               if(s!="")m_propdoc.insert(,s);
-       }
-       //scan enums
-       nl=elementsByTagName(cls,"Enum");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QString nm=el.attribute("name");
-               if(!symok.exactMatch(nm)){
-                       qDebug("Error: Illegal enum type %s in class %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               if(hasEnumType(nm)){
-                       qDebug("Error: Double definition of enum type %s in class %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               QList<WocEnum>ev;
-               //check whether there is a reference
-               if(el.hasAttribute("refColumn")){
-                       QStringList ref=el.attribute("refColumn").split(":");
-                       if(ref.size()!=2){
-                               qDebug("Error: illegal enum reference in class %s enum %s.",m_name.toAscii().data(),nm.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if(!woc->hasTable(ref[0])){
-                               qDebug("Error: enum reference in class %s enum %s points to non-existant table.",m_name.toAscii().data(),nm.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       WocTable tab=woc->table(ref[0]);
-                       if(!tab.hasColumn(ref[1])){
-                               qDebug("Error: enum reference in class %s enum %s points to non-existant column.",m_name.toAscii().data(),nm.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       ev=tab.columnEnums(ref[1]);
-               }
-               //scan values
-               QList<QDomElement> nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"Value");
-               int nxval=0;
-               for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-                       QDomElement;
-                       if(el2.isNull())continue;
-                       QString n=el2.attribute("name");
-                       if(n==""){
-                               qDebug("Warning: anonymous enum value in class %s enum %s. Ignoring it.",m_name.toAscii().data(),nm.toAscii().data());
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       nxval=el2.attribute("value",QString::number(nxval)).toInt(0,0);
-                       ev.append(WocEnum(n,nxval,el2.text().trimmed()));
-                       nxval++;
-                       //TODO: check that value name does not exist yet
-               }
-               m_enumvals.insert(nm,ev);
-       }
-       //scan mappings
-       nl=elementsByTagName(cls,"Mapping");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QString name=el.attribute("table");
-               if(!symok.exactMatch(name)){
-                       qDebug("Error: Illegal mapping %s in class %s.",name.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               if(hasMapping(name)){
-                       qDebug("Error: Double definition of mapping %s in class %s.",name.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               QList<s_map>map;
-               QList<QDomElement> nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"Map");
-               for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-                       QDomElement;
-                       if(el2.isNull())continue;
-                       s_map sm;
-                       sm.column=el2.attribute("column");
-             "property");
-                       if("");
-                       if(sm.column=="");
-                       if(sm.column==""){
-                               qDebug("Warning: empty mapping in class %s mapping %s. Ignoring it.",m_name.toAscii().data(),name.toAscii().data());
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       QList<QDomElement> nl3=elementsByTagName(el2,"Call");
-                       for(int k=0;k<nl3.size();k++){
-                               QDomElement;
-                               if(el3.isNull())continue;
-                               QString lang=el3.attribute("lang");
-                               QString meth=el3.attribute("method","false");
-                               sm.method.insert(lang,meth);
-                       }
-                       map.append(sm);
-               }
-               m_maps.insert(name,map);
-       }
-       //docu
-       nl=elementsByTagName(cls,"Doc");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QString;
-               if(s!="")m_docstrings<<s;
-       }
-       //check abstraction
-       if(!m_abstract && isAbstract("")){
-               qDebug("Warning: class %s should be declared abstract.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-       }
-       //conditional abstraction (must be after check or we'll get false positives)
-       nl=elementsByTagName(cls,"Abstract");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QString"lang").trimmed();
-               if(s!="")m_cabstract<<s;
-       }
-bool WocClass::hasProperty(QString p)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_props.size();i++)
-               if(m_props[i].name==p)return true;
-       return false;
-QStringList WocClass::propertyNames()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_props.size();i++)
-               r<<m_props[i].name;
-       return r;
-QString WocClass::propertyType(QString p)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_props.size();i++)
-               if(m_props[i].name==p)return m_props[i].type;
-       return "";
-bool WocClass::propertyIsIdentity(QString p)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_props.size();i++)
-               if(m_props[i].name==p)return m_props[i].isid;
-       return false;
-bool WocClass::propertyIsAbstract(QString p)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_props.size();i++)
-               if(m_props[i].name==p)return m_props[i].isabstract;
-       return false;
-bool WocClass::isAbstract(QString l)const
-       if(m_cabstract.contains(l))return true;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_props.size();i++)
-               if(m_props[i].isabstract)return true;
-       return m_abstract;
-QString WocClass::propertyPlainType(QString p)const
-       QString r=propertyType(p);
-       if(r.startsWith("List:"))return r.mid(5);
-       else return r;
-const QStringList WocClass::attrtypes=QStringList()<<"astring"<<"int"<<"int32"<<"int64"<<"bool";
-bool WocClass::propertyIsAttribute(QString p)const
-       QString t=propertyPlainType(p);
-       if(attrtypes.contains(t))return true;
-       if(hasEnumType(t))return true;
-       return false;
-const QStringList WocClass::elemtypes=QStringList()<<"string"<<"blob";
-bool WocClass::propertyIsElement(QString p)const
-       QString t=propertyPlainType(p);
-       if(elemtypes.contains(t))return true;
-       if(hasEnumType(t))return true;
-       return false;
-bool WocClass::propertyIsObject(QString p)const
-       QString t=propertyPlainType(p);
-       //default types take precedence over classes
-       if(attrtypes.contains(t))return false;
-       if(elemtypes.contains(t))return false;
-       //enums shadow classes
-       if(hasEnumType(t))return false;
-       //check that the class exists
-       return WocProcessor::instance()->hasClass(t);
-bool WocClass::propertyIsEnum(QString p)const
-       QString t=propertyPlainType(p);
-       //default types take precedence over enums
-       if(attrtypes.contains(t))return false;
-       if(elemtypes.contains(t))return false;
-       //enums
-       return hasEnumType(t);
-bool WocClass::propertyIsList(QString p)const
-       if(propertyType(p).startsWith("List:"))return true;
-       else return false;
-QMap<QString,QString> WocClass::mapping(QString m)const
-       if(!m_maps.contains(m))return QMap<QString,QString>();
-       QList<s_map> sml=m_maps[m];
-       QMap<QString,QString>ret;
-       for(int i=0;i<sml.size();i++)
-               ret.insert(sml[i].property,sml[i].column);
-       return ret;
-QStringList WocClass::mappingProperties(QString m)const
-       if(!m_maps.contains(m))return QStringList();
-       QList<s_map> sml=m_maps[m];
-       QStringList ret;
-       for(int i=0;i<sml.size();i++)
-               ret<<sml[i].property;
-       return ret;
-QString WocClass::mapMethod(QString table,QString property,QString lang)const
-       if(!m_maps.contains(table))return "";
-       QList<s_map> sml=m_maps[table];
-       for(int i=0;i<sml.size();i++)
-               if(sml[i].property==property){
-                       if(sml[i].method.contains(lang))return sml[i].method[lang];
-                       else return "";
-               }
-       return "";
- * WocTable
- ******************************************************************************/
-       m_backup=m_valid=m_audit=false;
-WocTable::WocTable(const QDomElement&tbl)
-       m_valid=true;
-       //parse XML
-       m_name=tbl.attribute("name");
-       WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       QRegExp good("[a-z][a-z0-9_]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-       //check name syntax, check it does not exist yet
-       if(woc->hasTable(m_name)){
-               qDebug("Error: double definition of table %s.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       if(!good.exactMatch(m_name)){
-               qDebug("Error: table %s does not have a regular name.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       m_backup=str2bool(tbl.attribute("backup","0"));
-       m_base=tbl.attribute("base","WobTable");
-       m_audit=str2bool(tbl.attribute("audit","0"));
-       qDebug("Info: parsing table %s",m_name.toAscii().data());
-       //Columns
-       QList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(tbl,"Column");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QPair<bool,s_col> cl=parseColumn(el,m_name);
-               if(!cl.first)return;
-               if(hasColumn({
-                       qDebug("Error: double definition of column %s in table %s.",,m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               m_columns.append(cl.second);
-       }
-       //Audit Columns
-       nl=elementsByTagName(tbl,"AuditColumn");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QPair<bool,s_col> cl=parseColumn(el,m_name);
-               if(!cl.first)return;
-               m_auditcolumns.append(cl.second);
-       }
-       //Foreign getter methods
-       nl=elementsByTagName(tbl,"Foreign");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               m_foreign.append(QPair<QString,QString>(el.attribute("method"),el.attribute("via")));
-               //TODO: validate foreign getter
-               //docu
-               QString s=el.text().trimmed();
-               if(s!="")m_fordocs.insert(el.attribute("method"),s);
-       }
-       //Presets
-       nl=elementsByTagName(tbl,"Preset");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QMap<QString,QString>ps;
-               QList<QDomElement> nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"V");
-               for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-                       QDomElement;
-                       if(el2.isNull())continue;
-                       if(!el2.hasAttribute("col") || (!el2.hasAttribute("val") && !el2.hasAttribute("code"))){
-                               qDebug("Error: table definition %s contains illegal preset.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       QString nm=el2.attribute("col");
-                       if(!hasColumn(nm)){
-                               qDebug("Error: table definition %s contains preset for invalid column %s.",m_name.toAscii().data(),nm.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       QString v;
-                       if(el2.hasAttribute("val"))v="\""+el2.attribute("val").replace("\"","\\\"")+"\"";
-                       else v=el2.attribute("code");
-                       ps.insert(nm,v);
-               }
-               if(ps.size()>0)m_presets.append(ps);
-       }
-       //Docu
-       nl=elementsByTagName(tbl,"Doc");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QString;
-               if(s!="")m_docstrings<<s;
-       }
-       //sanity checks
-       //check we have any columns at all
-       if(m_columns.size()==0){
-               qDebug("Error: table %s does not have any columns.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       //check that we have a primary key
-       if(primaryColumns().size()==0){
-               qDebug("Warning: table %s does not have any primary key columns.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-       }
-QPair<bool,WocTable::s_col> WocTable::parseColumn(const QDomElement&el,QString m_name)
-       s_col cl;
-       QRegExp good("[a-z][a-z0-9_]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-       //check name syntax, check it is not doubled
-       if(!good.exactMatch({
-               qDebug("Error: table %s column %s does not have a regular name.",m_name.toAscii().data(),;
-               return QPair<bool,s_col>(false,s_col());
-       }
-       cl.isprime=str2bool(el.attribute("primarykey","0"));
-       cl.isunique=str2bool(el.attribute("unique","0"));
-       cl.isindex=str2bool(el.attribute("index","0"));
-       if(cl.isprime)cl.isnull=false;
-       else cl.isnull=true;
-       if(el.hasAttribute("null"))
-               cl.isnull=str2bool(el.attribute("null"));
-       else if(el.hasAttribute("notnull"))
-               cl.isnull=!str2bool(el.attribute("notnull","0"));
-       cl.type=el.attribute("type");
-       //TODO: validate type
-       cl.foreign=el.attribute("foreignkey");
-       WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       //check foreign key exists
-       if(cl.foreign!=""){
-               QStringList fgn=cl.foreign.split(":");
-               if(fgn.size()!=2){
-                       qDebug("Error: table %s column %s: foreign key definition must use syntax 'table:column'",m_name.toAscii().data(),;
-                       return QPair<bool,s_col>(false,s_col());
-               }
-               if(!woc->hasTable(fgn[0])){
-                       qDebug("Error: table %s column %s: foreign key target table %s does not exist",m_name.toAscii().data(),,fgn[0].toAscii().data());
-                       return QPair<bool,s_col>(false,s_col());
-               }
-               if(!woc->table(fgn[0]).hasColumn(fgn[1])){
-                       qDebug("Error: table %s column %s: foreign key target table/column %s does not exist",m_name.toAscii().data(),,cl.foreign.toAscii().data());
-                       return QPair<bool,s_col>(false,s_col());
-               }
-       }
-       cl.defaultval=el.attribute("default");
-       //TODO: validate default against type
-       QList<QDomElement> nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"Value");
-       int nxval=0;
-       //enum values
-       for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el2.isNull())continue;
-               QString n=el2.attribute("name");
-               if(n==""){
-                       qDebug("Warning: anonymous enum value in table %s column %s. Ignoring it.",m_name.toAscii().data(),;
-                       continue;
-               }
-               nxval=el2.attribute("value",QString::number(nxval)).toInt(0,0);
-               cl.enumvals.append(WocEnum(n,nxval,el2.text().trimmed()));
-               nxval++;
-       }
-       //default calls
-       nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"Call");
-       for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el2.isNull())continue;
-               QString lang=el2.attribute("lang");
-               QString meth=el2.attribute("method","false");
-               cl.methodcalls.insert(lang,meth);
-       }
-       //docu
-       QDomNodeList nl3=el.childNodes();
-       for(int j=0;j<nl3.size();j++){
-               QDomNode;
-               if(n.isText()||n.isCDATASection())cl.doc+=" "+n.nodeValue();
-               else
-               if(n.isElement()&&n.nodeName()=="Doc")cl.doc+=" "+n.toElement().text();
-       }
-       cl.doc=cl.doc.trimmed();
-       return QPair<bool,s_col>(true,cl);
-QStringList WocTable::columns()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               r<<m_columns[i].name;
-       return r;
-QStringList WocTable::auditColumns()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_staticauditcolumns.size();i++)
-               r<<m_staticauditcolumns[i].name;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_auditcolumns.size();i++)
-               r<<m_auditcolumns[i].name;
-       return r;
-QStringList WocTable::primaryColumns()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].isprime)
-                       r<<m_columns[i].name;
-       return r;
-QString WocTable::columnType(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].type;
-       return "";
-bool WocTable::columnIsNull(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].isnull;
-       return false;
-bool WocTable::columnIsPrimary(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].isprime;
-       return false;
-bool WocTable::columnHasDefault(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].defaultval!="";
-       return false;
-QString WocTable::columnDefault(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].defaultval;
-       return "";
-bool WocTable::hasColumn(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return true;
-       return false;
-QList<WocEnum> WocTable::columnEnums(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].enumvals;
-       return QList<WocEnum>();
-QList<WocEnum> WocTable::getEnums()const
-       QList<WocEnum> r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               for(int j=0;j<m_columns[i].enumvals.size();j++)
-                       r.append(m_columns[i].enumvals[j]);
-       return r;
-bool WocTable::columnIsForeign(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].foreign!="";
-       return false;
-QString WocTable::columnForeign(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].foreign;
-       return "";
-bool WocTable::columnIsIndexed(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].isindex;
-       return false;
-bool WocTable::columnIsUnique(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].isunique;
-       return false;
-QString WocTable::columnDoc(QString c)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++)
-               if(m_columns[i].name==c)
-                       return m_columns[i].doc;
-       return "";
-QStringList WocTable::foreigns()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_foreign.size();i++)
-               r<<m_foreign[i].first;
-       return r;
-QString WocTable::foreignQuery(QString f)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_foreign.size();i++)
-               if(m_foreign[i].first==f)
-                       return m_foreign[i].second;
-       return "";
-bool WocTable::haveForeign(QString f)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_foreign.size();i++)
-               if(m_foreign[i].first==f)
-                       return true;
-       return false;
-QString WocTable::columnCall(QString col,QString lang)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++){
-               s_col cl=m_columns[i];
-               if({
-                       if(!cl.methodcalls.contains(lang))return "";
-                       else return cl.methodcalls[lang];
-               }
-       }
-       return "";
-void WocTable::parseAuditStatic(const QDomElement&el)
-       QList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(el,"Column");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el2.isNull())continue;
-               QPair<bool,s_col>cl=parseColumn(el2,"(global audit settings)");
-               if(!cl.first){
-                       WocProcessor::instance()->errorFound();
-                       return;
-               }
-               m_staticauditcolumns.append(cl.second);
-       }
-WocTable WocTable::auditTable()const
-       WocTable adt;
-       adt.m_valid=m_valid;
-       adt.m_backup=m_backup;
-       adt.m_audit=false;
-       adt.m_name=m_name+"_audit";//enhance the name
-       adt.m_base="WobTable";//revert to default
-       adt.m_foreign=m_foreign;
-       adt.m_fordocs=m_fordocs;
-       adt.m_docstrings=m_docstrings;
-       //these stay empty: m_presets, m_auditcolumns
-       //now for the complicated stuff
-       //create primary key
-       s_col cl;
-"auditid";cl.type="seq64";cl.doc="additional primary key for auditing";
-       cl.isindex=cl.isunique=cl.isnull=false;cl.isprime=true;
-       adt.m_columns.append(cl);
-       //copy common columns
-       adt.m_columns.append(m_staticauditcolumns);
-       //copy normal columns
-       for(int i=0;i<m_columns.size();i++){
-               //get and reset
-               cl=m_columns[i];
-               cl.isprime=cl.isunique=false;
-               cl.methodcalls.clear();
-               if(cl.type.left(3)=="seq")cl.type="int"+cl.type.mid(3);
-               //no foreign keys
-               cl.foreign="";
-               //add
-               adt.m_columns.append(cl);
-       }
-       //copy local audit columns
-       adt.m_columns.append(m_auditcolumns);
-       //return result
-       return adt;
- * WocTransaction
- ******************************************************************************/
-WocTransaction::WocTransaction(const QDomElement&root)
-       m_valid=true;
-       m_mode=Checked;
-       QRegExp rval("[a-z][a-z0-9_]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-       //get basics
-       m_name=root.attribute("name");
-       if(!rval.exactMatch(m_name)){
-               qDebug("Error: invalid transaction name %s.",m_name.toAscii().data());
-               m_valid=false;
-               return;
-       }
-       qDebug("Info: parsing transaction %s",m_name.toAscii().data());
-       if(root.hasAttribute("mode")){
-               QString m=root.attribute("mode").toLower();
-               if(m=="checked")m_mode=Checked;else
-               if(m=="auth")m_mode=Auth;else
-               if(m=="open")m_mode=Open;
-               else{
-                       qDebug("Error: invalid transaction mode %s in transaction %s, must be checked, auth, or open.",m.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       //input tag
-       QList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(root,"Input");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               //variables
-               QList<QDomElement> nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"Var");
-               for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-                       QDomElement;
-                       if(el2.isNull())continue;
-                       QString nm=el2.attribute("name");
-                       if(!rval.exactMatch(nm)){
-                               qDebug("Error: invalid input variable %s in transaction %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if(hasInput(nm)){
-                               qDebug("Error: double definition of input variable %s in transaction %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       QString tp=el2.attribute("type");
-                       //TODO: validate type
-                       m_input.append(QPair<QString,QString>(nm,tp));
-                       //docu
-                       QString s=el2.text().trimmed();
-                       if(s!="")m_indoc.insert(nm,s);
-               }
-       }
-       //call tag
-       nl=elementsByTagName(root,"Call");
-       for(int j=0;j<nl.size();j++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               QString nm=el.attribute("lang");
-               if(hasCall(nm)){
-                       qDebug("Error: double definition of input variable %s in transaction %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                       m_valid=false;
-                       return;
-               }
-               QString mt=el.attribute("method");
-               m_call.insert(nm,mt);
-       }
-       //output
-       nl=elementsByTagName(root,"Output");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QDomElement;
-               if(el.isNull())continue;
-               //variables
-               QList<QDomElement> nl2=elementsByTagName(el,"Var");
-               for(int j=0;j<nl2.size();j++){
-                       QDomElement;
-                       if(el2.isNull())continue;
-                       QString nm=el2.attribute("name");
-                       if(!rval.exactMatch(nm)){
-                               qDebug("Error: invalid output variable %s in transaction %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if(hasOutput(nm)){
-                               qDebug("Error: double definition of output variable %s in transaction %s.",nm.toAscii().data(),m_name.toAscii().data());
-                               m_valid=false;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       QString tp=el2.attribute("type");
-                       //TODO: validate type
-                       m_output.append(QPair<QString,QString>(nm,tp));
-                       //docu
-                       QString s=el2.text().trimmed();
-                       if(s!="")m_outdoc.insert(nm,s);
-               }
-       }
-       //docu
-       nl=elementsByTagName(root,"Doc");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QString;
-               if(s!="")m_docstrings<<s;
-       }
-       //privileges
-       nl=elementsByTagName(root,"Privilege");
-       for(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){
-               QString"name").trimmed();
-               if(s!="")m_privileges<<s;
-               m_privdoc.insert(s,;
-       }
-bool WocTransaction::hasInput(QString v)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_input.size();i++)
-               if(m_input[i].first==v)return true;
-       return false;
-QStringList WocTransaction::inputNames()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_input.size();i++)
-               r<<m_input[i].first;
-       return r;
-QString WocTransaction::inputType(QString v)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_input.size();i++)
-               if(m_input[i].first==v)return m_input[i].second;
-       return "";
-bool WocTransaction::hasOutput(QString v)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_output.size();i++)
-               if(m_output[i].first==v)return true;
-       return false;
-QStringList WocTransaction::outputNames()const
-       QStringList r;
-       for(int i=0;i<m_output.size();i++)
-               r<<m_output[i].first;
-       return r;
-QString WocTransaction::outputType(QString v)const
-       for(int i=0;i<m_output.size();i++)
-               if(m_output[i].first==v)return m_output[i].second;
-       return "";
diff --git a/woc/processor.h b/woc/processor.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 845cbbe..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: processor
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include <QList>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QPair>
-#include <QStringList>
-class QDomElement;
-QList<QDomElement>elementsByTagName(const QDomElement&,QString);
-inline bool str2bool(QString s)
-       bool b;
-       int i=s.toInt(&b,0);
-       if(b)return i?true:false;
-       s=s.toLower();
-       if(s=="yes"||s=="y"||s=="on"||s=="true"||s=="t")return true;
-       return false;
-/**helper structure to store enums in classes and tables*/
-struct WocEnum {
-       QString name,doc;
-       int val;
-       WocEnum(){val=0;}
-       WocEnum(QString n,int v,QString d=""){name=n;val=v;doc=d;}
-/**stores a communication class including serialization and deserialization information*/
-class WocClass
-       public:
-               /**parses XML to create itself*/
-               WocClass(const QDomElement&);
-               /**returns whether parsing was successful and this instance represents a valid communication class*/
-               bool isValid()const{return m_valid;}
-               /**returns the class name*/
-               QString name()const{return m_name;}
-               /**returns the name of the class it is derived from (on the server side) - default: WObject*/
-               QString serverBaseClass()const{return m_sbase;}
-               /**returns the parent class of the class on client side- default: WObject*/
-               QString clientBaseClass()const{return m_cbase;}
-               /**returns true of it has a property with this name*/
-               bool hasProperty(QString)const;
-               /**returns a list of all property names*/
-               QStringList propertyNames()const;
-               /**returns the type string of the property, including "List:" if applicable*/
-               QString propertyType(QString)const;
-               /**returns the plain type string of the property without "List:"*/
-               QString propertyPlainType(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether this property identifies the object instance*/
-               bool propertyIsIdentity(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether this property is abstract*/
-               bool propertyIsAbstract(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether this property is serialized as XML attribute*/
-               bool propertyIsAttribute(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether this property is serialized as XML element*/
-               bool propertyIsElement(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether this property has an enum type*/
-               bool propertyIsEnum(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the property is an object*/
-               bool propertyIsObject(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the property is a list of values (false for scalars)*/
-               bool propertyIsList(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the property type is integer*/
-               bool propertyIsInt(QString p)const{QString pt=propertyPlainType(p);return pt=="int" || pt=="int32" || pt=="int64";}
-               /**returns whether the property type is boolean*/
-               bool propertyIsBool(QString p)const{return propertyPlainType(p)=="bool";}
-               /**returns whether the property type is string*/
-               bool propertyIsString(QString p)const{QString pt=propertyPlainType(p);return pt=="string"||pt=="astring";}
-               /**returns whether the property type is blob*/
-               bool propertyIsBlob(QString p)const{QString pt=propertyPlainType(p);return pt=="blob";}
-               /**returns whether the class is abstract in the requested language (needs to be customized); it is automatically abstract if any property is abstract*/
-               bool isAbstract(QString)const;
-               /**returns the languages in which the class is conditionally abstract*/
-               QStringList abstractLangs()const{return m_cabstract;}
-               /**returns the names of all enum types of this class*/
-               QStringList enumTypes()const{return m_enumvals.keys();}
-               /**returns true if the given enum type exists in this class*/
-               bool hasEnumType(QString t)const{return m_enumvals.contains(t);}
-               /**returns a list of enum values as name-value pairs*/
-               QList<WocEnum> enumValues(QString t)const{return m_enumvals[t];}
-               /**returns true if the given mapping exists*/
-               bool hasMapping(QString m)const{return m_maps.contains(m);}
-               /**returns the names of all tables for which a mapping exists*/
-               QStringList mappingTables()const{return m_maps.keys();}
-               /**returns the (correctly ordered) properties for a mapping*/
-               QStringList mappingProperties(QString)const;
-               /**returns the specific mapping; map key=property, map value=column*/
-               QMap<QString,QString> mapping(QString m)const;
-               /**returns the method for a specific mapping or an empty string if it does not exist in the specified language*/
-               QString mapMethod(QString table,QString property,QString lang)const;
-               /**returns documentation for this class*/
-               QStringList docStrings()const{return m_docstrings;}
-               /**returns documentation for a property*/
-               QString propDoc(QString p)const
-               {if(m_propdoc.contains(p))return m_propdoc[p];else return "";}
-       private:
-               //valid: parsing the WOLF succeeded
-               //abstract: the class is declared abstract (isAbstract may return true even if this is false)
-               //cabstract: conditional abstract - just for one or two languages; abstract overrides cabstract!
-               bool m_valid,m_abstract;
-               QStringList m_cabstract;
-               //name: class name
-               //base: name of parent class (s=server, c=client)
-               QString m_name,m_sbase,m_cbase;
-               //property info
-               struct s_prop{
-                       QString name,type;
-                       bool isid,isabstract;
-               };
-               QList<s_prop> m_props;
-               //mappings: "table-name" => List of ("column-name","property-name")
-               struct s_map{
-                       QString column,property;
-                       QMap<QString,QString>method;//lang->method
-               };
-               QMap<QString,QList<s_map> >m_maps;
-               //enum types: "type-name" => List of ("constant-name",int-constant-value)
-               QMap<QString,QList<WocEnum> >m_enumvals;
-               //serializers: "name" => List of properties (syntax Objects: "propertyname/Serializer"
-//             QMap<QString,QStringList> m_serial;
-               //docu
-               QStringList m_docstrings;
-               QMap<QString,QString>m_propdoc;
-               //helper: contains predefined types sorted by serialization type
-               static const QStringList attrtypes,elemtypes;
-/**stores the internal representation of a database table and its abstraction class*/
-class WocTable
-       public:
-               /**initializes an invalid table*/
-               WocTable();
-               /**initializes a table from XML*/
-               WocTable(const QDomElement&);
-               /**returns whether this instance is valid, ie. whether parsing was successful*/
-               bool isValid()const{return m_valid;}
-               /**returns the table name*/
-               QString name()const{return m_name;}
-               /**returns whether the table is marked for backup*/
-               bool inBackup()const{return m_backup;}
-               /**returns the parent class of the table class - default: WobTable*/
-               QString baseClass()const{return m_base;}
-               /**returns whether the table has a column with this name*/
-               bool hasColumn(QString)const;
-               /**returns a list of all defined column names*/
-               QStringList columns()const;
-               /**returns the list of all primary key columns*/
-               QStringList primaryColumns()const;
-               /**returns the data type of the column*/
-               QString columnType(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the column allows NULLs*/
-               bool columnIsNull(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the column is part of the primary key*/
-               bool columnIsPrimary(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the column has a default*/
-               bool columnHasDefault(QString)const;
-               /**returns the default value of the column (empty string if there is none)*/
-               QString columnDefault(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the column is a foreign key*/
-               bool columnIsForeign(QString)const;
-               /**returns the foreign key reference of the column in the format table:column*/
-               QString columnForeign(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the column has an index*/
-               bool columnIsIndexed(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether the column has a unique constraint*/
-               bool columnIsUnique(QString)const;
-               /**returns enum definitions of the column - each pair contains the symbolic name in first and the assigned integer value in second*/
-               QList<WocEnum> columnEnums(QString)const;
-               /**returns the insert call of a column for a specific language; empty string if there is none*/
-               QString columnCall(QString col,QString lang)const;
-               /**returns all enum definitions of the table; see also columnEnums */
-               QList<WocEnum> getEnums()const;
-               /**returns a list of all foreign definitions - methods that return data from other tables*/
-               QStringList foreigns()const;
-               /**returns the definition of a specific foreign table query method*/
-               QString foreignQuery(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether a foreign table query method exists*/
-               bool haveForeign(QString)const;
-               /**returns a list of all preset values (to be generated when the DB is created);
-               each entry in the list is a dictionary with the column name as key and the intended preset value as value - each entry of the list is one DB row, each key-value-pair in the map is one preset value in that row*/
-               QList<QMap<QString,QString> > presets()const{return m_presets;}
-               /**parses the static part of auditing*/
-               static void parseAuditStatic(const QDomElement&);
-               /**returns whether the table is auditable*/
-               bool isAuditable()const{return m_audit;}
-               /**creates and returns the table instance that represents the audit table*/
-               WocTable auditTable()const;
-               /**returns the names of audit columns (except auditid)*/
-               QStringList auditColumns()const;
-               /**returns table documentation*/
-               QStringList docStrings()const{return m_docstrings;}
-               /**returns column documentation*/
-               QString columnDoc(QString c)const;
-               /**returns foreign getter documentation*/
-               QString foreignDoc(QString c)const
-               {if(m_fordocs.contains(c))return m_fordocs[c];else return "";}
-       private:
-               bool m_valid,m_backup,m_audit;
-               QString m_name,m_base;
-               struct s_col {
-                       QString name,type,foreign,defaultval,doc;
-                       bool isnull,isprime,isindex,isunique;
-                       QList<WocEnum>enumvals;
-                       QMap<QString,QString>methodcalls;
-               };
-               QList<s_col>m_columns,m_auditcolumns;
-               static QList<s_col>m_staticauditcolumns;
-               QList<QPair<QString,QString> >m_foreign;
-               QList<QMap<QString,QString> >m_presets;
-               QStringList m_docstrings;
-               QMap<QString,QString>m_fordocs;
-               //helper method: parses a single column element
-               static QPair<bool,s_col> parseColumn(const QDomElement&,QString);
-/**internal representation of a transaction*/
-class WocTransaction
-       public:
-               /**initializes a transaction from XML*/
-               WocTransaction(const QDomElement&);
-               /**returns whether parsing it was successful*/
-               bool isValid()const{return m_valid;}
-               /**returns the name of the transaction*/
-               QString name()const{return m_name;}
-               /**returns whether an input variable exists*/
-               bool hasInput(QString v)const;
-               /**returns the names of all inputs in the order of definition*/
-               QStringList inputNames()const;
-               /**returns the type of an input variable*/
-               QString inputType(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether an output variable exists*/
-               bool hasOutput(QString v)const;
-               /**returns the names of all outputs in the order of definition*/
-               QStringList outputNames()const;
-               /**returns the type of an output variable*/
-               QString outputType(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether a specific language binding exists for a call*/
-               bool hasCall(QString c)const{return m_call.contains(c);}
-               /**returns the called function*/
-               QString callFunction(QString c)const{return m_call[c];}
-               /**authentication mode*/
-               enum AuthMode {
-                       /**default: need a valid session and the privilege*/
-                       Checked,
-                       /**only need to be authenticated, every valid user can do it*/
-                       Auth,
-                       /**available even to anonymous/unauthenticated users*/
-                       Open
-               };
-               AuthMode authMode()const{return m_mode;}
-               /**returns true if the type given is a list*/
-               bool isListType(QString t)const{return t.startsWith("List:");}
-               /**returns the type without list or xml qualifiers*/
-               QString plainType(QString t)const{
-                       if(t.startsWith("List:"))t=t.mid(5);
-                       QStringList l=t.split("/",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-                       if(l.size()>0)t=l[0];else t="unknown";
-                       return t;
-               }
-               /**returns the XML serializer for Object types*/
-               QString typeSerializer(QString t)const{
-                       QStringList l=t.split("/",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-                       if(l.size()>1)return l[1];
-                       else return "";
-               }
-               /**returns true if the type is integer*/
-               bool isIntType(QString t)const{QString pt=plainType(t);return pt=="int" || pt=="int32" || pt=="int64";}
-               /**returns true if the type is boolean*/
-               bool isBoolType(QString t)const{return plainType(t)=="bool";}
-               /**returns true if the type is a string*/
-               bool isStringType(QString t)const{QString p=plainType(t);return p=="astring"||p=="string";}
-               /**returns true if the type is a blob*/
-               bool isBlobType(QString t)const{QString p=plainType(t);return p=="blob";}
-               /**returns true if the type is to be encoded as attribute*/
-               bool isAttributeType(QString t)const{return t=="astring"||t=="int"||t=="int32"||t=="int64"||t=="bool";}
-               /**returns true if the type is to be encoded as element*/
-               bool isElementType(QString t)const{return !isAttributeType(t);}
-               /**return true if the type is an object type*/
-               bool isObjectType(QString t)const{QString p=plainType(t);return p!="astring"&&p!="string"&&p!="int"&&p!="int32"&&p!="int64"&&p!="bool"&&p!="blob";}
-               /**return the documentation of the transaction*/
-               QStringList docStrings()const{return m_docstrings;}
-               /**return docu of input element*/
-               QString inputDoc(QString v)const
-               {if(m_indoc.contains(v))return m_indoc[v];else return "";}
-               /**return docu of output element*/
-               QString outputDoc(QString v)const
-               {if(m_outdoc.contains(v))return m_outdoc[v];else return "";}
-               /**return docu of a privilege*/
-               QString privilegeDoc(QString p)const
-               {if(m_privdoc.contains(p))return m_privdoc[p];else return "";}
-               /**return privileges that exist inside this transaction*/
-               QStringList privileges()const{return m_privileges;}
-       private:
-               QString m_name;
-               bool m_valid;
-               AuthMode m_mode;
-               QMap<QString,QString> m_call;
-               QList<QPair<QString,QString> >m_input,m_output;
-               QStringList m_privileges;
-               //docu
-               QStringList m_docstrings;
-               QMap<QString,QString>m_indoc,m_outdoc,m_privdoc;
-/**base class of all output generators*/
-class WocOutput:public QObject
-       Q_OBJECT
-       public:
-               /**the constructor should set up and initialize the environment of the generator*/
-               WocOutput();
-               /**currently there is no guarantee that the destructor is ever called.*/
-               virtual ~WocOutput();
-       protected slots:
-               /**called whenever the parser finds a new class in the XML input; some references might not exist yet*/
-               virtual void newClass(const WocClass&)=0;
-               /**called whenever the parser finds a new table in the XML input; the parser guarantees that tables it depends on already exist (it will throw an error otherwise)*/
-               virtual void newTable(const WocTable&)=0;
-               /**called whenever the parser finds a new transaction; the parser guarantees that all referenced types exist (it will throw an error otherwise)*/
-               virtual void newTransaction(const WocTransaction&)=0;
-               /**called when the parsing is complete: it should clean up the generators environment; it may not be called if woc stops with an error*/
-               virtual void finalize()=0;
-       signals:
-               void errorFound();
-/**central processing singleton*/
-class WocProcessor:public QObject
-       Q_OBJECT
-       public:
-               WocProcessor();
-               /**called from main loop to parse a file*/
-               bool processFile(QString);
-               /**called from main loop to finalize its work*/
-               void finalize();
-               /**returns the instance of the processor (if it exists yet)*/
-               static WocProcessor* instance(){return inst;}
-               /**returns the base directory of the project (all other pathes are relative to it)*/
-               QString baseDir()const{return m_baseDir;}
-               /**returns the directory where WOLFs are found, should normally not be used outside this class*/
-               QString wobDir()const{return m_wobDir;}
-               /**returns the project name (default="WobProject")*/
-               QString projectName()const{return m_projname;}
-               /**returns the current communication protocol version*/
-               QString verComm()const{return m_verComm;}
-               /**returns the communication protocol version that is at least needed to be compatible*/
-               QString verNeedComm()const{return m_verNeedComm;}
-               /**returns a human readable version string*/
-               QString verHR()const{return m_verHR;}
-               /**returns the SVN revision of the project: it contains two tokens, the first one is the current revision or min-max if the working copy contains mixed revisions; the second token contains the word "vanilla" if there are no local modifications, or "modified" if there are local modifications*/
-               QString svnRevision()const{return m_svnRev;}
-               /**returns the SVN Repository Root*/
-               QString svnRepositoryRoot()const{return m_svnRoot;}
-               /**returns the complete SVN Repository URL*/
-               QString svnRepositoryUrl()const{return m_svnUrl;}
-               /**returns the variable name that will contain the database driver instance*/
-               QString dbInst()const{return m_dbInst;}
-               /**returns the variable name that will contain the database schema object*/
-               QString dbSchema()const{return m_dbSchema;}
-               /**returns the database schema version*/
-               QString dbVersion()const{return m_dbVer;}
-               /**returns whether a table exists*/
-               bool hasTable(QString)const;
-               /**returns the requested table*/
-               WocTable table(QString)const;
-               /**returns whether a class exists*/
-               bool hasClass(QString)const;
-               /**returns a list of transaction names*/
-               QStringList transactionNames()const;
-               /**returns a list of class names*/
-               QStringList classNames()const;
-               /**returns a list of table names*/
-               QStringList tableNames()const;
-               /**returns global docu*/
-               QStringList docStrings()const{return m_docstrings;}
-               /**returns the qualified names of all privileges*/
-               QStringList privilegeNames()const;
-       signals:
-               void sfinalize();
-               void newClass(const WocClass&);
-               void newTable(const WocTable&);
-               void newTransaction(const WocTransaction&);
-       public slots:
-               void errorFound();
-       private:
-               QString m_baseDir,m_wobDir,m_verComm,m_verNeedComm,m_verHR,m_projname;
-               QString m_svnTarget,m_svnRev,m_svnExe,m_svnRoot,m_svnUrl;
-               QString m_dbInst,m_dbSchema,m_dbVer;
-               QStringList m_docstrings;
-               bool m_error;
-               QList<WocTable> m_tables;
-               QList<WocClass> m_classes;
-               QList<WocTransaction> m_transactions;
-               static WocProcessor*inst;
-               /**helper: calls SVN and parses its output*/
-               void callSvn();
diff --git a/woc/qtout.cpp b/woc/qtout.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3762836..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,821 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: qtout
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include "qtout.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QDomElement>
-//start section of all header files
-static const QByteArray HDRSTART=
-       "#ifndef WOBGEN_%\n"
-       "#define WOBGEN_%\n\n";
-//end section of all header files
-static const QByteArray HDREND="\n//END OF AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE\n#endif\n";
-//start section of all source files
-static const QByteArray SRCSTART=
-       "#include \"%.h\"\n"
-       "#include <QDomElement>\n"
-       "#include <QDomDocument>\n";
-//end section of all source files
-       qDebug("Info: creating Qt Client Output Generator.");
-       m_basedir=WocProcessor::instance()->baseDir()+"/"+el.attribute("sourceDir",".");
-       m_subdir=el.attribute("subDir","qtwob");
-       m_clean=str2bool(el.attribute("clean","0"));
-       m_prefix=el.attribute("classPrefix","Wob");
-       //get/create directory
-       QDir d(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       if(!d.exists())QDir(".").mkpath(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       //create project file
-       m_pri.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+el.attribute("priInclude","qtwob.pri"));
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create Qt project file %s.",m_pri.fileName().toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_pri.write(QByteArray("#AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE - DONT CHANGE!\n"));
-       //create interface class
-       WocProcessor*woc=WocProcessor::instance();
-       QString pn=woc->projectName();
-       m_ifacecpp.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+m_prefix+"Interface.cpp");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create Qt interface file %s.",m_ifacecpp.fileName().toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_ifacecpp.write(QByteArray(SRCSTART).replace('%',m_prefix+"Interface"));
-       m_iface.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+m_prefix+"Interface.h");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create Qt interface file %s.",m_iface.fileName().toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_iface.write(QByteArray(HDRSTART).replace("%",m_prefix.toAscii()+"INTERFACE_H"));
-       m_iface.write(QByteArray("#include \""+m_prefix.toAscii()+"Include.h\"\n#include \"WInterface.h\"\n"));
-       m_iface.write(QByteArray("#include <QStringList>\n"));
-       m_iface.write(QString("class "+m_prefix+"Interface:public WInterface\n{\n Q_OBJECT\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString(" public:\n  "+m_prefix+"Interface(QString name=\""+pn+"\"):WInterface(name){}\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static "+m_prefix+"Interface*instance(QString name=\""+pn+"\")\n\t{return qobject_cast<"+m_prefix+"Interface*>(WInterface::instance(name));}\n\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static QString commVersion(){return \""+woc->verComm()+"\";}\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static QString needCommVersion(){return \""+woc->verNeedComm()+"\";}\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static QString version(){return \""+woc->verHR()+"\";}\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static QString svnVersion(){return \""+woc->svnRevision()+"\";}\n\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static QString svnRepositoryRoot(){return \""+woc->svnRepositoryRoot()+"\";}\n\n").toAscii());
-       m_iface.write(QString("  static QString svnRepositoryUrl(){return \""+woc->svnRepositoryUrl()+"\";}\n\n").toAscii());
-       //create all includer
-       m_hdr.setFileName(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+m_prefix+"Include.h");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create Qt header file %s.",m_hdr.fileName().toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       m_hdr.write(QByteArray(HDRSTART).replace("%",m_prefix.toAscii()+"INCLUDE_H"));
-       addFile(m_prefix.toAscii()+"Interface");
-void WocQtClientOut::finalize()
-       trnList();
-       m_ifacecpp.write(SRCEND);
-       m_ifacecpp.close();
-       m_iface.write(QByteArray("};\n")+HDREND);
-       m_iface.close();
-       m_pri.write(QByteArray("\n#END OF AUTOGENERATED PRI FILE\n"));
-       m_pri.close();
-       m_hdr.write(HDREND);
-       m_hdr.close();
-       //cleanup directory (remove untouched normal files, assume remainder is harmless)
-       QDir d(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir);
-       if(m_clean){
-               QStringList ent=d.entryList(QDir::Files);
-               for(int i=0;i<ent.size();i++)
-                       if(!MFile::touchedFile(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+ent[i])){
-                               qDebug("Info: removing old file %s",ent[i].toAscii().data());
-                               d.remove(ent[i]);
-                       }
-       }
-void WocQtClientOut::newTable(const WocTable&){/*not needed, Qt client is a few levels higher*/}
-void WocQtClientOut::newClass(const WocClass&cls)
-       QString cn=m_prefix+"O";
-       QString cna=cn;
-       if(cls.isAbstract("qt"))cna+="Abstract";
-       addFile(cna);
-       MFile hdr(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+cna+".h");
-       MFile src(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+cna+".cpp");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate) ||
-          !|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create class files for class %s.",cn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       //lead in
-       hdr.write(QByteArray(HDRSTART).replace("%",cna.toAscii()));
-       src.write(QByteArray(SRCSTART).replace("%",cna.toAscii()));
-       QString hcd;
-       QString scd;
-       //includes
-       hcd="#include \""+cls.clientBaseClass()+".h\"\n#include <QCoreApplication>\n\n";
-       QStringList k=cls.propertyNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++)
-               if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i]))
-                       hcd+="#include \""+m_prefix+"O"+cls.propertyPlainType(k[i])+".h\"\n";
-       //class declaration
-       hcd+="class "+cna+":public "+cls.clientBaseClass()+"\n{\n";
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       //enums
-       classEnums(cls,hdr,src,cna);
-       //properties
-       classProperties(cls,hdr,src);
-       //serializer
-       classSerializers(cls,hdr,src,cna);
-       //deserializer (constructor)
-       classDeserializer(cls,hdr,src,cna);
-       //lead out
-       hdr.write(QByteArray("\n};\n"));
-       hdr.write(QByteArray(HDREND).replace("%",cna.toAscii()));
-       src.write(QByteArray(SRCEND).replace("%",cna.toAscii()));
-void WocQtClientOut::classEnums(const WocClass&cls,MFile&hdr,MFile&src,QString cn)
-       QStringList k=cls.enumTypes();
-       if(k.size()==0)return;
-       QString hcd="  public:\n";
-       QString scd;
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               //type
-               hcd+="\tenum "+k[i]+"{";
-               QList<WocEnum>ev=cls.enumValues(k[i]);
-               if(ev.size()<1){
-                       qDebug("Error: enums must have at least one member - class %s enum %s",,k[i].toAscii().data());
-                       emit errorFound();
-                       return;
-               }
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       if(j)hcd+=",";
-                       hcd+="\n\t\t"+ev[j].name+"="+QString::number(ev[j].val);
-               }
-               hcd+="\n\t};\n";
-               //string converters
-               hcd+="\tstatic "+k[i]+" str2"+k[i]+"(QString,bool*ok=0);\n";
-               hcd+="\tstatic QString "+k[i]+"2str("+k[i]+");\n";
-               scd+=cn+"::"+k[i]+" "+cn+"::str2"+k[i]+"(QString s,bool*ok)\n{\n";
-               scd+="\ts=s.toLower();if(ok)*ok=true;\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       scd+="\tif(s==\""+ev[j].name.toLower()+"\")return "+ev[j].name+";\n";
-               }
-               scd+="\tif(ok)*ok=false;\n\treturn "+ev[0].name+";\n}\n";
-               scd+="QString "+cn+"::"+k[i]+"2str("+k[i]+" e)\n{\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       scd+="\tif(e=="+ev[j].name+")return \""+ev[j].name+"\";\n";
-               }
-               scd+="\treturn \"\";\n}\n";
-               //localized string converters
-               hcd+="\tstatic "+k[i]+" locstr2"+k[i]+"(QString,bool*ok=0);\n";
-               hcd+="\tstatic QString "+k[i]+"2locstr("+k[i]+");\n";
-               scd+=cn+"::"+k[i]+" "+cn+"::locstr2"+k[i]+"(QString s,bool*ok)\n{\n";
-               scd+="\ts=s.toLower();if(ok)*ok=true;\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       scd+="\tif(s==QCoreApplication::translate(\""+cn+"\",\""+ev[j].name+"\").toLower())return "+ev[j].name+";\n";
-               }
-               scd+="\tif(ok)*ok=false;\n\treturn "+ev[0].name+";\n}\n";
-               scd+="QString "+cn+"::"+k[i]+"2locstr("+k[i]+" e)\n{\n";
-               for(int j=0;j<ev.size();j++){
-                       scd+="\tif(e=="+ev[j].name+")return QCoreApplication::translate(\""+cn+"\",\""+ev[j].name+"\");\n";
-               }
-               scd+="\treturn \"\";\n}\n";
-       }
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       src.write(scd.toAscii());
-void WocQtClientOut::classProperties(const WocClass&cls,MFile&hdr,MFile&)
-       QStringList k=cls.propertyNames();
-       if(k.size()==0)return;
-       QString hcd,scd;
-       //declare members
-       hcd="  protected:\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               hcd+="\t"+qttype(cls,k[i])+" mp_"+k[i]+";\n";
-       }
-       //declare getters
-       hcd+="  public:\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               hcd+="\tvirtual "+qttype(cls,k[i])+" "+k[i]+"()const{return mp_"+k[i]+";}\n";
-       }
-       //declare setters
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               hcd+="\tvirtual void set"+k[i]+"("+qttype(cls,k[i])+" s){mp_"+k[i]+"=s;}\n";
-               if(cls.propertyIsList(k[i])){
-                       hcd+="\tvirtual void clear"+k[i]+"(){mp_"+k[i]+".clear();}\n";
-                       hcd+="\tvirtual void add"+k[i]+"("+qttype(cls,k[i],false)+" a){mp_"+k[i]+".append(a);}\n";
-               }
-       }
-       //write
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-QString WocQtClientOut::qttype(const WocClass&cls,QString p,bool dolist)
-       QString r;
-       if(cls.propertyIsList(p)&&dolist)r="QList<";
-       else r="Nullable<";
-       if(cls.propertyIsString(p))r+="QString";else
-       if(cls.propertyIsInt(p))r+="qint64";else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBool(p))r+="bool";else
-       if(cls.propertyIsBlob(p))r+="QByteArray";else
-       if(cls.propertyIsObject(p))r+=m_prefix+"O"+cls.propertyPlainType(p);
-       else r+=cls.propertyPlainType(p);
-       r+=">";
-       return r;
-void WocQtClientOut::classDeserializer(const WocClass&cls,MFile&hdr,MFile&src,QString cn)
-       QString hcd,scd;
-       hcd="  public:\n";
-       //this is needed to allow WObjects to be Nullable and some other operations...
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"(){}\n";
-       //implement copiers
-       QStringList k=cls.propertyNames();
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"(const "+cn+"&);\n";
-       scd+=cn+"::"+cn+"(const "+cn+"&o)\n\t:WObject()\n{\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++)
-               scd+="\tmp_"+k[i]+"=o.mp_"+k[i]+";\n";
-       scd+="}\n";
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"& operator=(const "+cn+"&);\n";
-       scd+=cn+"& "+cn+"::operator=(const "+cn+"&o)\n{\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++)
-               scd+="\tmp_"+k[i]+"=o.mp_"+k[i]+";\n";
-       scd+="\treturn *this;\n}\n";
-       //implement deserializer (as constructor)
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"(const QDomElement&);\n";
-       scd+=cn+"::"+cn+"(const QDomElement&root)\n\t:WObject()\n{\n";
-       scd+="\tQList<QDomElement> nl;\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<k.size();i++){
-               if(cls.propertyIsList(k[i])){
-                       scd+="\tnl=elementsByTagName(root,\""+k[i]+"\");\n";
-                       scd+="\tfor(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){\n\t\tQDomElement;\n";
-                       scd+="\t\tif(el.isNull())continue;\n";
-                       if(cls.propertyIsInt(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\t\tbool b;\n\t\tint ct=el.text().toInt(&b);\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tif(b)add"+k[i]+"(ct);\n";
-                               scd+="\t\telse throw WDeserializerException(QCoreApplication::translate(\"WobTransaction\",\"Class '%1' property '%2' is integer list, but non-integer was found.\").arg(\""+cn+"\").arg(\""+k[i]+"\"));\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsBool(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\t\tadd"+k[i]+"(el.text()==\"yes\");\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsString(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\t\tadd"+k[i]+"(el.text());\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsBlob(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\t\tadd"+k[i]+"(QByteArray::fromBase64(el.text().toAscii()));\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\t\tbool b;\n";
-                               QString pt=cls.propertyPlainType(k[i]);
-                               scd+="\t\t"+pt+" ct=str2"+pt+"(root.attribute(\""+k[i]+"\"),&b);\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tif(b)add"+k[i]+"(ct);\n";
-                               scd+="\t\telse throw WDeserializerException(QCoreApplication::translate(\"WobTransaction\",\"Class '%1' property '%2' is enum list, invalid value was found.\").arg(\""+cn+"\").arg(\""+k[i]+"\"));\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\t\tadd"+k[i]+"("+m_prefix+"O"+cls.propertyPlainType(k[i])+"(el));\n";
-                       }else{
-                               scd+="#error \"Internal Generator error.\"\n";
-                               qDebug("Error: unable to generate code for property %s of type %s.",k[i].toAscii().data(),cls.propertyType(k[i]).toAscii().data());
-                               emit errorFound();
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       scd+="\t}\n";
-               }else{
-                       //non-list types
-                       //attribute stored types
-                       if(cls.propertyIsAttribute(k[i])){
-                               scd+="\tif(root.hasAttribute(\""+k[i]+"\")){\n";
-                               if(cls.propertyIsInt(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tbool b;\n\t\tint ct=root.attribute(\""+k[i]+"\").toInt(&b);\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\tif(b)set"+k[i]+"(ct);\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\telse throw WDeserializerException(QCoreApplication::translate(\"WobTransaction\",\"Class '%1' property '%2' is integer, but non-integer was found.\").arg(\""+cn+"\").arg(\""+k[i]+"\"));\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsBool(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tset"+k[i]+"(root.attribute(\""+k[i]+"\")==\"yes\");\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsString(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tset"+k[i]+"(root.attribute(\""+k[i]+"\"));\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsEnum(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tbool b;\n";
-                                       QString pt=cls.propertyPlainType(k[i]);
-                                       scd+="\t\t"+pt+" ct=str2"+pt+"(root.attribute(\""+k[i]+"\"),&b);\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\tif(b)set"+k[i]+"(ct);\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\telse throw WDeserializerException(QCoreApplication::translate(\"WobTransaction\",\"Class '%1' property '%2' is enum, invalid value was found.\").arg(\""+cn+"\").arg(\""+k[i]+"\"));\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       scd+="#error \"Internal Generator error.\"\n";
-                                       qDebug("Error: unable to generate code for property %s of type %s.",k[i].toAscii().data(),cls.propertyType(k[i]).toAscii().data());
-                                       emit errorFound();
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                               scd+="\t}\n";
-                       }else{
-                               //element stored types...
-                               scd+="\tnl=elementsByTagName(root,\""+k[i]+"\");\n";
-                               scd+="\tif(nl.size()>0){\n";
-                               if(cls.propertyIsString(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tset"+k[i]+"(;\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsBlob(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tset"+k[i]+"(QByteArray::fromBase64(;\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsObject(k[i])){
-                                       scd+="\t\tset"+k[i]+"("+m_prefix+"O"+cls.propertyPlainType(k[i])+"(;\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       scd+="#error \"Internal Generator error.\"\n";
-                                       qDebug("Error: unable to generate code for property %s of type %s.",k[i].toAscii().data(),cls.propertyType(k[i]).toAscii().data());
-                                       emit errorFound();
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                               scd+="\t}\n";
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       scd+="}\n";
-       //write it...
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       src.write(scd.toAscii());
-void WocQtClientOut::classSerializers(const WocClass&cls,MFile&hdr,MFile&src,QString cn)
-       QString hcd="  public:\n";
-       QString scd;
-       hcd+="\tQString toString();\n";
-       scd+="QString "+cn+"::toString()\n{\n";
-       scd+="\tQDomDocument doc;\n\tdoc.appendChild(toXml(doc));\n";
-       scd+="\treturn doc.toString();\n}\n";
-       hcd+="\tQDomElement toXml(QDomDocument&,QString name=\"""\");\n";
-       scd+="QDomElement "+cn+"::toXml(QDomDocument&doc,QString name)\n{\n";
-       scd+="\tQDomElement r=doc.createElement(name);\n";
-       QStringList p=cls.propertyNames();
-       for(int j=0;j<p.size();j++){
-               QStringList pv=p[j].split("/",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-               if(pv.size()<1){
-                       qDebug("Error: encountered empty property while creating serializer for class %s.",;
-                       emit errorFound();
-                       return;
-               }
-               QString prop=pv[0];
-               QString var;
-               if(pv.size()>1)var=pv[1];
-               //is it a list
-               if(cls.propertyIsList(prop)){
-                       scd+="\tfor(int i=0;i<mp_"+prop+".size();i++){\n";
-                       if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop))
-                               scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(mp_"+prop+"[i].toXml"+var+"(doc,\""+prop+"\"));\n";
-                       else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsEnum(prop)){
-                               scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("+cls.propertyPlainType(prop)+"2str(mp_"+prop+"[i])));\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsString(prop)){
-                               scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(mp_"+prop+"[i]));\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop)){
-                               scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(mp_"+prop+"[i]?\"yes\":\"no\"));\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsBlob(prop)){
-                               scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(mp_"+prop+"[i].toBase64()));\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                       }else
-                       if(cls.propertyIsInt(prop)){
-                               scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(QString::number(mp_"+prop+"[i])));\n";
-                               scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                       }else{
-                               qDebug("Error: cannot generate serializer for class %s property %s.",,prop.toAscii().data());
-                               emit errorFound();
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       scd+="\t}\n";
-               }else{
-                       //non lists
-                       scd+="\tif(!mp_"+prop+".isNull()){\n";
-                       if(cls.propertyIsAttribute(prop)){
-                               if(cls.propertyIsBool(prop))
-                                       scd+="\t\tr.setAttribute(\""+prop+"\",mp_"+prop+".value()?\"yes\":\"no\");\n";
-                               else
-                                       scd+="\t\tr.setAttribute(\""+prop+"\",mp_"+prop+".value());\n";
-                       }else{
-                               if(cls.propertyIsObject(prop)){
-                                       scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(mp_"+prop+".value().toXml"+var+"(doc,\""+prop+"\"));\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsString(prop)){
-                                       scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(mp_"+prop+".value()));\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                               }else
-                               if(cls.propertyIsBlob(prop)){
-                                       scd+="\t\tQDomElement el=doc.createElement(\""+prop+"\");\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\tel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(mp_"+prop+".value().toBase64()));\n";
-                                       scd+="\t\tr.appendChild(el);\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       qDebug("Error: cannot generate serializer for class %s property %s.",,prop.toAscii().data());
-                                       emit errorFound();
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       scd+="\t}\n";
-               }
-       }
-       scd+="\treturn r;\n}\n";
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       src.write(scd.toAscii());
-void WocQtClientOut::newTransaction(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QString cn=m_prefix+"T";
-       addFile(cn);
-       MFile hdr(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+cn+".h");
-       MFile src(m_basedir+"/"+m_subdir+"/"+cn+".cpp");
-       if(!|QIODevice::Truncate) ||
-          !|QIODevice::Truncate)){
-               qDebug("Error: cannot create class files for transaction %s.",cn.toAscii().data());
-               emit errorFound();
-               return;
-       }
-       //basics
-       QStringList in=trn.inputNames();
-       QStringList out=trn.outputNames();
-       //lead in
-       hdr.write(QByteArray(HDRSTART).replace("%",cn.toAscii()));
-       src.write(QByteArray(SRCSTART).replace("%",cn.toAscii()));
-       QString hcd;
-       QString scd;
-       hcd="#include \"WTransaction.h\"\n";
-       scd+="#include \"WInterface.h\"\n#include <QCoreApplication>\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               QString tp=qtobjtype(trn,in[i],In);
-               if(tp!="")hcd+="#include <"+tp+".h>\n";
-       }
-       for(int i=0;i<out.size();i++){
-               QString tp=qtobjtype(trn,out[i],Out);
-               if(tp!="")hcd+="#include <"+tp+".h>\n";
-       }
-       hcd+="\nclass "+cn+":public WTransaction\n{\n";
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       //create properties
-       QString inlist,clist;
-       hcd="  private:\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               hcd+="\t"+qttype(trn,in[i],In)+"in_"+in[i]+";\n";
-               if(i){inlist+=",";clist+=",";}
-               inlist+="const "+qttype(trn,in[i],In)+"&a"+in[i];
-               clist+="a"+in[i];
-       }
-       for(int i=0;i<out.size();i++)
-               hcd+="\t"+qttype(trn,out[i],Out)+"out_"+out[i]+";\n";
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       //query method decl
-       hdr.write(QByteArray("\tvoid netquery();\n"));
-       //global interface code
-       QString sif="  "+cn+" query""("+inlist+")\n\t";
-       sif+="{return "+cn+"::query("+clist+(clist!=""?",":"")+"name());}\n";
-       m_iface.write(sif.toAscii());
-       //create constructors
-       if(inlist!="")inlist+=",";
-       inlist+="QString iface";
-       if(clist!="")clist+=",";
-       clist+="iface";
-       QString defparm="=\""+WocProcessor::instance()->projectName()+"\"";
-       //define parametric constructor
-       hcd="  public:\n";
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"("+inlist+defparm+");\n";
-       //parametric constructor implementation
-       scd+=cn+"::"+cn+"("+inlist+")\n\t:WTransaction(iface)\n{\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               scd+="\tin_"+in[i]+"=a"+in[i]+";\n";
-       }
-       scd+="}\n\n";
-       //decl copy constructor
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"(const "+cn+"&);\n";
-       //copy constructor implementation
-       scd+=cn+"::"+cn+"(const "+cn+"&t)\n\t:WTransaction(t)\n{\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               scd+="\tin_"+in[i]+"=t.in_"+in[i]+";\n";
-       }
-       scd+="}\n\n";
-       //decl copy operator
-       hcd+="\t"+cn+"& operator=(const "+cn+"&);\n";
-       //copy operator implemented
-       scd+=cn+"& "+cn+"::operator=(const "+cn+"&t)\n{\n";
-       scd+="\tWTransaction::operator=(t);\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<in.size();i++){
-               scd+="\tin_"+in[i]+"=t.in_"+in[i]+";\n";
-       }
-       for(int i=0;i<out.size();i++){
-               scd+="\tout_"+out[i]+"=t.out_"+out[i]+";\n";
-       }
-       scd+="\treturn *this;\n}\n\n";
-       //query method implemented
-       scd+="void "+cn+"::netquery()\n{\n";
-       scd+="\tWTLog log(this,\"""\");\n";
-       scd+="\tQDomDocument doc;QDomElement root=doc.createElement(\"WobRequest\");\n";
-       scd+="\tQDomElement tmp;\n";
-       scd+="\tWInterface *iface=WInterface::instance(m_iface);\n";
-       scd+="\tif(iface==0){m_errtype=\"_iface\";m_errstr=\"interface not found\";m_stage=Error;log.setError(m_errstr);return;}\n";
-       //encode input
-       scd+=trnInput(trn);
-       scd+="\tdoc.appendChild(root);\n";
-       //query
-       scd+="\tQByteArray rba=executeQuery(\"""\",doc.toByteArray());\n";
-       //decode output
-       scd+=trnOutput(trn);
-       scd+="}\n";
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       src.write(scd.toAscii());
-       //create getters
-       hcd="";
-       for(int i=0;i<out.size();i++){
-               QString tp=qttype(trn,out[i],Out);
-               hcd+="\t"+tp+" get"+out[i]+"(){return out_"+out[i]+";}\n";
-       }
-       //create queries
-       scd="";
-       hcd+="\tstatic "+cn+" query("+inlist+defparm+");\n";
-       scd+=cn+" "+cn+"::query("+inlist+")\n{\n";
-       scd+="\t"+cn;
-       if(clist!="")scd+=" r("+clist+");\n";else scd+=" r;";
-       scd+="\tr.netquery();\n\treturn r;\n}\n";
-       //lead out
-       hdr.write(hcd.toAscii());
-       src.write(scd.toAscii());
-       hdr.write(QByteArray("\n};\n"));
-       hdr.write(QByteArray(HDREND).replace("%",cn.toAscii()));
-       src.write(QByteArray(SRCEND).replace("%",cn.toAscii()));
-QString WocQtClientOut::trnInput(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QString code="\t/*start of input encoding*/\n";
-       QStringList sl=trn.inputNames();
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               QString t=trn.inputType(sl[i]);
-               if(trn.isAttributeType(t)){
-                       code+="\troot.setAttribute(\""+sl[i]+"\",in_"+sl[i];
-                       if(trn.isBoolType(t))
-                               code+="?\"yes\":\"no\"";
-                       code+=");\n";
-               }else{
-                       if(trn.isListType(t)){
-                               QString pt=trn.plainType(t);
-                               code+="\tfor(int i=0;i<in_"+sl[i]+".size();i++){\n";
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\ttmp=in_"+sl[i]+"[i].toXml(doc,\""+sl[i]+"\");\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       code+="\t\ttmp=doc.createElement(\""+sl[i]+"\");\n";
-                                       code+="\t\ttmp.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(";
-                                       if(trn.isIntType(t))
-                                               code+="QString::number(in_"+sl[i]+"[i])";
-                                       else
-                                       if(trn.isBoolType(t))
-                                               code+="in_"+sl[i]+"[i]?\"yes\":\"no\"";
-                                       else
-                                       if(trn.isBlobType(t))
-                                               code+="in_"+sl[i]+".toBase64()";
-                                       else
-                                               code+="in_"+sl[i]+"[i]";
-                                       code+="));\n";
-                               }
-                               code+="\t\troot.appendChild(tmp);\n";
-                               code+="\t}\n";
-                       }else{
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\troot.appendChild(in_"+sl[i]+".toXml(doc,\""+sl[i]+"\"));\n";
-                               }else{
-                                       code+="\ttmp=doc.createElement(\""+sl[i]+"\");\n";
-                                       code+="\ttmp.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(";
-                                       if(trn.isIntType(t))
-                                               code+="QString::number(in_"+sl[i]+")";
-                                       else
-                                       if(trn.isBlobType(t))
-                                               code+="in_"+sl[i]+".toBase64()";
-                                       else
-                                               code+="in_"+sl[i];
-                                       code+="));\n\troot.appendChild(tmp);\n";
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       code+="\t/*end of input encoding*/\n";
-       return code;
-QString WocQtClientOut::trnOutput(const WocTransaction&trn)
-       QStringList sl=trn.outputNames();
-       QString code="\t/*start of output decoding*/\n";
-       //basic XML parsing
-       code+="\tif(rba.isEmpty())return;\n";
-       code+="\tdoc=QDomDocument();\n";
-       code+="\tQString emsg;int eln,ecl;\n";
-       code+="\tif(!doc.setContent(rba,&emsg,&eln,&ecl)){\n";
-       code+="\t\tm_stage=Error;m_errtype=\"_iface\";m_errstr=QString(QCoreApplication::translate(\"WobTransaction\",\"XML result parser error line %1 col %2: %3\")).arg(eln).arg(ecl).arg(emsg);\n\t\tlog.setError(m_errstr);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n";
-       code+="\troot=doc.documentElement();\n";
-       //decide where to go, error handling
-       code+="\tif(m_wobstatus!=\"ok\"){\n\t\tm_stage=Error;m_errtype=\"_server\";m_errstr=\"unknown server error\";\n";
-       code+="\t\tQList<QDomElement> nl=elementsByTagName(root,\"Error\");\n";
-       code+="\t\tif(nl.size()==0){\n\t\t\tlog.setError(m_errstr);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n";
-       code+="\t\;\n";
-       code+="\t\tm_errtype=tmp.attribute(\"type\",\"_server\");\n";
-       code+="\t\tm_errstr=tmp.text();\n\t\tlog.setError(m_errstr);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n";
-       code+="\tQList<QDomElement> nl;\n";
-       //parse parameters
-       for(int i=0;i<sl.size();i++){
-               QString t=trn.outputType(sl[i]);
-               if(trn.isAttributeType(t)){
-                       code+="\tout_"+sl[i]+"=root.attribute(\""+sl[i]+"\")";
-                       if(trn.isIntType(t))code+=".toInt()";else
-                       if(trn.isBoolType(t))code+="==\"yes\"";
-                       code+=";\n";
-               }else{
-                       code+="\tnl=elementsByTagName(root,\""+sl[i]+"\");\n";
-                       if(trn.isListType(t)){
-                               code+="\tfor(int i=0;i<nl.size();i++){\n";
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\ttry{out_"+sl[i]+".append("+qtobjtype(trn,sl[i],Out)+"(;}catch(WException e){m_stage=Error;m_errtype=e.component();m_errstr=e.error();log.setError(m_errstr);}\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isIntType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\tout_"+sl[i]+".append(;\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBoolType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\tout_"+sl[i]+".append(\"yes\");\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBlobType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\tout_"+sl[i]+".append(QByteArray::fromBase64(;\n";
-                               }else{//can only be string
-                                       code+="\t\tout_"+sl[i]+".append(;\n";
-                               }
-                               code+="\t}\n";
-                       }else{
-                               code+="\tif(nl.size()>0){\n";
-                               if(trn.isObjectType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\ttry{out_"+sl[i]+"="+qtobjtype(trn,sl[i],Out)+"(;}catch(WException e){m_stage=Error;m_errtype=e.component();m_errstr=e.error();log.setError(m_errstr);}\n";
-                               }else if(trn.isBlobType(t)){
-                                       code+="\t\tout_"+sl[i]+"=QByteArray::fromBase64(;\n";
-                               }else{//can only be string
-                                       code+="\t\tout_"+sl[i]+";\n";
-                               }
-                               code+="\t}\n";
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       code+="\t/*end of output*/\n";
-       return code;
-void WocQtClientOut::trnList()
-       QString code;
-       //header
-       code+="  enum Right {\n    NoRight";
-       QStringList r=WocProcessor::instance()->transactionNames();
-       QStringList p=WocProcessor::instance()->privilegeNames();
-       QStringList pp=p;
-       for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++)
-               code+=",\n    R"+r[i];
-       for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
-               code+=",\n    P"+pp[i].replace(':',"_");
-       code+="\n  };\n";
-       code+="  static QString rightToString(Right);\n";
-       code+="  static QString rightToLocalString(Right);\n";
-       code+="  static Right stringToRight(QString);\n";
-       code+="  static QStringList allKnownRightsString();\n";
-       code+="  static QList<Right> allKnownRights();\n";
-       m_iface.write(code.toAscii());
-       code="QString "+m_prefix+"Interface::rightToString(Right r)\n{\n\tswitch(r){\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++)
-               code+="\t\tcase R"+r[i]+":return \""+r[i]+"\";\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
-               code+="\t\tcase P"+pp[i]+":return \""+p[i]+"\";\n";
-       code+="\t\tdefault:return \"\";\n\t}\n}\n";
-       code+="QString "+m_prefix+"Interface::rightToLocalString(Right r)\n{\n\tswitch(r){\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++)
-               code+="\t\tcase R"+r[i]+":return tr(\""+r[i]+"\");\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
-               code+="\t\tcase P"+pp[i]+":return tr(\""+p[i]+"\");\n";
-       code+="\t\tdefault:return \"\";\n\t}\n}\n";
-       code+=m_prefix+"Interface::Right "+m_prefix+"Interface::stringToRight(QString s)\n{\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++)
-               code+="\tif(s==\""+r[i]+"\")return R"+r[i]+";else\n";
-       for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
-               code+="\tif(s==\""+p[i]+"\")return P"+pp[i]+";else\n";
-       code+="\treturn NoRight;\n}\n";
-       code+="QList<"+m_prefix+"Interface::Right> "+m_prefix+"Interface::allKnownRights()\n{\n";
-       code+="\tQList<Right> ret;ret";
-       for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++)
-               code+="<<R"+r[i];
-       for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
-               code+="<<P"+pp[i];
-       code+=";\n\treturn ret;\n}\n";
-       code+="QStringList "+m_prefix+"Interface::allKnownRightsString()\n{\n";
-       code+="\tQStringList ret;ret";
-       for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++)
-               code+="<<\""+r[i]+"\"";
-       for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
-               code+="<<\""+p[i]+"\"";
-       code+=";\n\treturn ret;\n}\n";
-       m_ifacecpp.write(code.toAscii());
-QString WocQtClientOut::qttype(const WocTransaction&trn,QString v,InOut io)
-       QString tp=io==In?trn.inputType(v):trn.outputType(v);
-       QString r,e;
-       if(tp.startsWith("List:")){
-               r="QList<";e=">";
-               tp=tp.mid(5);
-       }else
-               if(io==Out){
-                       r="Nullable<";
-                       e=">";
-               }
-       if(tp=="astring" || tp=="string")r+="QString";else
-       if(tp=="int"||tp=="int32"||tp=="int64")r+="qint64";else
-       if(tp=="blob")r+="QByteArray";else
-       if(tp=="bool")r+="bool";else
-       if(tp==""){
-               qDebug("Warning: the final type of property %s is empty!",v.toAscii().data());
-               r+="void";
-       }else r+=m_prefix+"O"+tp.split("/",QString::SkipEmptyParts).at(0);
-       r+=e;r+=" ";
-       return r;
-QString WocQtClientOut::qtobjtype(const WocTransaction&trn,QString v,InOut io)
-       QString tp=io==In?trn.inputType(v):trn.outputType(v);
-       if(tp.startsWith("List:"))
-               tp=tp.mid(5);
-       if(tp=="astring" || tp=="string" || tp=="int" || tp=="int32" || tp=="int64" || tp=="bool" || tp=="blob")
-               return "";
-       else
-               return m_prefix+"O"+tp;
-void WocQtClientOut::addFile(QString bn)
-       QString code="HEADERS+="+m_subdir+"/"+bn+".h\nSOURCES+="+m_subdir+"/"+bn+".cpp\n";
-       m_pri.write(code.toAscii());
-       m_hdr.write(QByteArray("#include \"%.h\"\n").replace('%',bn.toAscii()));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/woc/qtout.h b/woc/qtout.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 281fce6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: qtout
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#ifndef WOC_QTOUT_H
-#define WOC_QTOUT_H
-#include "processor.h"
-#include "mfile.h"
-class QDomElement;
-class WocQtClientOut:public WocOutput
-       public:
-               WocQtClientOut(QDomElement&);
-               ~WocQtClientOut();
-       protected:
-               virtual void finalize();
-               virtual void newClass(const WocClass&);
-               virtual void newTable(const WocTable&);
-               virtual void newTransaction(const WocTransaction&);
-       private:
-               QString m_basedir,m_subdir,m_prefix;
-               MFile m_pri,m_iface,m_ifacecpp,m_hdr;
-               bool m_clean;
-               /**helper: adds a file to the project file*/
-               void addFile(QString basename);
-               /**helper: generate enums for classes*/
-               void classEnums(const WocClass&,MFile&,MFile&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate properties*/
-               void classProperties(const WocClass&,MFile&,MFile&);
-               /**helper: generate constructors/deserializer/copiers*/
-               void classDeserializer(const WocClass&,MFile&,MFile&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate serializers*/
-               void classSerializers(const WocClass&,MFile&,MFile&,QString);
-               /**helper: generate a proper Qt type for a property*/
-               QString qttype(const WocClass&,QString,bool dolist=true);
-               enum InOut{In,Out};
-               /**helper: generate a proper QT type for a transaction variable*/
-               QString qttype(const WocTransaction&,QString,InOut);
-               /**helper: generate a proper QT type for a transaction variable, WO* only */
-               QString qtobjtype(const WocTransaction&,QString,InOut);
-               /**helper generates the transaction input encoding*/
-               QString trnInput(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper generates the transaction output decoding*/
-               QString trnOutput(const WocTransaction&);
-               /**helper generates enums and strings for all transactions*/
-               void trnList();
diff --git a/woc/woc.cpp b/woc/woc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 05b4dd8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: woc
-// Description: 
-// Author: Konrad Rosenbaum <>, (C) 2009
-// Copyright: See README/COPYING files that come with this distribution
-#include <QCoreApplication>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include "processor.h"
-int main(int argc,char**argv)
-       QCoreApplication app(argc,argv);
-       //get arguments
-       QStringList args=app.arguments();
-       args.removeFirst();
-       //process files
-       WocProcessor proc;
-       for(int i=0;i<args.size();i++)
-               if(!proc.processFile(args[i])){
-                       qDebug("aborting scan.");
-                       return 1;
-               }
-       //call finalizer
-       proc.finalize();
-       qDebug("done.");
-       //return success
-       return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/woc/ b/woc/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e04bdbd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#compilation output:
-DESTDIR = ../woc
-OBJECTS_DIR = .ctmp
-MOC_DIR = .ctmp
-RCC_DIR = .ctmp
-       processor.cpp \
-       woc.cpp \
-       qtout.cpp \
-       phpout.cpp \
-       htmlout.cpp \
-       mfile.cpp \
-       ../src/misc/domquery.cpp
-       processor.h \
-       phpout.h \
-       qtout.h \
-       htmlout.h \
-       mfile.h \
-       ../src/misc/domquery.h
-INCLUDEPATH += ../src/misc
\ No newline at end of file