merged branch real-chocopanda/ob_fix (PR #379)
75748a5 revert accidental mode change
681d2b8 fix nested buffers issue #374
fix nested buffers issue #374
see #374 for details
by fabpot at 2011/07/09 01:02:50 -0700
You have inadvertently changed the mode to 0755. Should stay at 0644.
by macolu at 2011/07/09 03:07:42 -0700
Mode change reverted.
About this Windows bug... Are you talking about the zlib issue? When zlib compression is activated, it adds a buffer level that ob_end_clean() can't close. So ob_get_level() never go below 1.
In that case, the first ob_get_level() call will always return something greater than 0. So $level var will be > 0. This should avoid infinite loops.