>keys and values (`{% for key, value in users|items %}`).
To conveniently display comma-separated lists or things alike, you can use
-`joined by ", "` at the end of the loop statement. Of course this is not
-limited to commas.
+`joined by ", "` at the end of the loop statement (as of Twig 0.9.10). Of
+course this is not limited to commas:
- <p>
- {% for key in users|keys joined by ", " %}{{ key }}{% endfor %}
- </p>
+ <p>{% for user in users joined by ", " %}{{ user }}{% endfor %}</p>
+ {# generates a string like <p>Fabien, Jordi, Thomas, Lucas</p> #}
->This way you don't have to check if the item is the first or last, the comma
->will only be added in between two items.
+>This way you don't have to check if the item is the last one, the comma will
+>only be added in between two items.
### If
--- /dev/null
+"for" tag support the "joined by" clause
+{% for item in items joined by ', ' %}{{ item }}{% endfor %}
+return array('items' => array('a', 'b', 'c'))
+a, b, c